bitcoin-explorer 0.2.5

A Package for Querying Bitcoin Core Binary Files Efficiently


bitcoin_explorer is an efficient library for reading bitcoin-core binary blockchain file as a database (utilising multi-threading).

This package uses pyO3. Thus is also available in python.

How to install?

This library is designed for both python and rust.

For rust users, include bitcoin-explorer="0.2" in Cargo.toml.

For python users, pip install bitcoin-explorer.

Install Requirements

Currently, only macOS py39 wheels are provided.

For pip to build the package on other OS or python version, make sure that rust toolchain is installed, and cmake is also installed.


For rust users, go to Rust Documentation

For python documentation, go to Documentation.

Compatibility Note

This package deals with the binary file of another software Bitcoin Core. It might not be compatible with older Bitcoin Core versions.

Currently, it is compatible with Bitcoin Core version Bitcoin Core version v0.21.1.0-g194b9b8792d9b0798fdb570b79fa51f1d1f5ebaf Copyright (C) 2009-2020 The Bitcoin Core developers.


The current performance bottleneck is disk IO. SSD allows faster performance.

On HDD, iterating from heights 600000 to 700000 takes less than 30 minutes.

Iterating through connected blocks from 0 to 700000 takes 5 hours.

Rust Examples

get a block (i.e., see doc for what is full/simple format)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, FBlock, SBlock, Block};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin").unwrap();

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// get block of height 600000 (in different formats)
let block: Block = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();
let block: FBlock = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();
let block: SBlock = db.get_block(600000).unwrap();

get a particular transaction (in different formats)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, Transaction, FTransaction, STransaction, Txid, FromHex};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin").unwrap();

// !!must launch with txindex=true!!
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, true).unwrap();

// get transaction
// e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468
let txid_str = "e3bf3d07d4b0375638d5f1db5255fe07ba2c4cb067cd81b84ee974b6585fb468";
let txid = Txid::from_hex(txid_str).unwrap();

// get transactions in different formats
let tx: Transaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();
let tx: FTransaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();
let tx: STransaction = db.get_transaction(&txid).unwrap();

Iterate through blocks (in different formats)

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, Block, SBlock, FBlock};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin").unwrap();

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<Block>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<FBlock>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 600000 to 700000
for block in db.iter_block::<SBlock>(600000, 700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

Iterate through blocks (in different format) with outpoints connected to outputs

use bitcoin_explorer::{BitcoinDB, FConnectedBlock, SConnectedBlock};
use std::path::Path;

let path = Path::new("/Users/me/bitcoin").unwrap();

// launch without reading txindex
let db = BitcoinDB::new(path, false).unwrap();

// iterate over block from 0 to 700000, (full format)
for block in db.iter_connected_block::<FConnectedBlock>(700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

// iterate over block from 0 to 700000, (simple format)
for block in db.iter_connected_block::<SConnectedBlock>(700000) {
    for tx in block.txdata {
        println!("do something for this transaction");

Python Examples

It contains one class BitcoinDB.

import bitcoin_explorer as bex

# parse the same path as `--datadir` argument for `bitcoind`.
db = bex.BitcoinDB("~/Bitcoin")

# get the length of the longest chain currently on disk.

# get block of a certain height

# to retrieve the connected outputs of each inputs as well
db.get_block(1000, connected=True)

# get block hash of a certain height.

# a fast method for getting just the header.
# in memory query, no disk access

# get block of height 1000.
db.get_height_from_hash("some hash")

# get transaction from txid.
# This queries the `levelDB` each time, thus it is relatively slow.
db.get_transaction("some txid")

# get the height of the block which this transaction belongs.
db.get_height_from_txid("some txid")

# get the script type and addresses from a script public key
db.parse_script("some hex script pubic key")

# use iterator
for block in db.get_block_iter_range(start=1000, end=2000):

# use iterator, iterate over heights
for block in db.get_block_iter_array(heights=[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]):
# use iterator, connect outpoints
for block in db.get_block_iter_range(end=700000, connected=True):