bevy_fundsp 0.2.0

A Bevy plugin that integrates FunDSP into Bevy.
//! Implementation to integrate `bevy_fundsp` into `bevy_oddio`.

use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};

use bevy::prelude::{App, Assets, Handle};
use bevy_oddio::{
    frames::{FromFrame, Stereo},
    oddio::{Controlled, Frame, Frames, Signal},
    Audio, AudioApp, AudioSource, ToSignal,

use crate::dsp_source::{DspControl, DspSource, Iter, IterMono, Source, SourceType};

use super::{Backend, DspAudioExt};

/// The backend for `bevy_oddio`.
pub struct OddioBackend;

impl Backend for OddioBackend {
    type StaticAudioSource = AudioSource<Stereo>;

    fn init_app(app: &mut App) {
        app.add_audio_source::<2, _, DspSource>();

    #[allow(clippy::cast_possible_truncation, clippy::cast_sign_loss)]
    fn convert_to_audio_source(dsp_source: DspSource) -> Self::StaticAudioSource {
        let sample_rate = dsp_source.sample_rate;

        let frames = dsp_source.into_exact_size_iter();

        let frames = Frames::from_iter(sample_rate as u32, frames);

        AudioSource { frames }

impl ToSignal for DspSource {
    type Settings = ();
    type Signal = Iter;

    fn to_signal(&self, _settings: Self::Settings) -> Self::Signal {

impl DspSource {
    #[allow(clippy::cast_sign_loss, clippy::cast_possible_truncation)]
    pub(crate) fn into_exact_size_iter(
    ) -> ExactSizeIter<impl Iterator<Item = Stereo> + ExactSizeIterator> {
        let audio_unit = Rc::new(RefCell::new(self.dsp_graph.generate_graph()));
        let duration = match self.source_type {
            SourceType::Static { duration } => duration,
            SourceType::Dynamic => {
                panic!("Cannot convert dynamic DSP source into exact size iterator")

        let number_of_frames = (self.sample_rate * duration).round() as usize;

        let collection = (0..number_of_frames)
            .map(|_| audio_unit.clone().borrow_mut().get_stereo())
            .map(|frame| [frame.0, frame.1])

        ExactSizeIter {
            sample_rate: self.sample_rate,
            collection: RefCell::new(collection.collect::<Vec<_>>().into_iter()),

pub(crate) struct ExactSizeIter<I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Stereo> + ExactSizeIterator,
    sample_rate: f32,
    collection: RefCell<I>,

impl<I> Source for ExactSizeIter<I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Stereo> + ExactSizeIterator,
    type Frame = Stereo;

    fn sample_rate(&self) -> f32 {

    fn sample(&self) -> Self::Frame {
        match self.collection.borrow_mut().next() {
            Some(frame) => frame,
            None => Stereo::ZERO,

impl<I> Iterator for ExactSizeIter<I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Stereo> + ExactSizeIterator,
    type Item = Stereo;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {

impl<I> ExactSizeIterator for ExactSizeIter<I>
    I: Iterator<Item = Stereo> + ExactSizeIterator,
    fn len(&self) -> usize {

impl Signal for Iter {
    type Frame = Stereo;

    fn sample(&self, interval: f32, out: &mut [Self::Frame]) {
        for out_frame in out {
            let frame = Source::sample(self);
            let stereo: Stereo = FromFrame::from_frame(frame);
            *out_frame = stereo;

impl DspAudioExt for Audio<Stereo, AudioSource<Stereo>> {
    type Assets = Assets<AudioSource<Stereo>>;
    type Settings = <AudioSource<Stereo> as ToSignal>::Settings;
    type Sink = Handle<AudioSink<AudioSource<Stereo>>>;

    fn play_dsp_with_settings(
        &mut self,
        assets: &mut Self::Assets,
        source: &DspSource,
        settings: Self::Settings,
    ) -> Self::Sink {
        let audio_source = OddioBackend::convert_to_audio_source(source.clone());
        let source_handle = assets.add(audio_source);, settings)

impl DspAudioExt for Audio<Stereo, DspSource> {
    type Assets = Assets<DspSource>;
    type Settings = <DspSource as ToSignal>::Settings;
    type Sink = Handle<AudioSink<DspSource>>;

    fn play_dsp_with_settings(
        &mut self,
        assets: &mut Self::Assets,
        source: &DspSource,
        settings: Self::Settings,
    ) -> Self::Sink {
        let source_handle = assets.add(source.clone());, settings)

unsafe impl<'a> Controlled<'a> for Iter {
    type Control = DspControl;

    unsafe fn make_control(signal: &'a Self) -> Self::Control {

unsafe impl<'a> Controlled<'a> for IterMono {
    type Control = DspControl;

    unsafe fn make_control(signal: &'a Self) -> Self::Control {