bevy_physimple 0.5.0

A simple 2d physics engine for bevy based on physme
use bevy::prelude::*;

use crate::transform_mode::TransformMode;

    # Transform2D
    This component is the "projection" of the `Transform` component to 2D.
    If you are modifying the position(or rotation) of a certain component during the physics step you need to use
    `Transform2D` instead, as the physics systems use it and assume it to be the source of truth,
    thus changing `Transform` directly might cause ghost collision or missing collisions!
    ### End of important

    The physics server syncs from `GlobalTransform into this component at the start of the physics step, keeps track of changes made and
    then syncs the changes to `Transform`, this allows us to work with 1 component type so we dont have to do some funky stuff
    (will probably stay like that for at least until the `Global/Transform` system is remade in bevy)
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Reflect, Default, Component)]
pub struct Transform2D {
    translation: Vec2,
    rotation: f32,
    scale: Vec2,
    translation_buffer: Vec2,
    rotation_buffer: f32,
impl Transform2D {
    pub fn new(translation: Vec2, rotation: f32, scale: Vec2) -> Transform2D {
        Transform2D {

    // Getters
    pub fn translation(&self) -> Vec2 {
    pub fn rotation(&self) -> f32 {
    pub fn scale(&self) -> Vec2 {
    // Adders
    /// Adds to the translation
    pub fn add_translation(&mut self, amount: Vec2) {
        self.translation += amount;
        self.translation_buffer += amount;
    /// Adds to the rotation
    pub fn add_rotation(&mut self, amount: f32) {
        self.rotation += amount;
        self.rotation += amount;
    // Setters
    /// Fully sets the translation
    pub fn set_translation(&mut self, new: Vec2) {
        let original = self.translation - self.translation_buffer;
        self.translation = new;
        self.translation_buffer = new - original;
    /// Fully sets the rotation
    pub fn set_rotation(&mut self, new: f32) {
        let original = self.rotation - self.rotation_buffer;
        self.rotation = new;
        self.rotation_buffer = new - original;
    /// Applies the buffers to a `Transform` component.
    pub fn apply_buffers(&self, transform: &mut Transform, trans_mode: TransformMode) {
        let (tb, rb) = (self.translation_buffer, self.rotation_buffer);

        let t = trans_mode.get_position(transform);

        trans_mode.set_position(transform, t + tb);
        trans_mode.add_rotation(transform, rb);

    // systems

	/// Syncs from `GlobalTransform` to `Transform2D`
    /// Should occur at the start of a physics step
	pub fn sync_from_global_transform(
		trans_mode: Res<TransformMode>,
		mut query: Query<(&mut Transform2D, &GlobalTransform)>,
	) {
		for (mut t, gt) in query.iter_mut() {
			*t = (gt, *trans_mode).into();
	/// Syncs from `Transform2D` to `Transform`
    /// Should occur at the end of a physics step
	pub fn sync_to_transform(
		trans_mode: Res<TransformMode>,
		mut q: Query<(&Transform2D, &mut Transform)>,
	) {
		for (t2, mut mt) in q.iter_mut() {
			t2.apply_buffers(&mut mt, *trans_mode);
    /// Automatically inserts a Transform2D component for each new CollisionShape
    pub fn auto_insert_system(
        mut coms: Commands,
        q: Query<Entity, Or<(Added<crate::prelude::CollisionShape>, Added<crate::prelude::RayCast>)>>,
    ) {
        for e in q.iter() {


impl From<(&GlobalTransform, TransformMode)> for Transform2D {
    fn from((trans, mode): (&GlobalTransform, TransformMode)) -> Self {
        let (s, q, t) = trans.to_scale_rotation_translation();

        // the weird conversion is from - it actually works...
        // they are correct, but it really looks made up...
        match mode {
            TransformMode::XY => Transform2D {
                translation: Vec2::new(t.x, t.y),
                rotation: (2.0 * (q.w * q.z + q.x * q.y))
                    .atan2(1.0 - 2.0 * (q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z)),
                scale: Vec2::new(s.x, s.y),
            TransformMode::XZ => Transform2D {
                translation: Vec2::new(t.x, t.z),
                rotation: {
                    let sinp = 2.0 * (q.w * q.y - q.z * q.x);
                    if sinp.abs() >= 1.0 {
                        0.5 * std::f32::consts::PI.copysign(sinp)
                    } else {
                scale: Vec2::new(s.x, s.z),
            TransformMode::YZ => Transform2D {
                translation: Vec2::new(t.y, t.z),
                rotation: (2.0 * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z))
                    .atan2(1.0 - 2.0 * (q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y)),
                scale: Vec2::new(s.y, s.z),
impl From<(TransformMode, &GlobalTransform)> for Transform2D {
    fn from(v: (TransformMode, &GlobalTransform)) -> Self {
        (v.1, v.0).into()