bevy_tweening 0.1.0

Tweening plugin for Bevy

Bevy Tweening

License: MIT Doc Crate

Tweening animation plugin for Bevy.


System setup

Add the tweening plugin to your app:


Animate a component

Animate the transform position of an entity:

    // Spawn a Sprite entity to animate the position of
    .spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle {
        material: materials.add(Color::RED.into()),
        sprite: Sprite {
            size: Vec2::new(size, size),
    // Add an Animator component to perform the animation
        // Use a quadratic easing on both endpoints
        // Loop animation back and forth over 1 second, with a 0.5 second
        // pause after each cycle (start -> end -> start).
        TweeningType::PingPong {
            duration: Duration::from_secs(1),
            pause: Some(Duration::from_millis(500)),
        // The lens gives access to the Transform component of the Sprite,
        // for the Animator to animate it. It also contains the start and
        // end values associated with the animation ratios 0. and 1.
        TransformPositionLens {
            start: Vec3::new(0., 0., 0.),
            end: Vec3::new(1., 2., -4.),

Predefined Lenses

Bevy Components

Component Field Lens
Transform translation TransformPositionLens
rotation TransformRotationLens
scale TransformScaleLens
Style position UiPositionLens
Text TextStyle::color TextColorLens

Bevy Assets

Component Field Lens
ColorMaterial color ColorMaterialColorLens

Custom component support

To be able to animate some fields of a custom component, a custom lens need to be implemented for that component, which linearly interpolates the field(s) of that component.

struct CustomComponent(f32);

struct CustomLens {
    start: f32,
    end: f32,

impl Lens<CustomComponent> for CustomLens {
    fn lerp(&self, target: &mut CustomComponent, ratio: f32) -> f32 {
        target.0 = self.start + (self.end - self.start) * ratio;

This process can also be used to interpolate fields of existing Bevy built-in components for which a predfined lens is not provided.

The basic formula for lerp (linear interpolation) is either of:

  • start + (end - start) * scalar
  • start * (1.0 - scalar) + end * scalar

The two formulations are mathematically equivalent, but one may be more suited than the other depending on the type interpolated and the operations available, and the potential floating-point precision errors.

Then, the system component_animator_system::<CustomComponent>.system() needs to be added to the application.

Custom asset support

The process is similar to custom components, creating a custom lens for the custom asset. The system to add is asset_animator_system::<CustomAsset>.system().


See the examples/ folder.

Ease Functions

Many ease functions are available:

  • QuadraticIn
  • QuadraticOut
  • QuadraticInOut
  • CubicIn
  • CubicOut
  • CubicInOut
  • QuarticIn
  • QuarticOut
  • QuarticInOut
  • QuinticIn
  • QuinticOut
  • QuinticInOut
  • SineIn
  • SineOut
  • SineInOut
  • CircularIn
  • CircularOut
  • CircularInOut
  • ExponentialIn
  • ExponentialOut
  • ExponentialInOut
  • ElasticIn
  • ElasticOut
  • ElasticInOut
  • BackIn
  • BackOut
  • BackInOut
  • BounceIn
  • BounceOut
  • BounceInOut

Comparison with bevy_easings

The bevy_tweening library started as a fork of the bevy_easings library by François Mocker, with the goals to:

  • explore an alternative design based on lenses instead of generic types for each easer/animator. This reduces both the number of generic types needed, and hopefully the code size, as well as the number of systems needed to perform the interpolation.
  • improve the interpolation of assets to avoid creating many copies like bevy_easings does, and instead mutate the assets (and, by similarity, the components too) in-place without making a copy. The in-place mutation also allows a more optimal interpolation limited to modifying the fields of interest only, instead of creating a new copy of the entire component each tick.