bevy_transform 0.2.0

Provides hierarchy and transform functionality for Bevy Engine
// extern crate legion;
// // extern crate legion_transform;

// use legion::prelude::*;
// use legion_transform::prelude::*;
fn main() {}
// fn main() {
//     // Create a normal Legion World
//     let mut world = Universe::default().create_world();

//     // Create a system bundle (vec of systems) for LegionTransform
//     let transform_system_bundle = transform_system_bundle::build(&mut world);

//     // A user-defined space transform is split into 4 different components: [`Translation`,
//     // `Rotation`, `Scale`, `NonUniformScale`]. Any combination of these components can be added to
//     // an entity to transform it's space (exception: `Scale` and `NonUniformScale` are mutually
//     // exclusive).

//     // Note that all entities need an explicitly added `LocalToWorld` component to be considered for
//     // processing during transform system passes.

//     // Add an entity with just a Translation
//     // See:
//     // API on Translation, as a LegionTransform `Translation` is just a nalgebra `Translation3`.
//     world.insert(
//         (),
//         vec![(LocalToWorld::identity(), Translation::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))],
//     );

//     // Add an entity with just a Rotation.
//     // See: for the full
//     // API on Rotation, as a LegionTransform `Rotation` is just a nalgebra `UnityQuaternion`.
//     world.insert(
//         (),
//         vec![(
//             LocalToWorld::identity(),
//             Rotation::from_euler_angles(3.14, 0.0, 0.0),
//         )],
//     );

//     // Add an entity with just a uniform Scale (the default and strongly-preferred scale component).
//     // This is simply a `f32` wrapper.
//     world.insert((), vec![(LocalToWorld::identity(), Scale(2.0))]);

//     // Add an entity with just a NonUniformScale (This should be avoided unless you **really** need
//     // non-uniform scaling as it breaks things like physics colliders.
//     // See: for the full API on
//     // NonUniformScale, as a LegionTransform `NonUniformScale` is simply a nalgebra `Vector3`,
//     // although note that it is wrapped in a tuple-struct.
//     world.insert(
//         (),
//         vec![(
//             LocalToWorld::identity(),
//             NonUniformScale::new(1.0, 2.0, 1.0),
//         )],
//     );

//     // Add an entity with a combination of Translation and Rotation
//     world.insert(
//         (),
//         vec![(
//             LocalToWorld::identity(),
//             Translation::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
//             Rotation::from_euler_angles(3.14, 0.0, 0.0),
//         )],
//     );

//     // Add an entity with a combination of Translation and Rotation and uniform Scale.
//     world.insert(
//         (),
//         vec![(
//             LocalToWorld::identity(),
//             Translation::new(1.0, 2.0, 3.0),
//             Rotation::from_euler_angles(3.14, 0.0, 0.0),
//             Scale(2.0),
//         )],
//     );

//     // Run the system bundle (this API will likely change).
//     for system in transform_system_bundle.iter() {
//         system.command_buffer_mut().write(&mut world);
//     }

//     // At this point all `LocalToWorld` components have correct values in them. Running the system
//     // again will result in a short-circuit as only changed components are considered for update.
//     let mut query = <Read<LocalToWorld>>::query();
//     for (entity, transform) in query.iter_entities(&mut world) {
//         println!(
//             "Entity {} and a LocalToWorld matrix: {}",
//             entity, *transform
//         );
//     }
// }