bevy_rapier2d 0.3.0

2-dimensional physics engine in Rust, official Bevy plugin.
use crate::physics;
use crate::physics::{EventQueue, RapierConfiguration};
use bevy::prelude::*;
use rapier::dynamics::{IntegrationParameters, JointSet, RigidBodySet};
use rapier::geometry::{BroadPhase, ColliderSet, NarrowPhase};
use rapier::pipeline::PhysicsPipeline;

/// A plugin responsible for setting up a full Rapier physics simulation pipeline and resources.
/// This will automatically setup all the resources needed to run a Rapier physics simulation including:
/// - The physics pipeline.
/// - The integration parameters.
/// - The rigid-body, collider, and joint, sets.
/// - The gravity.
/// - The broad phase and narrow-phase.
/// - The event queue.
/// - Systems responsible for executing one physics timestep at each Bevy update stage.
pub struct RapierPhysicsPlugin;

impl Plugin for RapierPhysicsPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut AppBuilder) {
            // TODO: can we avoid this map? We are only using this
            // to avoid some borrowing issue when joints creations
            // are needed.
            .add_system_to_stage(stage::PRE_UPDATE, physics::create_joints_system.system())
            .add_system_to_stage(stage::UPDATE, physics::step_world_system.system())
            .add_system_to_stage(stage::POST_UPDATE, physics::sync_transform_system.system());