bitcoin-explorer 1.0.5-beta-3

High Performance Blockchain Deserializer


rust test publish

bitcoin_explorer is an efficient library for reading bitcoin-core binary blockchain file as a database (utilising multi-threading).


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Compatibility Note

This package deals with the binary file of another software Bitcoin Core. It might not be compatible with older Bitcoin Core versions.

Tested on Bitcoin Core version v0.21.1.0-g194b9b8792d9b0798fdb570b79fa51f1d1f5ebaf Copyright (C) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers.


SSD allows faster performance.

Iterating through all 700000 blocks (non-connected, in sequential order) takes about 10 minutes (Windows 10, CPU Core i7-9700, Block chain data on external SSD drive connected through USB 3.1).


get a block (i.e., see doc for what is full/simple format)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, FBlock, SBlock, Block};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin");

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// get block of height 600000 (in different formats)
let block: Block = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();
let block: FBlock = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();
let block: SBlock = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();

get a particular transaction (in different formats)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, Transaction, FTransaction, STransaction, Txid, FromHex};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin");

// !!must launch with txindex=true!!
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, true).unwrap();

// get transaction
// e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468
let txid_str = "e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468";
let txid = Txid::from_hex(txid_str).unwrap();

// get transactions in different formats
let tx: Transaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();
let tx: FTransaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();
let tx: STransaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();

Iterate through blocks (in different formats)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, Block, SBlock, FBlock};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin");

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<Block>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<FBlock>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<SBlock>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

Iterate through blocks (in different format) with outpoints connected to outputs

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, FConnectedBlock, SConnectedBlock};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin");

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// iterate over block from 0 to 700000, (full format)
for block in db.iter_connected_block::<FConnectedBlock>(700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 0 to 700000, (simple format)
for block in db.iter_connected_block::<SConnectedBlock>(700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");