base256 0.4.0

Encode and decode data in base 256 easily typed words

lastresort(1) – Encode and decode data in base 256 easily typed words License GitHub stars

You might expect data encoded in base 256 to be more space efficient than data encoded in base 16 or base 64, but with this particular set of symbols, that is not the case! As a natural consequence of this, you have to type more, not less, when you manually input data using this base 256 encoding instead of base 16 or some other compact representation.

So, why this base 256 encoding?

Manually typing out base 64 is painful. Same goes for base 16. Both of these (base 64 and base 16), and particularly base 16, are prone to make you lose track of where you are while reading and typing or speaking.

lastresort aims to make manual input of binary data onto a computer by either keyboard or voice input less error-prone compared to typing in the base 16 or base 64 encoding of said data.

Here is a quick example:

Imagine a file with three bytes in it. A hexadecimal dump of this file might look like:

00000000: 0505 05                                  ...

In other words, this file contains three bytes 0x05 0x05 0x05.

In base64 this is:


That's not so bad, and it's quick and easy to type or to read out loud in either base 16 or base 64 encoding.

But when the amount of data increases, it becomes more and more tricky to manually type in the bytes by hand or to read them out loud in base 16 or in base 64.

When might you want to type in the bytes of a file by hand, or to read them out loud anyways?

Sample use-cases include:

  • typing in your SSH private key on a computer that is running a live USB stick copy of its OS without persistent storage, and which doesn't have a usable webcam leaving you unable to enter the data using a QR-code.
  • relaying the contents of binary files to another person over a voice channel.

Anyways, to continue with the example from above of the three bytes.

In lastresort base 256 using the default codec PGP Word List, the bytes from the example above are represented as:

adult amulet adult

By now, you should see both:

  • Why the name of this command is lastresort, and
  • How in the case of greater amount of bytes, lastresort can be of great help :)


lastresort supports the following codecs:

  • PGP Word List, the default codec
  • EFF Short Wordlist 2.0, the legacy codec

PGP Word List

The PGP Word List ("Pretty Good Privacy word list", also called a biometric word list [...]) is a list of words for conveying data bytes in a clear unambiguous way via a voice channel. They are analogous in purpose to the NATO phonetic alphabet used by pilots, except a longer list of words is used, each word corresponding to one of the 256 distinct numeric byte values.


The list is actually composed of two lists, each containing 256 phonetically distinct words, in which each word represents a different byte value between 0 and 255. Two lists are used because reading aloud long random sequences of human words usually risks three kinds of errors:

  1. transposition of two consecutive words,
  2. duplicate words, or
  3. omitted words.

To detect all three kinds of errors, the two lists are used alternately for the even-offset bytes and the odd-offset bytes in the byte sequence. Each byte value is actually represented by two different words, depending on whether that byte appears at an even or an odd offset from the beginning of the byte sequence. The two lists are readily distinguished by the number of syllables; the even list has words of two syllables, the odd list has three. The two lists have a maximum word length of 9 and 11 letters, respectively.

EFF Short Wordlist 2.0

The EFF Short Wordlist 2.0 is a list of 1,296 memorable and distinct words with a few additional features making the words easy to type:

  • Each word has a unique three-character prefix. This means that future software could auto-complete words in the passphrase after the user has typed the first three characters
  • All words are at least an edit distance of 3 apart. This means that future software could correct any single typo [...] (and in many cases more than one typo).

This wordlist is also used in the pgen passphrase generator. See for more about pgen.

In lastresort, 256 of the words from this list are used when using this codec.

Example input and outputs using the different codecs

In the sample_data/original directory of this repository, we have a file named id_ed25519 containing the following OpenSSH ed25519 private key:


The corresponding base 256 encoded outputs using each of the different codecs available in lastresort are shown is the subsections below.

Example output using the PGP Word List encoder

If we run lastresort with the above private key id_ed25519 as input, and we use the PGP Word List codec:

cargo run -- -e pgp -i sample_data/original/id_ed25519 | fold -w 78 -s

We get the following base 256 encoded output:

button commando button commando button detergent crusade disable dogsled 
enchanting bison enrollment drumbeat dinosaur drifter escapade dwelling 
disbelief bison enterprise Dupont disruptive egghead detector eating dinosaur 
bison divisive crusade fascinate button commando button commando button 
armistice flagpole congregate crowfoot hemisphere flagpole hideaway drifter 
insincere fallout determine chatter impartial enlist exodus Geiger inception 
flytrap hazardous crusade detector cranky detector cranky detector crowfoot 
disable chopper inertia flagpole hesitate edict detector cranky detector 
cranky dinosaur flagpole hesitate classroom indigo enlist equation cranky 
detector cranky detector cranky detector cranky detector cranky detergent 
cranky detector cranky detector dreadful infancy cranky detector cranky 
detector highchair insincere flatfoot conformist framework inception enlist 
existence allow equation inverse enchanting eating everyday indulge 
enrollment drunken detector cranky detector crucial determine flytrap 
dinosaur chopper filament eating conformist cubic informant cranky hydraulic 
dropper component chopper graduate fragile embezzle dosage disbelief enlist 
conformist drainage impetus dragnet graduate dragnet crossover chopper 
inferno chatter distortion goggles component Geiger distortion crowfoot 
councilman fracture impetus choking enrollment checkup disbelief drunken 
detector cranky detector dosage handiwork inverse coherence egghead corporate 
Christmas impetus hotdog hemisphere fracture armistice hockey hamburger 
cranky detector cranky detector highchair insincere flatfoot conformist 
framework inception enlist existence drunken informant drifter Eskimo edict 
inferno dropper equation cranky detector cranky determine crucial graduate 
crusade consulting enlist Eskimo checkup direction inverse detector gremlin 
enrollment cement consulting flytrap guitarist dreadful distortion deckhand 
filament checkup document hamlet divisive flytrap divisive classroom 
consulting indulge confidence dosage holiness cement headwaters dosage 
detergent classic gravity hamlet consensus dropper conformist deckhand 
equation allow detector cranky detector crusade detector cranky impartial 
chairlift enrollment hockey coherence goggles graduate classroom distortion 
glucose gossamer briefcase hydraulic flagpole concurrent egghead Eskimo 
gremlin consensus involve inception chisel hamburger cubic corporate 
chairlift coherence chairlift disruptive eating equipment Glasgow document 
chisel disbelief inverse glossary gremlin disable drainage disable chopper 
concurrent eating hemisphere Glasgow enterprise endow exodus dogsled 
determine goggles corrosion cement hemisphere chatter councilman indoors 
headwaters flytrap hideaway endow indigo indoors armistice goldfish 
concurrent guidance congregate glucose disbelief edict hesitate gazelle 
coherence drunken headwaters deckhand inferno Christmas insincere framework 
corrosion endow graduate cranky detector cranky detector crusade disable 
egghead informant fallout existence highchair indigo drunken disable indulge 
hurricane endow hesitate egghead informant endow exodus Dupont hurricane 
flagpole conformist choking detergent cranky hamburger dreadful dinosaur 
crowfoot equation commence decadence allow commando button commando button 
commando crusade enchanting crumpled cannonball dropper enterprise crusade 
enchanting dwelling escapade deckhand cannonball drumbeat equipment dogsled 
examine cranky Eskimo crusade cannonball dragnet dinosaur endow commando 
button commando button commando allow

Example output using the EFF Short Wordlist 2.0 encoder

If we run lastresort with the above private key id_ed25519 as input, and we use the EFF Short Wordlist 2.0 codec:

cargo run -- -e eff -i sample_data/original/id_ed25519 | fold -w 78 -s

We get the following base 256 encoded output:

carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot dealer depot dictionary directory dryer 
badass dugout dustpan depot dryer ebook ebook dimple badass dustpan eagerness 
directory eggnog daughter ecosystem depot badass dominoes depot elsewhere 
carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot alchemy eskimo clay dealer federal eskimo 
fettuccine dryer geyser ergonomic deepness chopsticks foamless embroidery 
eliminator faucet fox etiquette falcon depot daughter daughter daughter 
daughter daughter dealer dictionary codeword gainfully eskimo femur educator 
daughter daughter daughter daughter depot eskimo femur crawfish frosting 
embroidery dwelling daughter daughter daughter daughter daughter daughter 
daughter daughter daughter dealer daughter daughter daughter daughter dresser 
garlic daughter daughter daughter daughter fox geyser estrogen cinnamon 
exfoliate fox embroidery elbow alchemy dwelling geographer dryer ecosystem 
educator gearbox dugout dwelling daughter daughter daughter deepness deepness 
etiquette depot codeword embroidery ecosystem cinnamon device geographer 
daughter fleshiness dugout cement codeword etiquette evolution dresser 
dizziness dimple embroidery cinnamon double fondue dominoes etiquette 
dominoes crawfish codeword gearbox chopsticks dizziness fictitious cement 
faucet dizziness dealer couch euthanize fondue clubhouse dugout cinnamon 
dimple dwelling daughter daughter daughter dizziness fabric geographer cage 
eggnog cohabitate cohabitate fondue gainfully federal euthanize alchemy 
frosting exfoliate daughter daughter daughter daughter fox geyser estrogen 
cinnamon exfoliate fox embroidery elbow dwelling geographer dryer ecosystem 
educator gearbox dugout dwelling daughter daughter daughter deepness deepness 
etiquette depot codeword embroidery ecosystem cinnamon device geographer 
daughter fleshiness dugout cement codeword etiquette evolution dresser 
dizziness dimple embroidery cinnamon double fondue dominoes etiquette 
dominoes crawfish codeword gearbox chopsticks dizziness fictitious cement 
faucet dizziness dealer couch euthanize fondue clubhouse dugout cinnamon 
dimple dwelling alchemy daughter daughter daughter depot daughter daughter 
foamless chalkboard dugout frosting cage fictitious etiquette crawfish 
dizziness fettuccine estrogen cage fleshiness eskimo chalkboard eggnog 
ecosystem fleshiness clubhouse geyser fox clay exfoliate device cohabitate 
chalkboard cage chalkboard directory ecosystem eagerness federal double clay 
dimple geographer eskimo fleshiness dictionary double dictionary codeword 
chalkboard ecosystem federal federal dustpan elsewhere eliminator directory 
deepness fictitious copier cement federal chopsticks couch garlic faucet 
etiquette fettuccine elsewhere frosting garlic alchemy finalist chalkboard 
foamless clay fettuccine dimple educator femur falcon cage dwelling faucet 
dimple gearbox cohabitate geyser exfoliate copier elsewhere etiquette 
daughter daughter daughter daughter depot dictionary eggnog geographer 
ergonomic elbow fox frosting dwelling dictionary gearbox finalist elsewhere 
femur eggnog geographer elsewhere eliminator eagerness finalist eskimo 
cinnamon clubhouse dealer daughter exfoliate dresser depot dealer dwelling 
cybernetic cybernetic alchemy carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot depot dryer 
deliverer badass dugout dustpan depot dryer ebook ebook dimple badass dustpan 
eagerness directory eggnog daughter ecosystem depot badass dominoes depot 
elsewhere carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot alchemy


lastresort [-d | --decode] [-i <INPUT_FILE>] [-o <OUTPUT_FILE>]
lastresort -h | --help
lastresort -V | --version

With no options, lastresort reads raw data from stdin and writes encoded data as a continuous block of space-separated human words to stdout.


-d, --decode [<DECODER>] Decode data (default action is to encode data). Default: pgp. Possible values: pgp, eff.

-e, --encoder <ENCODER> Encoder to use. Possible values: pgp, eff. If encoder is not specified, the pgp encoder will be used. Conflicts with option -d.

-i, --input <INPUT_FILE> Read input from INPUT_FILE. Default is stdin; passing - also represents stdin.

-o, --output <OUTPUT_FILE> Write output to OUTPUT_FILE. Default is stdout; passing - also represents stdout.

-h, --help Print usage summary and exit.

-V, --version Print version information and exit.

See also


  1. Install Rust.
  2. Run cargo install base256