bevy_mod_scripting_common 0.2.2

Traits and syn structures for language implementors
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use quote::{quote_spanned, ToTokens};
use syn::{parse::Parse, spanned::Spanned, Result};

use crate::{derive_flag::DeriveFlag, newtype::Newtype};

/// A function on the wrapped type either wrapping an existing function or providing
/// additional functionality
pub trait WrapperFunction: Parse + ToTokens {}

/// script-side API Implementation generator for a particular script language.
/// Helps avoid alot of boilerplate
pub trait WrapperImplementor: 'static {
    type Function: WrapperFunction;

    fn module_name() -> &'static str;

    /// Generates the type definition for the given newtype
    fn generate_newtype_definition(&mut self, new_type: &Newtype) -> Result<TokenStream>;

    /// Generates the necessary trait implementations for the given newtype exposing the given functionality
    fn generate_newtype_implementation<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a Self::Function>>(
        &mut self,
        new_type: &'a Newtype,
        functions: I,
    ) -> Result<TokenStream>;

    /// Generate methods from derive flags and newtype implementation blocks
    fn generate_derive_flag_functions<'a, I: Iterator<Item = &'a DeriveFlag>>(
        &mut self,
        new_type: &'a Newtype,
        derive_flags: I,
    ) -> Result<Vec<Self::Function>>;

    /// Generate methods from newtype
    fn generate_newtype_functions(&mut self, new_type: &Newtype) -> Result<Vec<Self::Function>>;

    /// Turns newtype list into fully implemented wrapper types
    fn generate(&mut self, new_type: Newtype) -> Result<TokenStream> {
        let definition = self.generate_newtype_definition(&new_type)?;

        let mut functions =
            self.generate_derive_flag_functions(&new_type, new_type.args.flags.iter())?;


        let implementation = self.generate_newtype_implementation(&new_type, functions.iter())?;

        Ok(quote_spanned! {new_type.span()=>

    // fn generate_all(&mut self, new_types: &NewtypeList) -> Result<TokenStream> {
    //     let mut methods_so_far = IndexMap::default();

    //     let newtypes : TokenStream = new_types.new_types.iter().map(|v| {
    //         self.generate(v, &mut methods_so_far)
    //     }).collect::<Result<_>>()?;

    //     let globals = self.generate_globals(new_types,methods_so_far)?;
    //     let module_name = format_ident!("{}",Self::module_name());
    //     let header = &new_types.module_headers;

    //     Ok(quote!{
    //         #[allow(unused_parens,unreachable_patterns,unused_variables)]
    //         pub mod #module_name {
    //             #header
    //             #newtypes
    //             #globals
    //         }
    //     })
    // }