bevy_ecs 0.9.1

Bevy Engine's entity component system
//! Types for declaring and storing [`Component`]s.

use crate::{
    storage::{SparseSetIndex, Storages},
pub use bevy_ecs_macros::Component;
use bevy_ptr::OwningPtr;
use std::{
    any::{Any, TypeId},

/// A data type that can be used to store data for an [entity].
/// `Component` is a [derivable trait]: this means that a data type can implement it by applying a `#[derive(Component)]` attribute to it.
/// However, components must always satisfy the `Send + Sync + 'static` trait bounds.
/// [entity]: crate::entity
/// [derivable trait]:
/// # Examples
/// Components can take many forms: they are usually structs, but can also be of every other kind of data type, like enums or zero sized types.
/// The following examples show how components are laid out in code.
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::component::Component;
/// # struct Color;
/// #
/// // A component can contain data...
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// struct LicensePlate(String);
/// // ... but it can also be a zero-sized marker.
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// struct Car;
/// // Components can also be structs with named fields...
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// struct VehiclePerformance {
///     acceleration: f32,
///     top_speed: f32,
///     handling: f32,
/// }
/// // ... or enums.
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// enum WheelCount {
///     Two,
///     Three,
///     Four,
/// }
/// ```
/// # Component and data access
/// See the [`entity`] module level documentation to learn how to add or remove components from an entity.
/// See the documentation for [`Query`] to learn how to access component data from a system.
/// [`entity`]: crate::entity#usage
/// [`Query`]: crate::system::Query
/// # Choosing a storage type
/// Components can be stored in the world using different strategies with their own performance implications.
/// By default, components are added to the [`Table`] storage, which is optimized for query iteration.
/// Alternatively, components can be added to the [`SparseSet`] storage, which is optimized for component insertion and removal.
/// This is achieved by adding an additional `#[component(storage = "SparseSet")]` attribute to the derive one:
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::component::Component;
/// #
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// #[component(storage = "SparseSet")]
/// struct ComponentA;
/// ```
/// [`Table`]: crate::storage::Table
/// [`SparseSet`]: crate::storage::SparseSet
/// # Implementing the trait for foreign types
/// As a consequence of the [orphan rule], it is not possible to separate into two different crates the implementation of `Component` from the definition of a type.
/// This means that it is not possible to directly have a type defined in a third party library as a component.
/// This important limitation can be easily worked around using the [newtype pattern]:
/// this makes it possible to locally define and implement `Component` for a tuple struct that wraps the foreign type.
/// The following example gives a demonstration of this pattern.
/// ```
/// // `Component` is defined in the `bevy_ecs` crate.
/// use bevy_ecs::component::Component;
/// // `Duration` is defined in the `std` crate.
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// // It is not possible to implement `Component` for `Duration` from this position, as they are
/// // both foreign items, defined in an external crate. However, nothing prevents to define a new
/// // `Cooldown` type that wraps `Duration`. As `Cooldown` is defined in a local crate, it is
/// // possible to implement `Component` for it.
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// struct Cooldown(Duration);
/// ```
/// [orphan rule]:
/// [newtype pattern]:
pub trait Component: Send + Sync + 'static {
    type Storage: ComponentStorage;

pub struct TableStorage;
pub struct SparseStorage;

pub trait ComponentStorage: sealed::Sealed {
    // because the trait is sealed, those items are private API.
    const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType;

impl ComponentStorage for TableStorage {
    const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = StorageType::Table;
impl ComponentStorage for SparseStorage {
    const STORAGE_TYPE: StorageType = StorageType::SparseSet;

mod sealed {
    pub trait Sealed {}
    impl Sealed for super::TableStorage {}
    impl Sealed for super::SparseStorage {}

/// The storage used for a specific component type.
/// # Examples
/// The [`StorageType`] for a component is configured via the derive attribute
/// ```
/// # use bevy_ecs::{prelude::*, component::*};
/// #[derive(Component)]
/// #[component(storage = "SparseSet")]
/// struct A;
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Default, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub enum StorageType {
    /// Provides fast and cache-friendly iteration, but slower addition and removal of components.
    /// This is the default storage type.
    /// Provides fast addition and removal of components, but slower iteration.

pub struct ComponentInfo {
    id: ComponentId,
    descriptor: ComponentDescriptor,

impl ComponentInfo {
    pub fn id(&self) -> ComponentId {

    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

    pub fn type_id(&self) -> Option<TypeId> {

    pub fn layout(&self) -> Layout {

    /// Get the function which should be called to clean up values of
    /// the underlying component type. This maps to the
    /// [`Drop`] implementation for 'normal' Rust components
    /// Returns `None` if values of the underlying component type don't
    /// need to be dropped, e.g. as reported by [`needs_drop`].
    pub fn drop(&self) -> Option<unsafe fn(OwningPtr<'_>)> {

    pub fn storage_type(&self) -> StorageType {

    pub fn is_send_and_sync(&self) -> bool {

    fn new(id: ComponentId, descriptor: ComponentDescriptor) -> Self {
        ComponentInfo { id, descriptor }

/// A semi-opaque value which uniquely identifies the type of a [`Component`] within a
/// [`World`](crate::world::World).
/// Each time a new `Component` type is registered within a `World` using
/// [`World::init_component`](crate::world::World::init_component) or
/// [`World::init_component_with_descriptor`](crate::world::World::init_component_with_descriptor),
/// a corresponding `ComponentId` is created to track it.
/// While the distinction between `ComponentId` and [`TypeId`] may seem superficial, breaking them
/// into two separate but related concepts allows components to exist outside of Rust's type system.
/// Each Rust type registered as a `Component` will have a corresponding `ComponentId`, but additional
/// `ComponentId`s may exist in a `World` to track components which cannot be
/// represented as Rust types for scripting or other advanced use-cases.
/// A `ComponentId` is tightly coupled to its parent `World`. Attempting to use a `ComponentId` from
/// one `World` to access the metadata of a `Component` in a different `World` is undefined behaviour
/// and must not be attempted.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Hash, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct ComponentId(usize);

impl ComponentId {
    pub const fn new(index: usize) -> ComponentId {

    pub fn index(self) -> usize {

impl SparseSetIndex for ComponentId {
    fn sparse_set_index(&self) -> usize {

    fn get_sparse_set_index(value: usize) -> Self {

pub struct ComponentDescriptor {
    name: Cow<'static, str>,
    // SAFETY: This must remain private. It must match the statically known StorageType of the
    // associated rust component type if one exists.
    storage_type: StorageType,
    // SAFETY: This must remain private. It must only be set to "true" if this component is
    // actually Send + Sync
    is_send_and_sync: bool,
    type_id: Option<TypeId>,
    layout: Layout,
    // SAFETY: this function must be safe to call with pointers pointing to items of the type
    // this descriptor describes.
    // None if the underlying type doesn't need to be dropped
    drop: Option<for<'a> unsafe fn(OwningPtr<'a>)>,

// We need to ignore the `drop` field in our `Debug` impl
impl std::fmt::Debug for ComponentDescriptor {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            .field("name", &
            .field("storage_type", &self.storage_type)
            .field("is_send_and_sync", &self.is_send_and_sync)
            .field("type_id", &self.type_id)
            .field("layout", &self.layout)

impl ComponentDescriptor {
    // SAFETY: The pointer points to a valid value of type `T` and it is safe to drop this value.
    unsafe fn drop_ptr<T>(x: OwningPtr<'_>) {

    /// Create a new `ComponentDescriptor` for the type `T`.
    pub fn new<T: Component>() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Cow::Borrowed(std::any::type_name::<T>()),
            storage_type: T::Storage::STORAGE_TYPE,
            is_send_and_sync: true,
            type_id: Some(TypeId::of::<T>()),
            layout: Layout::new::<T>(),
            drop: needs_drop::<T>().then_some(Self::drop_ptr::<T> as _),

    /// Create a new `ComponentDescriptor`.
    /// # Safety
    /// - the `drop` fn must be usable on a pointer with a value of the layout `layout`
    /// - the component type must be safe to access from any thread (Send + Sync in rust terms)
    pub unsafe fn new_with_layout(
        name: impl Into<Cow<'static, str>>,
        storage_type: StorageType,
        layout: Layout,
        drop: Option<for<'a> unsafe fn(OwningPtr<'a>)>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: name.into(),
            is_send_and_sync: true,
            type_id: None,

    /// Create a new `ComponentDescriptor` for a resource.
    /// The [`StorageType`] for resources is always [`TableStorage`].
    pub fn new_resource<T: Resource>() -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Cow::Borrowed(std::any::type_name::<T>()),
            // PERF: `SparseStorage` may actually be a more
            // reasonable choice as `storage_type` for resources.
            storage_type: StorageType::Table,
            is_send_and_sync: true,
            type_id: Some(TypeId::of::<T>()),
            layout: Layout::new::<T>(),
            drop: needs_drop::<T>().then_some(Self::drop_ptr::<T> as _),

    fn new_non_send<T: Any>(storage_type: StorageType) -> Self {
        Self {
            name: Cow::Borrowed(std::any::type_name::<T>()),
            is_send_and_sync: false,
            type_id: Some(TypeId::of::<T>()),
            layout: Layout::new::<T>(),
            drop: needs_drop::<T>().then_some(Self::drop_ptr::<T> as _),

    pub fn storage_type(&self) -> StorageType {

    pub fn type_id(&self) -> Option<TypeId> {

    pub fn name(&self) -> &str {

#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct Components {
    components: Vec<ComponentInfo>,
    indices: std::collections::HashMap<TypeId, usize, fxhash::FxBuildHasher>,
    resource_indices: std::collections::HashMap<TypeId, usize, fxhash::FxBuildHasher>,

impl Components {
    pub fn init_component<T: Component>(&mut self, storages: &mut Storages) -> ComponentId {
        let type_id = TypeId::of::<T>();

        let Components {
        } = self;
        let index = indices.entry(type_id).or_insert_with(|| {
            Components::init_component_inner(components, storages, ComponentDescriptor::new::<T>())

    pub fn init_component_with_descriptor(
        &mut self,
        storages: &mut Storages,
        descriptor: ComponentDescriptor,
    ) -> ComponentId {
        let index = Components::init_component_inner(&mut self.components, storages, descriptor);

    fn init_component_inner(
        components: &mut Vec<ComponentInfo>,
        storages: &mut Storages,
        descriptor: ComponentDescriptor,
    ) -> usize {
        let index = components.len();
        let info = ComponentInfo::new(ComponentId(index), descriptor);
        if info.descriptor.storage_type == StorageType::SparseSet {

    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {

    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
        self.components.len() == 0

    pub fn get_info(&self, id: ComponentId) -> Option<&ComponentInfo> {

    /// # Safety
    /// `id` must be a valid [`ComponentId`]
    pub unsafe fn get_info_unchecked(&self, id: ComponentId) -> &ComponentInfo {
        debug_assert!(id.index() < self.components.len());

    /// Type-erased equivalent of [`Components::component_id`].
    pub fn get_id(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<ComponentId> {
        self.indices.get(&type_id).map(|index| ComponentId(*index))

    /// Returns the [`ComponentId`] of the given [`Component`] type `T`.
    /// The returned `ComponentId` is specific to the `Components` instance
    /// it was retrieved from and should not be used with another `Components`
    /// instance.
    /// Returns [`None`] if the `Component` type has not
    /// yet been initialized using [`Components::init_component`].
    /// ```rust
    /// use bevy_ecs::prelude::*;
    /// let mut world = World::new();
    /// #[derive(Component)]
    /// struct ComponentA;
    /// let component_a_id = world.init_component::<ComponentA>();
    /// assert_eq!(component_a_id, world.components().component_id::<ComponentA>().unwrap())
    /// ```
    pub fn component_id<T: Component>(&self) -> Option<ComponentId> {

    pub fn get_resource_id(&self, type_id: TypeId) -> Option<ComponentId> {
            .map(|index| ComponentId(*index))

    pub fn init_resource<T: Resource>(&mut self) -> ComponentId {
        // SAFETY: The [`ComponentDescriptor`] matches the [`TypeId`]
        unsafe {
            self.get_or_insert_resource_with(TypeId::of::<T>(), || {

    pub fn init_non_send<T: Any>(&mut self) -> ComponentId {
        // SAFETY: The [`ComponentDescriptor`] matches the [`TypeId`]
        unsafe {
            self.get_or_insert_resource_with(TypeId::of::<T>(), || {

    /// # Safety
    /// The [`ComponentDescriptor`] must match the [`TypeId`]
    unsafe fn get_or_insert_resource_with(
        &mut self,
        type_id: TypeId,
        func: impl FnOnce() -> ComponentDescriptor,
    ) -> ComponentId {
        let components = &mut self.components;
        let index = self.resource_indices.entry(type_id).or_insert_with(|| {
            let descriptor = func();
            let index = components.len();
            components.push(ComponentInfo::new(ComponentId(index), descriptor));


    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ComponentInfo> + '_ {

/// Records when a component was added and when it was last mutably dereferenced (or added).
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ComponentTicks {
    pub(crate) added: u32,
    pub(crate) changed: u32,

impl ComponentTicks {
    /// Returns `true` if the component was added after the system last ran.
    pub fn is_added(&self, last_change_tick: u32, change_tick: u32) -> bool {
        // This works even with wraparound because the world tick (`change_tick`) is always "newer" than
        // `last_change_tick` and `self.added`, and we scan periodically to clamp `ComponentTicks` values
        // so they never get older than `u32::MAX` (the difference would overflow).
        // The clamp here ensures determinism (since scans could differ between app runs).
        let ticks_since_insert = change_tick.wrapping_sub(self.added).min(MAX_CHANGE_AGE);
        let ticks_since_system = change_tick

        ticks_since_system > ticks_since_insert

    /// Returns `true` if the component was added or mutably dereferenced after the system last ran.
    pub fn is_changed(&self, last_change_tick: u32, change_tick: u32) -> bool {
        // This works even with wraparound because the world tick (`change_tick`) is always "newer" than
        // `last_change_tick` and `self.changed`, and we scan periodically to clamp `ComponentTicks` values
        // so they never get older than `u32::MAX` (the difference would overflow).
        // The clamp here ensures determinism (since scans could differ between app runs).
        let ticks_since_change = change_tick.wrapping_sub(self.changed).min(MAX_CHANGE_AGE);
        let ticks_since_system = change_tick

        ticks_since_system > ticks_since_change

    pub(crate) fn new(change_tick: u32) -> Self {
        Self {
            added: change_tick,
            changed: change_tick,

    pub(crate) fn check_ticks(&mut self, change_tick: u32) {
        check_tick(&mut self.added, change_tick);
        check_tick(&mut self.changed, change_tick);

    /// Manually sets the change tick.
    /// This is normally done automatically via the [`DerefMut`](std::ops::DerefMut) implementation
    /// on [`Mut<T>`](crate::change_detection::Mut), [`ResMut<T>`](crate::change_detection::ResMut), etc.
    /// However, components and resources that make use of interior mutability might require manual updates.
    /// # Example
    /// ```rust,no_run
    /// # use bevy_ecs::{world::World, component::ComponentTicks};
    /// let world: World = unimplemented!();
    /// let component_ticks: ComponentTicks = unimplemented!();
    /// component_ticks.set_changed(world.read_change_tick());
    /// ```
    pub fn set_changed(&mut self, change_tick: u32) {
        self.changed = change_tick;

fn check_tick(last_change_tick: &mut u32, change_tick: u32) {
    let age = change_tick.wrapping_sub(*last_change_tick);
    // This comparison assumes that `age` has not overflowed `u32::MAX` before, which will be true
    // so long as this check always runs before that can happen.
    if age > MAX_CHANGE_AGE {
        *last_change_tick = change_tick.wrapping_sub(MAX_CHANGE_AGE);