binbin 0.2.0

Create structured binary files in arbitrary formats

binbin for Rust

binbin is a library for writing structured binary data in arbitrary formats.

It has the following useful features, implemented in terms of std::io::Write, std::io::Seek, and std::io::Read:

  • Automatically encoding Rust integer types as either little-endian or big-endian.
  • Insert padding to align to a particular number of bytes, such as padding to the nearest four-byte increment.
  • Insert placeholders for values that won't be known until later on in the writing process, such as the size of some variable-sized data to follow, and then update them in-place once you know the final value.
  • Derive new values from blocks of data already written, such as including a checksum as part of a header.

For more information, see the binbin documentation.