base256 0.2.0

Encode and decode data in base 256
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lastresort(1) – Encode and decode data in base 256

Command-line utility for encoding and decoding arbitrary binary data to and from easily typed words from the EFF autocomplete-friendly wordlist.

I actually wanted to use base 1296, because there are a total of 1296 words in the wordlist, but I soon realized that base 256 was far more convenient, since base 256 corresponds to a single whole byte.

You might expect data encoded in base 256 to be more space efficient than data encoded in base 16, but with this particular set of symbols, that is not the case! Likewise, you have to type more, not less, than you would if you use my base 256 instead of base 16. So why?

The purpose of lastresort is to make manual input of binary data onto a computer less error-prone compared to typing in the base 16 or base 64 encoding of said data. Whereas manually typing out base 64 is painful, and base 16 makes it easy to lose track of where you are while typing, lastresort attempts to remedy both of these problems by using a 256 different words from the EFF autocomplete-friendly wordlist.

Sample use-cases include typing in your SSH private key on a computer that is running a live USB stick copy of its OS without persistent storage, and which doesn't have a useable webcamera leaving you unable to enter the data using a QR-code.

For example, given the following private key:


The corresponding base 256 encoding is:

carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot dealer depot dictionary directory
dryer badass dugout dustpan depot dryer ebook ebook dimple badass
dustpan eagerness directory eggnog daughter ecosystem depot badass
dominoes depot elsewhere carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot alchemy
eskimo clay dealer federal eskimo fettuccine dryer geyser ergonomic
deepness chopsticks foamless embroidery eliminator faucet fox
etiquette falcon depot daughter daughter daughter daughter daughter
dealer dictionary codeword gainfully eskimo femur educator daughter
daughter daughter daughter depot eskimo femur crawfish frosting
embroidery dwelling daughter daughter daughter daughter daughter
daughter daughter daughter daughter dealer daughter daughter daughter
daughter dresser garlic daughter daughter daughter daughter fox geyser
estrogen cinnamon exfoliate fox embroidery elbow alchemy dwelling
geographer dryer ecosystem educator gearbox dugout dwelling daughter
daughter daughter deepness deepness etiquette depot codeword embroidery
ecosystem cinnamon device geographer daughter fleshiness dugout cement
codeword etiquette evolution dresser dizziness dimple embroidery
cinnamon double fondue dominoes etiquette dominoes crawfish codeword
gearbox chopsticks dizziness fictitious cement faucet dizziness dealer
couch euthanize fondue clubhouse dugout cinnamon dimple dwelling
daughter daughter daughter dizziness fabric geographer cage eggnog
cohabitate cohabitate fondue gainfully federal euthanize alchemy
frosting exfoliate daughter daughter daughter daughter fox geyser
estrogen cinnamon exfoliate fox embroidery elbow dwelling geographer
dryer ecosystem educator gearbox dugout dwelling daughter daughter
daughter deepness deepness etiquette depot codeword embroidery
ecosystem cinnamon device geographer daughter fleshiness dugout cement
codeword etiquette evolution dresser dizziness dimple embroidery
cinnamon double fondue dominoes etiquette dominoes crawfish codeword
gearbox chopsticks dizziness fictitious cement faucet dizziness dealer
couch euthanize fondue clubhouse dugout cinnamon dimple dwelling
alchemy daughter daughter daughter depot daughter daughter foamless
chalkboard dugout frosting cage fictitious etiquette crawfish dizziness
fettuccine estrogen cage fleshiness eskimo chalkboard eggnog ecosystem
fleshiness clubhouse geyser fox clay exfoliate device cohabitate
chalkboard cage chalkboard directory ecosystem eagerness federal double
clay dimple geographer eskimo fleshiness dictionary double dictionary
codeword chalkboard ecosystem federal federal dustpan elsewhere
eliminator directory deepness fictitious copier cement federal
chopsticks couch garlic faucet etiquette fettuccine elsewhere frosting
garlic alchemy finalist chalkboard foamless clay fettuccine dimple
educator femur falcon cage dwelling faucet dimple gearbox cohabitate
geyser exfoliate copier elsewhere etiquette daughter daughter daughter
daughter depot dictionary eggnog geographer ergonomic elbow fox
frosting dwelling dictionary gearbox finalist elsewhere femur eggnog
geographer elsewhere eliminator eagerness finalist eskimo cinnamon
clubhouse dealer daughter exfoliate dresser depot dealer dwelling
cybernetic cybernetic alchemy carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot depot
dryer deliverer badass dugout dustpan depot dryer ebook ebook dimple
badass dustpan eagerness directory eggnog daughter ecosystem depot
badass dominoes depot elsewhere carrot carrot carrot carrot carrot


lastresort [-d | --decode]
lastresort -h | --help
lastresort -V | --version

Reads from stdin and writes to stdout.


-d, --decode Decode data (default action is to encode data).

-h, --help Show help and exit.

-V, --version Print version information and exit.

See also


  1. Install Rust.
  2. Run cargo install base256