behavior-tree 0.1.0

Yet another behavior tree library for rust!
# `behavior-tree` for Rust!

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**USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. This crate is under heavy development at the moment and a lot of the APIs will change often and without any notice. Performance is also terrible right now.**

Implemented nodes:

- Sequence - execute child nodes in a sequence until one of them fails.
- Select - execute child nodes in a sequence until one of them succeeds.
- While - execute a child node only when a condition is true.
- Wait - constant time delay.
- RandomWait - random time delay with a defined max.
- Action - generic user-defined action.
- StatefulAction - generic user-defined action which manages its own state in addition to the tree-wide Blackboard.
- Cond - checks a condition and executes either the `positive` or `negative` child.

Almost all of the behaviors have test coverage including a few of the edge cases, but it is by no means exhaustive yet.

**There are a few quirks that need to be figured out, especially with respect to debugging/visualization, which will be stabilized before version `0.1`.**

## Other behavior tree crates

There are a few other crates that implement behavior trees (listed below).
This library is inspired by all of them, as well as the [Behavior Tree Starter
Kit from Game AI




## Who uses this?

The code was originally extracted from [BITGUN](, which continues to use it as it's being developed open source. If you're using this crate in your game [do open a PR]( so we can list your game here as well!