bevy 0.8.1

A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework
//! Shows handling of gamepad input, connections, and disconnections.

use bevy::{input::gamepad::GamepadButton, prelude::*};

fn main() {

fn gamepad_system(
    gamepads: Res<Gamepads>,
    button_inputs: Res<Input<GamepadButton>>,
    button_axes: Res<Axis<GamepadButton>>,
    axes: Res<Axis<GamepadAxis>>,
) {
    for gamepad in gamepads.iter().cloned() {
        if button_inputs.just_pressed(GamepadButton::new(gamepad, GamepadButtonType::South)) {
            info!("{:?} just pressed South", gamepad);
        } else if button_inputs.just_released(GamepadButton::new(gamepad, GamepadButtonType::South))
            info!("{:?} just released South", gamepad);

        let right_trigger = button_axes
        if right_trigger.abs() > 0.01 {
            info!("{:?} RightTrigger2 value is {}", gamepad, right_trigger);

        let left_stick_x = axes
            .get(GamepadAxis::new(gamepad, GamepadAxisType::LeftStickX))
        if left_stick_x.abs() > 0.01 {
            info!("{:?} LeftStickX value is {}", gamepad, left_stick_x);