bevy 0.8.0

A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework
name = "bevy"
version = "0.8.0"
edition = "2021"
categories = ["game-engines", "graphics", "gui", "rendering"]
description = "A refreshingly simple data-driven game engine and app framework"
exclude = ["assets/", "tools/", ".github/", "crates/", "examples/wasm/assets/"]
homepage = ""
keywords = ["game", "engine", "gamedev", "graphics", "bevy"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
readme = ""
repository = ""

exclude = ["benches", "crates/bevy_ecs_compile_fail_tests"]
members = [

default = [

# Force dynamic linking, which improves iterative compile times
dynamic = ["bevy_dylib"]

# Rendering support
render = [

# Optional bevy crates
bevy_animation = ["bevy_internal/bevy_animation"]
bevy_asset = ["bevy_internal/bevy_asset"]
bevy_audio = ["bevy_internal/bevy_audio"]
bevy_core_pipeline = ["bevy_internal/bevy_core_pipeline"]
bevy_dynamic_plugin = ["bevy_internal/bevy_dynamic_plugin"]
bevy_gilrs = ["bevy_internal/bevy_gilrs"]
bevy_gltf = ["bevy_internal/bevy_gltf"]
bevy_pbr = ["bevy_internal/bevy_pbr"]
bevy_render = ["bevy_internal/bevy_render"]
bevy_scene = ["bevy_internal/bevy_scene"]
bevy_sprite = ["bevy_internal/bevy_sprite"]
bevy_text = ["bevy_internal/bevy_text"]
bevy_ui = ["bevy_internal/bevy_ui"]
bevy_winit = ["bevy_internal/bevy_winit"]

# Tracing features
trace_chrome = ["trace", "bevy_internal/trace_chrome"]
trace_tracy = ["trace", "bevy_internal/trace_tracy"]
trace = ["bevy_internal/trace"]
wgpu_trace = ["bevy_internal/wgpu_trace"]

# Image format support for texture loading (PNG and HDR are enabled by default)
hdr = ["bevy_internal/hdr"]
png = ["bevy_internal/png"]
tga = ["bevy_internal/tga"]
jpeg = ["bevy_internal/jpeg"]
bmp = ["bevy_internal/bmp"]
basis-universal = ["bevy_internal/basis-universal"]
dds = ["bevy_internal/dds"]
ktx2 = ["bevy_internal/ktx2"]
# For ktx2 supercompression
zlib = ["bevy_internal/zlib"]
zstd = ["bevy_internal/zstd"]

# Audio format support (vorbis is enabled by default)
flac = ["bevy_internal/flac"]
mp3 = ["bevy_internal/mp3"]
vorbis = ["bevy_internal/vorbis"]
wav = ["bevy_internal/wav"]

# Enable watching file system for asset hot reload
filesystem_watcher = ["bevy_internal/filesystem_watcher"]

serialize = ["bevy_internal/serialize"]

# Display server protocol support (X11 is enabled by default)
wayland = ["bevy_internal/wayland"]
x11 = ["bevy_internal/x11"]

# Enable rendering of font glyphs using subpixel accuracy
subpixel_glyph_atlas = ["bevy_internal/subpixel_glyph_atlas"]

# Enable systems that allow for automated testing on CI
bevy_ci_testing = ["bevy_internal/bevy_ci_testing"]

# Enable the "debug asset server" for hot reloading internal assets
debug_asset_server = ["bevy_internal/debug_asset_server"]

# Enable animation support, and glTF animation loading
animation = ["bevy_internal/animation"]

bevy_dylib = { path = "crates/bevy_dylib", version = "0.8.0", default-features = false, optional = true }
bevy_internal = { path = "crates/bevy_internal", version = "0.8.0", default-features = false }

[target.'cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")'.dependencies]
bevy_internal = { path = "crates/bevy_internal", version = "0.8.0", default-features = false, features = [
] }

anyhow = "1.0.4"
rand = "0.8.0"
ron = "0.7.0"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
bytemuck = "1.7"
# Needed to poll Task examples
futures-lite = "1.11.3"
crossbeam-channel = "0.5.0"

name = "hello_world"
path = "examples/"

hidden = true

# 2D Rendering
name = "move_sprite"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Move Sprite"
description = "Changes the transform of a sprite"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "rotation"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "2D Rotation"
description = "Demonstrates rotating entities in 2D with quaternions"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "mesh2d"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Mesh 2D"
description = "Renders a 2d mesh"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "mesh2d_manual"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Manual Mesh 2D"
description = "Renders a custom mesh \"manually\" with \"mid-level\" renderer apis"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "mesh2d_vertex_color_texture"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Mesh 2D With Vertex Colors"
description = "Renders a 2d mesh with vertex color attributes"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "shapes"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Shapes"
description = "Renders a rectangle, circle, and hexagon"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "sprite"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Sprite"
description = "Renders a sprite"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "sprite_flipping"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Sprite Flipping"
description = "Renders a sprite flipped along an axis"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "sprite_sheet"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Sprite Sheet"
description = "Renders an animated sprite"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "text2d"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Text 2D"
description = "Generates text in 2D"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "texture_atlas"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Texture Atlas"
description = "Generates a texture atlas (sprite sheet) from individual sprites"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "transparency_2d"
path = "examples/2d/"

name = "Transparency in 2D"
description = "Demonstrates transparency in 2d"
category = "2D Rendering"
wasm = true

# 3D Rendering
name = "3d_scene"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "3D Scene"
description = "Simple 3D scene with basic shapes and lighting"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "3d_shapes"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "3D Shapes"
description = "A scene showcasing the built-in 3D shapes"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "lighting"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Lighting"
description = "Illustrates various lighting options in a simple scene"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "lines"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Lines"
description = "Create a custom material to draw 3d lines"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "spotlight"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Spotlight"
description = "Illustrates spot lights"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "load_gltf"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Load glTF"
description = "Loads and renders a glTF file as a scene"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "msaa"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "MSAA"
description = "Configures MSAA (Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing) for smoother edges"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "orthographic"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Orthographic View"
description = "Shows how to create a 3D orthographic view (for isometric-look in games or CAD applications)"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "parenting"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Parenting"
description = "Demonstrates parent->child relationships and relative transformations"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "pbr"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Physically Based Rendering"
description = "Demonstrates use of Physically Based Rendering (PBR) properties"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "render_to_texture"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Render to Texture"
description = "Shows how to render to a texture, useful for mirrors, UI, or exporting images"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "shadow_biases"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Shadow Biases"
description = "Demonstrates how shadow biases affect shadows in a 3d scene"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "shadow_caster_receiver"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Shadow Caster and Receiver"
description = "Demonstrates how to prevent meshes from casting/receiving shadows in a 3d scene"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "skybox"
path = "examples/3d/"
required-features = ["ktx2", "zstd"]

name = "Skybox"
description = "Load a cubemap texture onto a cube like a skybox and cycle through different compressed texture formats."
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = false

name = "spherical_area_lights"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Spherical Area Lights"
description = "Demonstrates how point light radius values affect light behavior"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "split_screen"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Split Screen"
description = "Demonstrates how to render two cameras to the same window to accomplish \"split screen\""
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "texture"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Texture"
description = "Shows configuration of texture materials"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "transparency_3d"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Transparency in 3D"
description = "Demonstrates transparency in 3d"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "two_passes"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Two Passes"
description = "Renders two 3d passes to the same window from different perspectives"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "update_gltf_scene"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Update glTF Scene"
description = "Update a scene from a glTF file, either by spawning the scene as a child of another entity, or by accessing the entities of the scene"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "vertex_colors"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Vertex Colors"
description = "Shows the use of vertex colors"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

name = "wireframe"
path = "examples/3d/"

name = "Wireframe"
description = "Showcases wireframe rendering"
category = "3D Rendering"
wasm = true

# Animation
name = "animated_fox"
path = "examples/animation/"

name = "Animated Fox"
description = "Plays an animation from a skinned glTF"
category = "Animation"
wasm = true

name = "animated_transform"
path = "examples/animation/"

name = "Animated Transform"
description = "Create and play an animation defined by code that operates on the `Transform` component"
category = "Animation"
wasm = true

name = "custom_skinned_mesh"
path = "examples/animation/"

name = "Custom Skinned Mesh"
description = "Skinned mesh example with mesh and joints data defined in code"
category = "Animation"
wasm = true

name = "gltf_skinned_mesh"
path = "examples/animation/"

name = "glTF Skinned Mesh"
description = "Skinned mesh example with mesh and joints data loaded from a glTF file"
category = "Animation"
wasm = true

# Application
name = "custom_loop"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Custom Loop"
description = "Demonstrates how to create a custom runner (to update an app manually)"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "drag_and_drop"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Drag and Drop"
description = "An example that shows how to handle drag and drop in an app"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "empty"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Empty"
description = "An empty application (does nothing)"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "empty_defaults"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Empty with Defaults"
description = "An empty application with default plugins"
category = "Application"
wasm = true

name = "headless"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Headless"
description = "An application that runs without default plugins"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "logs"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Logs"
description = "Illustrate how to use generate log output"
category = "Application"
wasm = true

name = "plugin"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Plugin"
description = "Demonstrates the creation and registration of a custom plugin"
category = "Application"
wasm = true

name = "plugin_group"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Plugin Group"
description = "Demonstrates the creation and registration of a custom plugin group"
category = "Application"
wasm = true

name = "return_after_run"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Return after Run"
description = "Show how to return to main after the Bevy app has exited"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "thread_pool_resources"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Thread Pool Resources"
description = "Creates and customizes the internal thread pool"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "no_renderer"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "No Renderer"
description = "An application that runs with default plugins and displays an empty window, but without an actual renderer"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

name = "without_winit"
path = "examples/app/"

name = "Without Winit"
description = "Create an application without winit (runs single time, no event loop)"
category = "Application"
wasm = false

# Assets
name = "asset_loading"
path = "examples/asset/"

name = "Asset Loading"
description = "Demonstrates various methods to load assets"
category = "Assets"
wasm = true

name = "custom_asset"
path = "examples/asset/"

name = "Custom Asset"
description = "Implements a custom asset loader"
category = "Assets"
wasm = true

name = "custom_asset_io"
path = "examples/asset/"

name = "Custom Asset IO"
description = "Implements a custom asset io loader"
category = "Assets"
wasm = true

name = "hot_asset_reloading"
path = "examples/asset/"

name = "Hot Reloading of Assets"
description = "Demonstrates automatic reloading of assets when modified on disk"
category = "Assets"
wasm = true

# Async Tasks
name = "async_compute"
path = "examples/async_tasks/"

name = "Async Compute"
description = "How to use `AsyncComputeTaskPool` to complete longer running tasks"
category = "Async Tasks"
wasm = false

name = "external_source_external_thread"
path = "examples/async_tasks/"

name = "External Source of Data on an External Thread"
description = "How to use an external thread to run an infinite task and communicate with a channel"
category = "Async Tasks"
wasm = false

# Audio
name = "audio"
path = "examples/audio/"

name = "Audio"
description = "Shows how to load and play an audio file"
category = "Audio"
wasm = true

name = "audio_control"
path = "examples/audio/"

name = "Audio Control"
description = "Shows how to load and play an audio file, and control how it's played"
category = "Audio"
wasm = true

# Diagnostics
name = "log_diagnostics"
path = "examples/diagnostics/"

name = "Log Diagnostics"
description = "Add a plugin that logs diagnostics, like frames per second (FPS), to the console"
category = "Diagnostics"
wasm = true

name = "custom_diagnostic"
path = "examples/diagnostics/"

name = "Custom Diagnostic"
description = "Shows how to create a custom diagnostic"
category = "Diagnostics"
wasm = true

# ECS (Entity Component System)
name = "ecs_guide"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "ECS Guide"
description = "Full guide to Bevy's ECS"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "component_change_detection"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Component Change Detection"
description = "Change detection on components"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "custom_query_param"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Custom Query Parameters"
description = "Groups commonly used compound queries and query filters into a single type"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "event"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Event"
description = "Illustrates event creation, activation, and reception"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "fixed_timestep"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Fixed Timestep"
description = "Shows how to create systems that run every fixed timestep, rather than every tick"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "generic_system"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Generic System"
description = "Shows how to create systems that can be reused with different types"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "hierarchy"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Hierarchy"
description = "Creates a hierarchy of parents and children entities"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "iter_combinations"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Iter Combinations"
description = "Shows how to iterate over combinations of query results"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = true

name = "parallel_query"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Parallel Query"
description = "Illustrates parallel queries with `ParallelIterator`"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "removal_detection"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Removal Detection"
description = "Query for entities that had a specific component removed in a previous stage during the current frame"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "startup_system"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Startup System"
description = "Demonstrates a startup system (one that runs once when the app starts up)"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "state"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "State"
description = "Illustrates how to use States to control transitioning from a Menu state to an InGame state"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "system_chaining"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "System Chaining"
description = "Chain two systems together, specifying a return type in a system (such as `Result`)"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "system_closure"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "System Closure"
description = "Show how to use closures as systems, and how to configure `Local` variables by capturing external state"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "system_param"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "System Parameter"
description = "Illustrates creating custom system parameters with `SystemParam`"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "system_sets"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "System Sets"
description = "Shows `SystemSet` use along with run criterion"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

name = "timers"
path = "examples/ecs/"

name = "Timers"
description = "Illustrates ticking `Timer` resources inside systems and handling their state"
category = "ECS (Entity Component System)"
wasm = false

# Games
name = "alien_cake_addict"
path = "examples/games/"

name = "Alien Cake Addict"
description = "Eat the cakes. Eat them all. An example 3D game"
category = "Games"
wasm = true

name = "breakout"
path = "examples/games/"

name = "Breakout"
description = "An implementation of the classic game \"Breakout\""
category = "Games"
wasm = true

name = "contributors"
path = "examples/games/"

name = "Contributors"
description = "Displays each contributor as a bouncy bevy-ball!"
category = "Games"
wasm = true

name = "game_menu"
path = "examples/games/"

name = "Game Menu"
description = "A simple game menu"
category = "Games"
wasm = true

# Input
name = "char_input_events"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Char Input Events"
description = "Prints out all chars as they are inputted"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "gamepad_input"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Gamepad Input"
description = "Shows handling of gamepad input, connections, and disconnections"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "gamepad_input_events"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Gamepad Input Events"
description = "Iterates and prints gamepad input and connection events"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "keyboard_input"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Keyboard Input"
description = "Demonstrates handling a key press/release"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "keyboard_modifiers"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Keyboard Modifiers"
description = "Demonstrates using key modifiers (ctrl, shift)"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "keyboard_input_events"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Keyboard Input Events"
description = "Prints out all keyboard events"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "mouse_input"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Mouse Input"
description = "Demonstrates handling a mouse button press/release"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "mouse_input_events"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Mouse Input Events"
description = "Prints out all mouse events (buttons, movement, etc.)"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "mouse_grab"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Mouse Grab"
description = "Demonstrates how to grab the mouse, locking the cursor to the app's screen"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "touch_input"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Touch Input"
description = "Displays touch presses, releases, and cancels"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

name = "touch_input_events"
path = "examples/input/"

name = "Touch Input Events"
description = "Prints out all touch inputs"
category = "Input"
wasm = false

# Reflection
name = "reflection"
path = "examples/reflection/"

name = "Reflection"
description = "Demonstrates how reflection in Bevy provides a way to dynamically interact with Rust types"
category = "Reflection"
wasm = false

name = "generic_reflection"
path = "examples/reflection/"

name = "Generic Reflection"
description = "Registers concrete instances of generic types that may be used with reflection"
category = "Reflection"
wasm = false

name = "reflection_types"
path = "examples/reflection/"

name = "Reflection Types"
description = "Illustrates the various reflection types available"
category = "Reflection"
wasm = false

name = "trait_reflection"
path = "examples/reflection/"

name = "Trait Reflection"
description = "Allows reflection with trait objects"
category = "Reflection"
wasm = false

# Scene
name = "scene"
path = "examples/scene/"

name = "Scene"
description = "Demonstrates loading from and saving scenes to files"
category = "Scene"
wasm = false

# Shaders
name = "Shaders"
description = """
These examples demonstrate how to implement different shaders in user code.

A shader in its most common usage is a small program that is run by the GPU per-vertex in a mesh (a vertex shader) or per-affected-screen-fragment (a fragment shader.) The GPU executes these programs in a highly parallel way.

There are also compute shaders which are used for more general processing leveraging the GPU's parallelism.

name = "custom_vertex_attribute"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Custom Vertex Attribute"
description = "A shader that reads a mesh's custom vertex attribute"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "post_processing"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Post Processing"
description = "A custom post processing effect, using two cameras, with one reusing the render texture of the first one"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "shader_defs"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Shader Defs"
description = "A shader that uses \"shaders defs\" (a bevy tool to selectively toggle parts of a shader)"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "shader_material"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Material"
description = "A shader and a material that uses it"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "shader_material_screenspace_texture"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Material - Screenspace Texture"
description = "A shader that samples a texture with view-independent UV coordinates"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "shader_material_glsl"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Material - GLSL"
description = "A shader that uses the GLSL shading language"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "shader_instancing"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Instancing"
description = "A shader that renders a mesh multiple times in one draw call"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "animate_shader"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Animated"
description = "A shader that uses dynamic data like the time since startup"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

name = "compute_shader_game_of_life"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Compute - Game of Life"
description = "A compute shader that simulates Conway's Game of Life"
category = "Shaders"
wasm = false

name = "array_texture"
path = "examples/shader/"

name = "Array Texture"
description = "A shader that shows how to reuse the core bevy PBR shading functionality in a custom material that obtains the base color from an array texture."
category = "Shaders"
wasm = true

# Stress tests
name = "Stress Tests"
description = """
These examples are used to test the performance and stability of various parts of the engine in an isolated way.

Due to the focus on performance it's recommended to run the stress tests in release mode:

cargo run --release --example <example name>

name = "bevymark"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Bevymark"
description = "A heavy sprite rendering workload to benchmark your system with Bevy"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_animated_sprites"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Animated Sprites"
description = "Displays many animated sprites in a grid arrangement with slight offsets to their animation timers. Used for performance testing."
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_buttons"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Buttons"
description = "Test rendering of many UI elements"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_cubes"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Cubes"
description = "Simple benchmark to test per-entity draw overhead. Run with the `sphere` argument to test frustum culling"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_foxes"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Foxes"
description = "Loads an animated fox model and spawns lots of them. Good for testing skinned mesh performance. Takes an unsigned integer argument for the number of foxes to spawn. Defaults to 1000"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_lights"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Lights"
description = "Simple benchmark to test rendering many point lights. Run with `WGPU_SETTINGS_PRIO=webgl2` to restrict to uniform buffers and max 256 lights"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "many_sprites"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Many Sprites"
description = "Displays many sprites in a grid arrangement! Used for performance testing. Use `--colored` to enable color tinted sprites."
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

name = "transform_hierarchy"
path = "examples/stress_tests/"

name = "Transform Hierarchy"
description = "Various test cases for hierarchy and transform propagation performance"
category = "Stress Tests"
wasm = true

# Tools
name = "scene_viewer"
path = "examples/tools/"

name = "Scene Viewer"
description = "A simple way to view glTF models with Bevy. Just run `cargo run --release --example scene_viewer /path/to/model.gltf#Scene0`, replacing the path as appropriate. With no arguments it will load the FieldHelmet glTF model from the repository assets subdirectory"
category = "Tools"
wasm = true

# Transforms
name = "global_vs_local_translation"
path = "examples/transforms/"

name = "Global / Local Translation"
description = "Illustrates the difference between direction of a translation in respect to local object or global object Transform"
category = "Transforms"
wasm = true

name = "3d_rotation"
path = "examples/transforms/"

name = "3D Rotation"
description = "Illustrates how to (constantly) rotate an object around an axis"
category = "Transforms"
wasm = true

name = "scale"
path = "examples/transforms/"

name = "Scale"
description = "Illustrates how to scale an object in each direction"
category = "Transforms"
wasm = true

name = "transform"
path = "examples/transforms/"

name = "Transform"
description = "Shows multiple transformations of objects"
category = "Transforms"
wasm = true

name = "translation"
path = "examples/transforms/"

name = "Translation"
description = "Illustrates how to move an object along an axis"
category = "Transforms"
wasm = true

# UI (User Interface)
name = "button"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "Button"
description = "Illustrates creating and updating a button"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

name = "font_atlas_debug"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "Font Atlas Debug"
description = "Illustrates how FontAtlases are populated (used to optimize text rendering internally)"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

name = "text"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "Text"
description = "Illustrates creating and updating text"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

name = "text_debug"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "Text Debug"
description = "An example for debugging text layout"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

name = "transparency_ui"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "Transparency UI"
description = "Demonstrates transparency for UI"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

name = "ui"
path = "examples/ui/"

name = "UI"
description = "Illustrates various features of Bevy UI"
category = "UI (User Interface)"
wasm = true

# Window
name = "clear_color"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Clear Color"
description = "Creates a solid color window"
category = "Window"
wasm = true

name = "low_power"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Low Power"
description = "Demonstrates settings to reduce power use for bevy applications"
category = "Window"
wasm = true

name = "multiple_windows"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Multiple Windows"
description = "Demonstrates creating multiple windows, and rendering to them"
category = "Window"
wasm = false

name = "scale_factor_override"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Scale Factor Override"
description = "Illustrates how to customize the default window settings"
category = "Window"
wasm = true

name = "transparent_window"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Transparent Window"
description = "Illustrates making the window transparent and hiding the window decoration"
category = "Window"
wasm = false

name = "window_settings"
path = "examples/window/"

name = "Window Settings"
description = "Demonstrates customizing default window settings"
category = "Window"
wasm = true

name = "resizing"
path = "tests/window/"

hidden = true

name = "minimising"
path = "tests/window/"

hidden = true

# Android
crate-type = ["cdylib"]
name = "android_example"
path = "examples/android/"

hidden = true

package = "org.bevyengine.example"
apk_name = "bevyexample"
assets = "assets"
resources = "assets/android-res"
build_targets = ["aarch64-linux-android", "armv7-linux-androideabi"]

target_sdk_version = 31

icon = "@mipmap/ic_launcher"
label = "Bevy Example"

inherits = "release"
opt-level = "z"
lto = "fat"
codegen-units = 1