bevy_fmod 0.2.0

Idiomatic FMOD in Bevy


Latest compatible Bevy version Latest compatible FMOD version License GitHub release

This crate aims to provide an idiomatic Bevy plugin for FMOD. This crate wraps libfmod.


FMOD is a cross-platform audio engine that is used in many games. It is a commercial product, with a free license available for specific terms.

FMOD attribution

This crate is not affiliated with FMOD in any way. It is not endorsed by or affiliated with Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd. To use FMOD in your application, you are required to include attribution by Firelight Technologies' terms. Learn more here.

Supported platforms

Currently, this crate is only tested and developed for Windows (non-UWP). More platforms are not planned for the near future. Pull requests are welcome.

External dependencies

This crate does not bundle the required FMOD libraries. You will need to download the appropriate libraries here. This requires a free FMOD account.

  • Download the "FMOD Engine" package for Windows. Make sure to select a compatible version.
  • Install the package.
  • You need the following 4 files in the root of your rust project:
    • api/core/lib/x64/fmod.dll
    • api/core/lib/x64/fmod_vc.lib: rename to fmod.lib
    • api/studio/lib/x64/fmodstudio.dll
    • api/studio/lib/x64/fmodstudio_vc.lib: rename to fmodstudio.lib


bevy_fmod = { git = "", tag = "v0.1.0" }


This repository includes a hello_world example. In order to run it, you need to download the demo project (Google Drive link) and place it into the root of the project: ./demo_project.


bevy_fmod Bevy FMOD (tested version, newer may work)
0.2.0 0.11.2 2.02.12
0.1.0 0.10.0 2.02.12
0.0.1 0.10.0 2.02.12