bevy_ascii_terminal 0.12.3

A simple terminal for rendering ascii in bevy.
//! A terminal component which determines how glyphs are mapped to their
//! corresponding uvs on the tile sheet.

use bevy::{
    prelude::{AddAsset, AssetEvent, Assets, DetectChanges, EventReader, Handle, Plugin, Query},

use crate::{code_page_437, TerminalLayout};

use super::code_page_437::CP_437_CHARS;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, TypeUuid)]
#[uuid = "e118b332-e1ca-4e3e-ac9d-2d8bc0ad4c21"]
pub struct UvMapping {
    uv_map: HashMap<char, [[f32; 2]; 4]>,

impl UvMapping {
    pub fn code_page_437() -> Self {
        UvMapping::from_grid([16, 16], CP_437_CHARS.iter().cloned())

    /// Create a uv mapping where the keys from the iterator are mapped to their corresponding
    /// uvs on a 2d tile sheet in sequential order.
    pub fn from_grid(tile_count: [u32; 2], iter: impl Iterator<Item = char>) -> Self {
        let mut uv_map = HashMap::default();

        for (i, ch) in iter.enumerate() {
            let x = i as u32 % tile_count[0];
            let y = i as u32 / tile_count[0];
            let uvs = Self::get_grid_uvs([x, y], tile_count);
            uv_map.insert(ch, uvs);

        Self { uv_map }

    pub fn get_grid_uvs(xy: [u32; 2], tile_count: [u32; 2]) -> [[f32; 2]; 4] {
        let xy = Vec2::new(xy[0] as f32, xy[1] as f32);
        let uv_size = Vec2::new(1.0 / tile_count[0] as f32, 1.0 / tile_count[1] as f32);
        let right = Vec2::new(uv_size.x, 0.0);
        let up = Vec2::new(0.0, uv_size.y);
        let origin = uv_size * xy;
            (origin + up).into(),
            (origin + right).into(),
            (origin + up + right).into(),

    pub fn uvs_from_glyph(&self, ch: char) -> &[[f32; 2]; 4] {
        self.uv_map.get(&ch).unwrap_or_else(|| {
                "Error retrieving uv mapping, '{}' was not present in map",

    pub fn uvs_from_index(&self, index: u8) -> &[[f32; 2]; 4] {
        let char = code_page_437::index_to_glyph(index);

impl Default for UvMapping {
    fn default() -> Self {

pub struct UvMappingPlugin;

impl Plugin for UvMappingPlugin {
    fn build(&self, app: &mut bevy::prelude::App) {
            .set_untracked(Handle::<UvMapping>::default(), UvMapping::code_page_437());

/// Force terminals to update if their uv mapping changes
pub(crate) fn uv_mapping_loaded(
    mut ev_mapping_loaded: EventReader<AssetEvent<UvMapping>>,
    mut q_term: Query<(&mut TerminalLayout, &Handle<UvMapping>)>,
) {
    let mut update_terminals = |asset: &Handle<UvMapping>| {
        for (mut term, handle) in &mut q_term {
            if handle == asset {
    for ev in ev_mapping_loaded.iter() {
        match ev {
            AssetEvent::Created { handle } => update_terminals(handle),
            AssetEvent::Modified { handle } => update_terminals(handle),
            AssetEvent::Removed { handle } => update_terminals(handle),