bdt 0.3.0

Simple utilities for viewing and converting various data file formats
bdt-0.3.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: bdt-0.18.0

Boring Data Tool (bdt) 🤓

Command-line tool for viewing, querying, and converting between various file formats. Powered by DataFusion.


  • View file schemas
  • View contents of files
  • Run SQL queries against files
  • Convert between file formats
  • Supports CSV, JSON, Parquet, and Avro file formats



cargo install bdt

Example Usage

View File Schema

bdt schema /mnt/bigdata/nyctaxi/yellow_tripdata_2022-01.parquet
| column_name           | data_type                   | is_nullable |
| VendorID              | Int64                       | YES         |
| tpep_pickup_datetime  | Timestamp(Nanosecond, None) | YES         |
| tpep_dropoff_datetime | Timestamp(Nanosecond, None) | YES         |
| passenger_count       | Float64                     | YES         |
| trip_distance         | Float64                     | YES         |
| RatecodeID            | Float64                     | YES         |
| store_and_fwd_flag    | Utf8                        | YES         |
| PULocationID          | Int64                       | YES         |
| DOLocationID          | Int64                       | YES         |
| payment_type          | Int64                       | YES         |
| fare_amount           | Float64                     | YES         |
| extra                 | Float64                     | YES         |
| mta_tax               | Float64                     | YES         |
| tip_amount            | Float64                     | YES         |
| tolls_amount          | Float64                     | YES         |
| improvement_surcharge | Float64                     | YES         |
| total_amount          | Float64                     | YES         |
| congestion_surcharge  | Float64                     | YES         |
| airport_fee           | Float64                     | YES         |

View File Contents

$ bdt view /path/to/file.parquet --limit 10
| t_time_sk | t_time_id        | t_time | t_hour | t_minute | t_second | t_am_pm | t_shift | t_sub_shift | t_meal_time |
| 0         | AAAAAAAABAAAAAAA | 0      | 0      | 0        | 0        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 1         | AAAAAAAACAAAAAAA | 1      | 0      | 0        | 1        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 2         | AAAAAAAADAAAAAAA | 2      | 0      | 0        | 2        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 3         | AAAAAAAAEAAAAAAA | 3      | 0      | 0        | 3        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 4         | AAAAAAAAFAAAAAAA | 4      | 0      | 0        | 4        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 5         | AAAAAAAAGAAAAAAA | 5      | 0      | 0        | 5        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 6         | AAAAAAAAHAAAAAAA | 6      | 0      | 0        | 6        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 7         | AAAAAAAAIAAAAAAA | 7      | 0      | 0        | 7        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 8         | AAAAAAAAJAAAAAAA | 8      | 0      | 0        | 8        | AM      | third   | night       |             |
| 9         | AAAAAAAAKAAAAAAA | 9      | 0      | 0        | 9        | AM      | third   | night       |             |

Run SQL Query

Queries can be run against one or more tables. Table names are inferred from file names.

$ bdt query --table /mnt/bigdata/nyctaxi/yellow_tripdata_2022-01.parquet \
  --sql "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yellow_tripdata_2022_01"   
| COUNT(UInt8(1)) |
| 2463931         |

Convert Parquet to newline-delimited JSON

$ bdt convert /path/to/input.parquet /path/to/output.json
$ cat /path/to/output.json