bindgen 0.51.0

Automatically generates Rust FFI bindings to C and C++ libraries.
//! Contains code for selecting features


use std::io;
use std::str::FromStr;

/// Define RustTarget struct definition, Default impl, and conversions
/// between RustTarget and String.
macro_rules! rust_target_def {
    ( $( $( #[$attr:meta] )* => $release:ident => $value:expr; )* ) => {
        /// Represents the version of the Rust language to target.
        /// To support a beta release, use the corresponding stable release.
        /// This enum will have more variants added as necessary.
        #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Hash)]
        pub enum RustTarget {

        impl Default for RustTarget {
            /// Gives the latest stable Rust version
            fn default() -> RustTarget {

        impl FromStr for RustTarget {
            type Err = io::Error;

            /// Create a `RustTarget` from a string.
            /// * The stable/beta versions of Rust are of the form "1.0",
            /// "1.19", etc.
            /// * The nightly version should be specified with "nightly".
            fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Err> {
                match s.as_ref() {
                        stringify!($value) => Ok(RustTarget::$release),
                    _ => Err(
                                "Got an invalid rust target. Accepted values ",
                                "are of the form ",
                                "\"1.0\" or \"nightly\"."))),

        impl From<RustTarget> for String {
            fn from(target: RustTarget) -> Self {
                match target {
                        RustTarget::$release => stringify!($value),

/// Defines an array slice with all RustTarget values
macro_rules! rust_target_values_def {
    ( $( $( #[$attr:meta] )* => $release:ident => $value:expr; )* ) => {
        /// Strings of allowed `RustTarget` values
        pub static RUST_TARGET_STRINGS: &'static [&str] = &[

/// Defines macro which takes a macro
macro_rules! rust_target_base {
    ( $x_macro:ident ) => {
            /// Rust stable 1.0
            => Stable_1_0 => 1.0;
            /// Rust stable 1.19
            => Stable_1_19 => 1.19;
            /// Rust stable 1.20
            => Stable_1_20 => 1.20;
            /// Rust stable 1.21
            => Stable_1_21 => 1.21;
            /// Rust stable 1.25
            => Stable_1_25 => 1.25;
            /// Rust stable 1.26
            => Stable_1_26 => 1.26;
            /// Rust stable 1.27
            => Stable_1_27 => 1.27;
            /// Rust stable 1.28
            => Stable_1_28 => 1.28;
            /// Rust stable 1.30
            => Stable_1_30 => 1.30;
            /// Rust stable 1.33
            => Stable_1_33 => 1.33;
            /// Nightly rust
            => Nightly => nightly;


/// Latest stable release of Rust
pub const LATEST_STABLE_RUST: RustTarget = RustTarget::Stable_1_33;

/// Create RustFeatures struct definition, new(), and a getter for each field
macro_rules! rust_feature_def {
        $( $rust_target:ident {
            $( $( #[$attr:meta] )* => $feature:ident; )*
        } )*
    ) => {
        /// Features supported by a rust target
        #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
        pub struct RustFeatures {
            $( $(
                pub $feature: bool,
            )* )*

        impl RustFeatures {
            /// Gives a RustFeatures struct with all features disabled
            fn new() -> Self {
                RustFeatures {
                    $( $(
                        $feature: false,
                    )* )*

        impl From<RustTarget> for RustFeatures {
            fn from(rust_target: RustTarget) -> Self {
                let mut features = RustFeatures::new();

                if rust_target >= RustTarget::$rust_target {
                    features.$feature = true;


    Stable_1_19 {
        /// Untagged unions ([RFC 1444](
        => untagged_union;
    Stable_1_20 {
        /// associated constants ([PR](
        => associated_const;
    Stable_1_21 {
        /// builtin impls for `Clone` ([PR](
        => builtin_clone_impls;
    Stable_1_25 {
        /// repr(align) ([PR](
        => repr_align;
    Stable_1_26 {
        /// [i128 / u128 support](
        => i128_and_u128;
    Stable_1_27 {
        /// `must_use` attribute on functions ([PR](
        => must_use_function;
    Stable_1_28 {
        /// repr(transparent) ([PR](
        => repr_transparent;
    Stable_1_30 {
        /// `const fn` support for limited cases
        /// ([PR](
        => min_const_fn;
    Stable_1_33 {
        /// repr(packed(N)) ([PR](
        => repr_packed_n;
    Nightly {
        /// `thiscall` calling convention ([Tracking issue](
        => thiscall_abi;
        /// `non_exhaustive` enums/structs ([Tracking issue](
        => non_exhaustive;

impl Default for RustFeatures {
    fn default() -> Self {
        let default_rust_target: RustTarget = Default::default();

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn target_features() {
        let f_1_0 = RustFeatures::from(RustTarget::Stable_1_0);
                && !f_1_0.associated_const
                && !f_1_0.builtin_clone_impls
                && !f_1_0.repr_align
                && !f_1_0.thiscall_abi
        let f_1_21 = RustFeatures::from(RustTarget::Stable_1_21);
                && f_1_21.associated_const
                && f_1_21.builtin_clone_impls
                && !f_1_21.repr_align
                && !f_1_21.thiscall_abi
        let f_nightly = RustFeatures::from(RustTarget::Nightly);
                && f_nightly.associated_const
                && f_nightly.builtin_clone_impls
                && f_nightly.repr_align
                && f_nightly.thiscall_abi

    fn test_target(target_str: &str, target: RustTarget) {
        let target_string: String = target.into();
        assert_eq!(target_str, target_string);
        assert_eq!(target, RustTarget::from_str(target_str).unwrap());

    fn str_to_target() {
        test_target("1.0", RustTarget::Stable_1_0);
        test_target("1.19", RustTarget::Stable_1_19);
        test_target("1.21", RustTarget::Stable_1_21);
        test_target("1.25", RustTarget::Stable_1_25);
        test_target("nightly", RustTarget::Nightly);