binary-layout 3.1.3

The binary-layout library allows type-safe, inplace, zero-copy access to structured binary data. You define a custom data layout and give it a slice of binary data, and it will allow you to read and write the fields defined in the layout from the binary data without having to copy any of the data. It's similar to transmuting to/from a `#[repr(packed)]` struct, but much safer.
use super::super::{StorageIntoFieldView, StorageToFieldView};
use super::{Endianness, PrimitiveField};
use crate::utils::data::Data;
use crate::Field;

// Nesting generally works by having the define_layout! macro implement [OwningNestedView], [BorrowingNestedView]
// and [NestedViewInfo] for a marker type "NestedLayout" it creates in the layout's generated code.
// Then, the code in this module here creates implementations of [Field], [StorageToFieldView]
// and [StorageIntoFieldView] for it so that it can be used as a field in other layouts.

/// Internal type. Don't use this in user code.
/// S is expected to be a non-reference type that can own things, e.g. Data<S>
pub trait OwningNestedView<S>
    S: AsRef<[u8]>,
    /// A type representing an owning view of the nested field.
    type View;

    /// Takes a storage pointing only to the space of the subfield and returns a view to the subfield, with the view taking ownership of the storage.
    fn into_view(storage: S) -> Self::View;

/// Internal type. Don't use this in user code.
/// S is expected to be a reference type, e.g. &[u8] or &mut [u8]
pub trait BorrowingNestedView<S> {
    /// A type representing a borrowing view of the nested field.
    type View;

    /// Takes a storage pointing only to the space of the subfield and returns a view to the subfield, with the view not taking ownership of the storage.
    fn view(storage: S) -> Self::View;

/// Internal trait. Don't use this in user code.
pub trait NestedViewInfo {
    /// Size of the nested field
    const SIZE: Option<usize>;

// TODO FieldNestedAccess may be useful for the field API, but commented out for now since the field API doesn't support nesting yet
// /// This trait is implemented for fields with "nested access",
// /// i.e. fields that represent other layouts that are nested within
// /// this layout.
// pub trait FieldNestedAccess<'a, S>: Field {
//     /// A view type for the nested field that owns its storage
//     type OwningView;

//     /// A view type for the nested field that immutably borrows its storage
//     type BorrowedView;

//     /// A view type for the nested field that mutably borrows its storage
//     type BorrowedViewMut;

//     fn into_view(storage: Data<S>) -> Self::OwningView;
//     fn view(storage: &'a [u8]) -> Self::BorrowedView;
//     fn view_mut(storage: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::BorrowedViewMut;
// }

// impl<'a, S, T, E, const OFFSET_: usize> FieldNestedAccess<'a, S> for PrimitiveField<T, E, OFFSET_>
// where
//     S: AsRef<[u8]>,
//     T: OwningNestedView<Data<S>>
//         + BorrowingNestedView<&'a [u8]>
//         + BorrowingNestedView<&'a mut [u8]>,
//     E: Endianness,
//     Self: Field,
// {
//     type OwningView = <T as OwningNestedView<Data<S>>>::View;
//     type BorrowedView = <T as BorrowingNestedView<&'a [u8]>>::View;
//     type BorrowedViewMut = <T as BorrowingNestedView<&'a mut [u8]>>::View;

//     #[inline(always)]
//     fn into_view(storage: Data<S>) -> Self::OwningView {
//         let data = if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
//             Data::from(storage).into_subregion(Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size))
//         } else {
//             Data::from(storage).into_subregion(Self::OFFSET..)
//         };
//         T::into_view(data)
//     }

//     #[inline(always)]
//     fn view(storage: &'a [u8]) -> Self::BorrowedView {
//         let data = if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
//             &storage[Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size)]
//         } else {
//             &storage[Self::OFFSET..]
//         };
//         T::view(data)
//     }

//     #[inline(always)]
//     fn view_mut(storage: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::BorrowedViewMut {
//         let data = if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
//             &mut storage[Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size)]
//         } else {
//             &mut storage[Self::OFFSET..]
//         };
//         T::view(data)
//     }
// }

impl<N: NestedViewInfo, E: Endianness, const OFFSET_: usize> Field
    for PrimitiveField<N, E, OFFSET_>
    /// See [Field::Endian]
    type Endian = E;
    /// See [Field::OFFSET]
    const OFFSET: usize = OFFSET_;
    /// See [Field::SIZE]
    const SIZE: Option<usize> = N::SIZE;

impl<'a, N: BorrowingNestedView<&'a [u8]>, E: Endianness, const OFFSET_: usize>
    StorageToFieldView<&'a [u8]> for PrimitiveField<N, E, OFFSET_>
    Self: Field,
    type View = N::View;

    fn view(storage: &'a [u8]) -> Self::View {
        if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
            N::view(&storage[Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size)])
        } else {
impl<'a, N: BorrowingNestedView<&'a mut [u8]>, E: Endianness, const OFFSET_: usize>
    StorageToFieldView<&'a mut [u8]> for PrimitiveField<N, E, OFFSET_>
    Self: Field,
    type View = N::View;

    fn view(storage: &'a mut [u8]) -> Self::View {
        if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
            N::view(&mut storage[Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size)])
        } else {
            N::view(&mut storage[Self::OFFSET..])

impl<S: AsRef<[u8]>, N: OwningNestedView<Data<S>>, E: Endianness, const OFFSET_: usize>
    StorageIntoFieldView<S> for PrimitiveField<N, E, OFFSET_>
    Self: Field,
    type View = N::View;

    fn into_view(storage: S) -> Self::View {
        if let Some(size) = Self::SIZE {
            N::into_view(Data::from(storage).into_subregion(Self::OFFSET..(Self::OFFSET + size)))
        } else {