bedrs 0.0.26

Genomic interval library in rust
#![warn(clippy::pedantic, clippy::perf)]

//! # BEDrs
//! bedtools-like functionality for interval sets in rust
//! ## Summary
//! I wanted some bedtools-like functionality in rust and I made this tool to both
//! learn how to implement genomic arithmetic as well as get more comfortable with
//! generics and traits in rust.
//! This library will eventually be focused towards genome-specific arithmetic
//! and focuses around a base [Coordinates] trait which includes methods to
//! retrieve `<chr, start, stop>` and a base [Container] trait which includes
//! methods to perform set operations.
//! This is a work in progress and is subject to heavy changes.
//! If you want a more robust interval library I recommend the following:
//! - [rust_lapper](
//! - [COITrees](
//! - [rampart](
//! This library is heavily inspired from those above.
//! ## Traits
//! The advantage of this library is that all of the functionality is implemented
//! via traits.
//! As a result, if you have a custom data type - if you implement the traits then
//! you get all the functionality for free. There are two main traits in this library.
//! 1. [Coordinates] :: which applies to individual interval records.
//! 2. [Container] :: which applies to sets of interval records.
//! ## Types
//! This library has batteries included and has a few types you can use immediately or
//! as references for designing your own.
//! ### Base Interval
//! Here is an example of the base [Interval](types::Interval).
//! This interval only has two coordinates: `start` and `end`.
//! This is the classic interval type.
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Overlap, Interval};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 20);
//! let b = Interval::new(15, 25);
//! let c = Interval::new(20, 30);
//! assert!(a.overlaps(&b));
//! assert!(!a.overlaps(&c));
//! assert!(b.overlaps(&c));
//! ```
//! ### Genomic Interval
//! Here is an example of a [GenomicInterval](types::GenomicInterval).
//! This is the bread and butter of genomic arithmetic and has three
//! coordinates: `chr`, `start`, and `end`.
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Overlap, GenomicInterval};
//! let a = GenomicInterval::new(1, 10, 20);
//! let b = GenomicInterval::new(1, 15, 25);
//! let c = GenomicInterval::new(2, 15, 25);
//! assert!(a.overlaps(&b));
//! assert!(!a.overlaps(&c));
//! assert!(!b.overlaps(&c));
//! ```
//! ## Interval Operations
//! The following operations with be shown with the base [Interval], but
//! the same operations can be done with a [GenomicInterval] or any other
//! custom type which implements the [Coordinates] trait.
//! ### Overlap
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Overlap, Interval};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 20);
//! let b = Interval::new(15, 25);
//! assert!(a.overlaps(&b));
//! ```
//! ### Containment
//! Whether an interval is contained by another.
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Overlap, Interval};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(15, 25);
//! assert!(a.contains(&b));
//! assert!(b.contained_by(&a));
//! ```
//! ### Borders
//! Whether an interval is bordered by another.
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Overlap, Interval};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(30, 50);
//! assert!(a.borders(&b));
//! ```
//! ## Interval Functions
//! The following are active functions to generate more intervals using
//! some query intervals.
//! ### Intersect
//! Here is an example of a positive intersect
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Intersect};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(20, 40);
//! let ix = a.intersect(&b).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(ix.start(), 20);
//! assert_eq!(ix.end(), 30);
//! ```
//! Here is an example of a negative intersect
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Intersect};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(30, 40);
//! let ix = a.intersect(&b);
//! assert!(ix.is_none());
//! ```
//! ### Subtract
//! The following method subtracts an interval from another.
//! This returns a vector of intervals, as there could be
//! either zero, one, or two possible interval returned.
//! #### Left-Hand Subtraction
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Subtract};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(20, 40);
//! let sub = a.subtract(&b).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(sub.len(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].start(), 10);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].end(), 20);
//! ```
//! #### Right-Hand Subtraction
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Subtract};
//! let a = Interval::new(20, 40);
//! let b = Interval::new(10, 30);
//! let sub = a.subtract(&b).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(sub.len(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].start(), 30);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].end(), 40);
//! ```
//! #### Contained Subtraction
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Subtract};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 40);
//! let b = Interval::new(20, 30);
//! let sub = a.subtract(&b).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(sub.len(), 2);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].start(), 10);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].end(), 20);
//! assert_eq!(sub[1].start(), 30);
//! assert_eq!(sub[1].end(), 40);
//! ```
//! #### Contained-By Subtraction
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Subtract};
//! let a = Interval::new(20, 30);
//! let b = Interval::new(10, 40);
//! let sub = a.subtract(&b);
//! assert!(sub.is_none());
//! ```
//! #### No Overlap Subtraction
//! ```
//! use bedrs::{Interval, Coordinates, Subtract};
//! let a = Interval::new(10, 20);
//! let b = Interval::new(20, 30);
//! let sub = a.subtract(&b).unwrap();
//! assert_eq!(sub.len(), 1);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].start(), 10);
//! assert_eq!(sub[0].end(), 20);
//! ```

/// Traits used within the library
pub mod traits;

/// Types used within the library
pub mod types;

pub use traits::{
    Bound, Container, Coordinates, Find, Intersect, Merge, Overlap, SetSubtract, Subtract,
pub use types::{GenomicInterval, GenomicIntervalSet, Interval, IntervalSet};