bard 2.0.1

Creates PDF and HTML songbooks out of easy-to-write Markdown sources.
//! The bard Markdown parser module.
//! Here the bard's Markdown subset is parsed using `comrak`, `tl`,
//! and code for parsing of `!` extensions.
//! The API is provided by the `Parser` type, it's `parse()` method is the entry point.

use std::cell::{Cell, Ref, RefCell, RefMut};
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
use std::str;
use std::sync::mpsc;

use comrak::nodes::{Ast, AstNode, ListType, NodeCode, NodeValue};
use comrak::{ComrakExtensionOptions, ComrakOptions, ComrakParseOptions, ComrakRenderOptions};
use once_cell::sync::Lazy;
use regex::{Captures, Regex};
use thiserror::Error;

use crate::book::*;
use crate::music::{self, Notation};
use crate::prelude::*;
use crate::util::{BStr, StrExt};

pub mod html;

type AstRef<'a> = &'a AstNode<'a>;
type Arena<'a> = comrak::Arena<AstNode<'a>>;

const FALLBACK_TITLE: &str = "[Untitled]";

static EXTENSION: Lazy<Regex> = Lazy::new(|| Regex::new(r"(^|\s)(!+)(\S+)").unwrap());

#[derive(Error, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub enum DiagKind {
    #[error("Control character not allowed: 0x{char:x}")]
    ControlChar { char: u32 },
    #[error("Unrecognized chord: {chord}")]
    Transposition { chord: BStr },
    #[error("The HTML tag <{tag}> is reserved for future use.")]
    HtmlReservedTag { tag: BStr },
    #[error("Text in HTML block ignored: \"{text}\"\nYou may need a blank line between the HTML block and the following text.")]
    HtmlIgnoredText { text: BStr },

impl DiagKind {
    pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            Self::ControlChar { .. } => true,
            Self::Transposition { .. } => true,
            Self::HtmlReservedTag { .. } => true,
            Self::HtmlIgnoredText { .. } => false,

    fn html_ignored_text(text: &str) -> Self {
        const MAX_LEN: usize = 32;
        let mut truncated = String::with_capacity(text.len().min(MAX_LEN + 5));
        if truncated.len() < text.len() {
            truncated.push_str(" (...)");

        Self::HtmlIgnoredText {
            text: truncated.into(),

/// Parser diagnostic report type.
/// Reports kind of diagnostic (error or warning), filename, line number and containts the specific error/warning.
/// The line number is 1-indexed.
#[derive(Error, PartialEq, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
#[error("{file}:{line}: {kind}")]
pub struct Diagnostic {
    pub file: PathBuf,
    pub line: usize,
    pub kind: DiagKind,

impl Diagnostic {
    pub fn is_error(&self) -> bool {

pub trait DiagSink {
    fn report(&self, diagnostic: Diagnostic);

impl<F> DiagSink for F
    F: Fn(Diagnostic),
    fn report(&self, diagnostic: Diagnostic) {

impl DiagSink for mpsc::Sender<Diagnostic> {
    fn report(&self, diagnostic: Diagnostic) {
        let _ = self.send(diagnostic);

type Result<T, E = ()> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

/// Parser for a candidate bard MD extension
struct Extension {
    num_excls: u32,
    content: String,
    /// `true` if there was a space char in front of the ext,
    /// used to preserve proper spacing when chorus refs are mixed in text.
    prefix_space: bool,

impl<'a> From<Captures<'a>> for Extension {
    fn from(caps: Captures<'a>) -> Self {
        let prefix_space = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().chars().next().is_some();
        let num_excls = caps.get(2).unwrap().as_str().len() as _;
        let content = caps.get(3).unwrap().as_str().to_owned();
        Self {

impl Extension {
    fn try_parse_xpose(&self) -> Option<Transpose> {
        if self.content.starts_with(&['+', '-'][..]) {
            if let Ok(delta) = self.content.parse::<i32>() {
                match self.num_excls {
                    1 => return Some(Transpose::Transpose(delta)),
                    2 => return Some(Transpose::AltTranspose(delta)),
                    _ => {}

        if let Ok(notation) = self.content.parse::<Notation>() {
            match self.num_excls {
                1 => return Some(Transpose::Notation(notation)),
                2 => return Some(Transpose::AltNotation(notation)),
                _ => {}

        if self.num_excls == 2 && self.content == "none" {
            return Some(Transpose::AltNone);


    fn try_parse_chorus_ref(&self) -> Option<ChorusRef> {
        if self.num_excls == 1 && self.content.chars().all(|c| c == '>') {
            let num = self.content.len() as _;
            Some(ChorusRef::new(Some(num), self.prefix_space))
        } else {

    fn try_parse(&self) -> Option<Inline> {
        if let Some(xpose) = self.try_parse_xpose() {
            // Transposition extension recognized
        } else {
            // Try parsing chorus reference,
            // push as regular text if not recognized

/// Parser transposition state
#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)]
pub struct Transposition {
    /// Source notation of the song
    src_notation: Notation,
    /// Transposition of chords
    xpose: Option<i32>,
    /// Notation conversion of chords
    notation: Option<Notation>,
    /// Transposition of alt chords (2nd row)
    alt_xpose: Option<i32>,
    /// Notation conversion of alt chords (2nd row)
    alt_notation: Option<Notation>,

    /// Option to disable transposition for unit testing,
    /// ie. leave `Inline::Transpose` in the AST so they can be checked.
    disabled: bool,

impl Transposition {
    fn new(src_notation: Notation, disabled: bool) -> Self {
        Self {

    fn update(&mut self, xpose: Transpose) {
        if self.disabled {

        match xpose {
            Transpose::Transpose(d) => self.xpose = Some(d),
            Transpose::Notation(nt) => self.notation = Some(nt),
            Transpose::AltTranspose(d) => self.alt_xpose = Some(d),
            Transpose::AltNotation(nt) => self.alt_notation = Some(nt),
            Transpose::AltNone => {
                self.alt_xpose = None;
                self.alt_notation = None;

    fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
            || self.notation.is_some()
            || self.alt_xpose.is_some()
            || self.alt_notation.is_some()

/// Custom operations on Comrak AST nodes
trait NodeExt<'a> {
    fn is_block(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_text(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_h(&self, level: u32) -> bool;
    fn is_p(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_code(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_break(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_link(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_item(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_bq(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_img(&self) -> bool;
    fn is_inline_html(&self) -> bool;

    /// Elements that shouldn't go into chord child inlines,
    /// ie. line break or and image
    fn ends_chord(&self) -> bool;

    /// Recursively concatenate all text fields, ie. remove
    /// formatting and just return the text.
    fn as_plaintext(&'a self) -> String;

    /// Split the current node at the specified child index.
    /// This effectively: 1. duplicates the current node, the copy is
    /// added as originals next sibling, 2. moves children starting from index
    /// `at_child` (inclusive) from the original to the copy.
    fn split_at(&'a self, at_child: usize, arena: &'a Arena<'a>) -> AstRef<'a>;

    /// Preprocesses the AST, performing the following operations:
    /// - Link child nodes are converted to plaintext
    /// - Inline `Code`, `LineBreak`s, `SoftBreak`s and `Image`s 'bubble up' to the top level
    ///   of the current block element. That is, if a `Code` inline is nested
    ///   within another inline element, the element is split and the code is brought up.
    ///   This happens recursively. This is done so that inline code spans can be easily
    ///   collected into Chord spans with the content that follows until the next inline code
    ///   or linebreak.
    fn preprocess(&'a self, arena: &'a Arena<'a>);

    /// Parse the html snippet using a 3rd party HTML parser,
    /// convert HTML elements into `Inline::HtmlTag`s and append to `target`.
    fn parse_html(&self, target: &mut Vec<Inline>, ctx: &ParserCtx);

    /// Get the line number where in the source md this node is defined.
    /// If the node spans multiple lines, the number of the first one is returned.
    /// The line number is 1-indexed.
    fn source_line(&self) -> usize;

impl<'a> NodeExt<'a> for AstNode<'a> {
    fn is_block(&self) -> bool {

    fn is_text(&self) -> bool {

    fn is_h(&self, level: u32) -> bool {
            NodeValue::Heading(h) if h.level as u32 == level

    fn is_p(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::Paragraph)

    fn is_code(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::Code(..))

    fn is_break(&self) -> bool {
            NodeValue::LineBreak | NodeValue::SoftBreak

    fn is_link(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::Link(..))

    fn is_item(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::Item(..))

    fn is_bq(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::BlockQuote)

    fn is_img(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::Image(..))

    fn is_inline_html(&self) -> bool {
        matches!(, NodeValue::HtmlInline(..))

    fn ends_chord(&self) -> bool {
        self.is_break() || self.is_img() || self.is_inline_html()

    fn as_plaintext(&'a self) -> String {
        fn recurse<'a>(this: &'a AstNode<'a>, res: &mut String) {
            let value =;
            let text = match &value.value {
                NodeValue::Text(literal) | NodeValue::Code(NodeCode { literal, .. }) => {
                _ => None,

            if let Some(text) = text {
            } else {
                for c in this.children() {
                    recurse(c, res);

        let mut res = String::new();
        recurse(self, &mut res);

    fn split_at(&'a self, at_child: usize, arena: &'a Arena<'a>) -> AstRef<'a> {
        // Clone the data and alloc a new node in the arena:
        let data2 =;
        let node2 = arena.alloc(AstNode::new(data2));

        // Append as the next sibling

        // Move [i, len) children to node2
        for child in self.children().skip(at_child) {
            node2.append(child); // Yes, this will detach the child from self


    fn preprocess(&'a self, arena: &'a Arena<'a>) {
        // First make sure children are already preprocessed
        // (We're doing a DFS descent basically.)
        self.children().for_each(|c| c.preprocess(arena));

        // The preprocessing is only applicable to inlines
        if self.is_block() {

        if self.is_link() {
            if self.children().count() == 1
                && self.children().next().map_or(false, NodeExt::is_text)
                // This is a plaintext link, nothing needs to be done
            } else {
                // Convert link to plaintext
                let plain = self.as_plaintext();
                for c in self.children() {
                let start =;
                let textnode = Ast::new(NodeValue::Text(plain), start);
                let textnode = arena.alloc(AstNode::new(RefCell::new(textnode)));


        let mut start_node = Some(self);
        while let Some(node) = start_node.take() {
            if let Some((i, child)) = node
                .find(|(_, c)| c.is_code() || c.is_break() || c.is_img() || c.is_inline_html())
                // We want to take this child and append as a sibling to self,
                // but first self needs to be duplicated with the already-processed nodes
                // removed. The processing then should go on to the duplicated node...
                let node2 = node.split_at(i, arena);
                start_node = Some(node2);

    fn parse_html(&self, target: &mut Vec<Inline>, ctx: &ParserCtx) {
        let this =;
        let html = match &this.value {
            NodeValue::HtmlBlock(b) => &b.literal,
            NodeValue::HtmlInline(b) => b,

            _ => panic!("HTML can only be parsed from HTML nodes."),

        html::parse_html(html, target, self.source_line(), ctx);

    fn source_line(&self) -> usize {

        // NB. I'm not using the column info as it seems unreliable (eg. weird numbers for inline code)

struct ChordBuilder {
    chord: BStr,
    alt_chord: Option<BStr>,
    backticks: usize,
    baseline: bool,
    inlines: Vec<Inline>,

impl ChordBuilder {
    fn new(code: &NodeCode) -> Self {
        let (chord, baseline) = Self::preprocess_chord_set(&code.literal);

        Self {
            alt_chord: None,
            backticks: code.num_backticks,
            inlines: vec![],

    /// Preprocess chord set text from the MD parser filtering/replacing
    /// underscores as needed. The bool result indicates
    /// whether there was an underscore (ie. whether this is a baseline chord).
    fn preprocess_chord_set(src: &str) -> (BStr, bool) {
        let baseline = src.contains('_');
        let mut res = String::with_capacity(src.len());

        // Find prefix and suffix parts, which consist of only whitespace or underscores:
        let prefix_end = src
            .find(|c: char| !c.is_whitespace() && c != '_')
        let suffix_start = src
            .take_while(|(_, c)| c.is_whitespace() || *c == '_')
            .map(|(i, _)| i)

        // Copy all three parts into resulting string.
        // In the prefix and suffix, omit underscores entirely,
        // in the middle part, replace them with spaces:
            .filter(|&c| c != '_')
            .for_each(|c| res.push(c));
            .map(|c| if c == '_' { ' ' } else { c })
            .for_each(|c| res.push(c));
            .filter(|&c| c != '_')
            .for_each(|c| res.push(c));

        (res.into(), baseline)

    fn inlines_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<Inline> {
        &mut self.inlines

    fn transpose(&mut self, xp: &Transposition) -> Result<(), BStr> {
        if xp.disabled {
            return Ok(());

        let src_nt = xp.src_notation;

        // alt_xpose needs to be done first, because self.chord may be overwritten
        if xp.alt_xpose.is_some() || xp.alt_notation.is_some() {
            let delta = xp.alt_xpose.unwrap_or(0);
            let to_nt = xp.alt_notation.unwrap_or(src_nt);
            self.alt_chord = Some(music::transpose(&self.chord, delta, src_nt, to_nt)?.into());

        if xp.xpose.is_some() || xp.notation.is_some() {
            let delta = xp.xpose.unwrap_or(0);
            let to_nt = xp.notation.unwrap_or(src_nt);
            self.chord = music::transpose(&self.chord, delta, src_nt, to_nt)?.into();


    fn finalize(self, inlines: &mut Vec<Inline>) {
        let chord = Chord::new(

struct VerseBuilder<'a> {
    label: VerseLabel,
    paragraphs: Vec<Paragraph>,
    ctx: &'a ParserCtx<'a>,

impl<'a> VerseBuilder<'a> {
    fn new(label: VerseLabel, ctx: &'a ParserCtx<'a>) -> Self {
        Self {
            paragraphs: vec![],

    fn with_p_nodes<I>(label: VerseLabel, ctx: &'a ParserCtx<'a>, nodes: I) -> Self
        I: Iterator<Item = AstRef<'a>>,
        nodes.fold(Self::new(label, ctx), |mut this, node| {

    /// Parse a text node. It may parse into a series of `Inline`s
    /// since extension parsing is handled here.
    fn parse_text(&mut self, node: AstRef, target: &mut Vec<Inline>) {
        let data =;
        let text = data
            .unwrap_or_else(|| unreachable!("Unexpected element: {:?}", &data.value));

        let mut pos = 0;
        for caps in EXTENSION.captures_iter(text) {
            let hit = caps.get(0).unwrap();

            // Try parsing an extension
            let ext = Extension::from(caps);
            if let Some(inline) = ext.try_parse() {
                // First see if there's regular text preceding the extension
                let preceding = &text[pos..hit.start()];
                if !preceding.is_empty() {

                if inline.is_xpose() && !self.ctx.xp().disabled {
                    // Update transposition state and throw the inline away,
                    // we're normally not keeping them in the AST

                    // If the extension is first on the line (ie. no leading ws)
                    // then we should consume the following whitespace char
                    // (there must be either whitespace or EOL).
                    if !ext.prefix_space && hit.end() < text.len() {
                        pos = hit.end() + 1;
                    } else {
                        pos = hit.end();
                } else {
                    // inline not xpose or xp disabled
                    pos = hit.end();

        // Also add text past the last extension (if any)
        let rest = &text[pos..];
        if !rest.is_empty() {

    fn collect_inlines(&mut self, node: AstRef) -> Vec<Inline> {
        node.children().fold(vec![], |mut vec, node| {
            self.make_inlines(node, &mut vec);

    /// Generate `Inline`s out of this inline node.
    /// Also recursively applies to children when applicable.
    fn make_inlines(&mut self, node: AstRef, target: &mut Vec<Inline>) {

        let single = match & {
            NodeValue::Text(..) => {
                self.parse_text(node, target);
            NodeValue::SoftBreak | NodeValue::LineBreak => Inline::Break,
            NodeValue::HtmlInline(..) => {
                node.parse_html(target, self.ctx);
            NodeValue::Emph => Inline::Emph(self.collect_inlines(node).into()),
            NodeValue::Strong => Inline::Strong(self.collect_inlines(node).into()),
            NodeValue::Link(link) => {
                let mut children = node.children();
                let text =;
                let text = text.as_plaintext().into();

                let link = Link::new(link.url.clone_bstr(), link.title.clone_bstr(), text);
            NodeValue::Image(link) => {
                let img = Image::new(
            NodeValue::FootnoteReference(..) => return,

            // TODO: Ensure extensions are not enabled through a test
            other => {
                unreachable!("Unexpected element: {:?}", other);


    fn add_p_inner(&mut self, node: AstRef) {

        let mut para: Vec<Inline> = vec![];
        let mut cb = None::<ChordBuilder>;
        for c in node.children() {
            let c_data =;
            if let NodeValue::Code(code) = &c_data.value {
                if let Some(cb) = cb.take() {
                    cb.finalize(&mut para);

                let mut new_cb = ChordBuilder::new(code);
                let xp = self.ctx.xp();
                if xp.is_some() {
                    if let Err(chord) = new_cb.transpose(&xp) {
                            .report_diag(c.source_line(), DiagKind::Transposition { chord });

                if new_cb.baseline {
                    // Baseline chords don't take any inlines, finalize right away...
                    new_cb.finalize(&mut para);
                } else {
                    cb = Some(new_cb);
            } else if c.ends_chord() {
                if let Some(cb) = cb.take() {
                    cb.finalize(&mut para);

                self.make_inlines(c, &mut para);
            } else {
                // c must be another inline element.
                // See if a chord is currently open
                if let Some(cb) = cb.as_mut() {
                    // Add the inlines to the current chord
                    self.make_inlines(c, cb.inlines_mut());
                } else {
                    // Otherwise just push as a standalone inline
                    self.make_inlines(c, &mut para);

        if let Some(cb) = cb.take() {
            cb.finalize(&mut para);

        if !para.is_empty() {

    /// Add node containing a paragraph (or multiple ones in case of nested lists)
    fn add_p_node(&mut self, node: AstRef) {
        // This is called from SongBuilder, ie. if we come across a List
        // or a BlockQuote here, that means it must be a nested one,
        // as top-level ones are handled in SongBuilder.
        // These nested lists/bqs are undefined by bard MD,
        // ATM we just ignore them as such, but parse the paragraphs within.
        match & {
            NodeValue::Paragraph => self.add_p_inner(node),
            NodeValue::BlockQuote | NodeValue::List(..) | NodeValue::Item(..) => {
                node.children().for_each(|c| self.add_p_node(c))

            NodeValue::HtmlBlock(..) => {
                let mut inlines = vec![];
                node.parse_html(&mut inlines, self.ctx);
                if !inlines.is_empty() {

            _ => {} // ignored

    fn finalize(self) -> Verse {
        Verse::new(self.label, self.paragraphs)

struct SongBuilder<'a> {
    nodes: &'a [AstRef<'a>],
    title: String,
    subtitles: Vec<BStr>,
    verse: Option<VerseBuilder<'a>>,
    blocks: Vec<Block>,
    verse_num: u32,
    ctx: &'a ParserCtx<'a>,

impl<'a> SongBuilder<'a> {
    fn new(nodes: &'a [AstRef<'a>], ctx: &'a ParserCtx<'a>) -> Self {
        // Read song title or use fallback
        let (title, nodes) = match nodes.first() {
            Some(n) if n.is_h(1) => (n.as_plaintext(), &nodes[1..]),
            _ => (ctx.fallback_title.clone(), nodes),

        // Collect subtitles - H2s following the title (if any)
        let subtitles: Vec<_> = nodes
            .take_while(|node| node.is_h(2))
            .map(|node| node.as_plaintext().into())

        // Shift nodes to the song content
        let nodes = &nodes[subtitles.len()..];

        Self {
            verse: None,
            blocks: vec![],
            // xp: Transposition::new(ctx.config.notation, ctx.config.xp_disabled),
            verse_num: 0,

    fn next_verse_num(&mut self) -> u32 {
        self.verse_num += 1;

    fn verse_mut(&mut self) -> &mut VerseBuilder<'a> {
        if self.verse.is_none() {
            self.verse = Some(VerseBuilder::new(VerseLabel::None {}, self.ctx));


    fn verse_finalize(&mut self) {
        if let Some(verse) = self.verse.take() {

    fn parse_bq(&mut self, bq: AstRef, level: u32) {

        let mut prev_bq = false;
        for c in bq.children() {
            if c.is_bq() {
                self.parse_bq(c, level + 1);
                prev_bq = true;
            } else {
                if prev_bq {
                    prev_bq = false;

                if self.verse.is_none() {
                    let label = VerseLabel::Chorus(Some(level));
                    let verse = VerseBuilder::new(label, self.ctx);
                    self.verse = Some(verse);


    fn parse(mut self) -> Self {
        for node in self.nodes.iter() {
            if !node.is_p() {

            match & {
                NodeValue::Paragraph => self.verse_mut().add_p_node(node),

                NodeValue::List(list) if matches!(list.list_type, ListType::Ordered) => {
                    for item in node.children() {

                        let label = VerseLabel::Verse(self.next_verse_num());
                        let verse = VerseBuilder::with_p_nodes(label, self.ctx, item.children());
                        self.verse = Some(verse);

                NodeValue::List(..) => {
                    let items: Vec<BStr> = node
                        .map(|item| item.as_plaintext().into())
                    let list = BulletList {
                        items: items.into(),

                NodeValue::BlockQuote => self.parse_bq(node, 1),

                NodeValue::Heading(h) if h.level >= 3 => {
                    let label = VerseLabel::Custom(node.as_plaintext().into());
                    self.verse = Some(VerseBuilder::new(label, self.ctx));

                NodeValue::ThematicBreak => {

                NodeValue::CodeBlock(cb) => self.blocks.push(Block::Pre {
                    text: cb.literal.clone_bstr(),

                NodeValue::HtmlBlock(..) => {
                    let mut inlines = vec![];
                    node.parse_html(&mut inlines, self.ctx);
                    if !inlines.is_empty() {

                _ => {}


    fn finalize(mut self) -> Song {

        // Chorus labels and chorus references carry a number
        // identifying the chorus. However, if there's just one chorus
        // in the song, we set the number to None, the number would be useless/distracting.
        let max_chorus = self
            .map(|b| b.chorus_num().unwrap_or(0))
        if max_chorus < 2 {

        let mut song = Song {
            title: self.title.into(),
            subtitles: self.subtitles.into(),
            blocks: self.blocks,
            notation: self.ctx.xp().src_notation,


struct SongsIter<'s, 'a> {
    slice: &'s [AstRef<'a>],

impl<'s, 'a> SongsIter<'s, 'a> {
    fn new(slice: &'s [AstRef<'a>]) -> Self {
        Self { slice }

    fn find_next_h1(&self) -> Option<usize> {
            .find_map(|(i, node)| if node.is_h(1) { Some(i + 1) } else { None })

impl<'s, 'a> Iterator for SongsIter<'s, 'a> {
    type Item = &'s [AstRef<'a>];

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        if self.slice.is_empty() {
            return None;

        if let Some(next_h1) = self.find_next_h1() {
            let (ret, next_slice) = self.slice.split_at(next_h1);
            self.slice = next_slice;
        } else {
            // Return the whole remaining slice
            Some(mem::take(&mut self.slice))

    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {
        let n = self.slice.iter().filter(|node| node.is_h(1)).count();
        (n, Some(n))

pub struct ParserConfig {
    pub notation: Notation,
    pub fallback_title: String,
    pub xp_disabled: bool,
    pub smart_punctuation: bool,

impl ParserConfig {
    pub fn new(notation: Notation, smart_punctuation: bool) -> Self {
        Self {
            fallback_title: FALLBACK_TITLE.into(),
            xp_disabled: false,

    pub fn xp_disabled(mut self, xp_disabled: bool) -> Self {
        self.xp_disabled = xp_disabled;

impl Default for ParserConfig {
    fn default() -> Self {
        Self {
            notation: Notation::default(),
            fallback_title: FALLBACK_TITLE.into(),
            xp_disabled: false,
            smart_punctuation: true,

struct ParserCtx<'d> {
    fallback_title: String,
    xp: RefCell<Transposition>,
    input_file: PathBuf,
    diag_sink: Box<dyn DiagSink + 'd>,
    error_seen: Cell<bool>,
    smart_punctuation: bool,

impl<'d> ParserCtx<'d> {
    fn new(config: ParserConfig, input_file: &Path, diag_sink: Box<dyn DiagSink + 'd>) -> Self {
        Self {
            fallback_title: config.fallback_title,
            xp: RefCell::new(Transposition::new(config.notation, config.xp_disabled)),
            input_file: input_file.to_owned(),
            error_seen: Cell::new(false),
            smart_punctuation: config.smart_punctuation,

    fn xp(&self) -> Ref<'_, Transposition> {

    fn xp_mut(&self) -> RefMut<'_, Transposition> {

    fn report_diag(&self, line: usize, kind: DiagKind) {
        if kind.is_error() {
        } {
            file: self.input_file.clone(),

    fn diag_result<T>(&self, value: T) -> Result<T, ()> {
        if self.error_seen.get() {
        } else {

impl<'d> fmt::Debug for ParserCtx<'d> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
            .field("fallback_title", &self.fallback_title)
            .field("xp", &self.xp)
            .field("diag_sink", &format!("{:p}", self.diag_sink))
            .field("error_seen", &self.error_seen)

pub struct Parser<'i, 'd> {
    input: &'i str,
    ctx: ParserCtx<'d>,

impl<'i, 'd> Parser<'i, 'd> {
    pub fn new(
        input: &'i str,
        input_file: &Path,
        config: ParserConfig,
        diagnostic_sink: impl DiagSink + 'd,
    ) -> Self {
        let ctx = ParserCtx::new(config, input_file, Box::new(diagnostic_sink));
        Self { input, ctx }

    fn comrak_config(smart_punctuation: bool) -> ComrakOptions {
        ComrakOptions {
            extension: ComrakExtensionOptions::default(),
            parse: ComrakParseOptions {
                smart: smart_punctuation,
            render: ComrakRenderOptions::default(),

    /// Verify input doesn't contain disallowed control chars,
    /// which are all of them except LF, TAB, and CR.
    fn check_control_chars(&mut self) -> Result<()> {
        for (num, line) in self.input.lines().enumerate() {
            for c in line.chars() {
                // The Lines iterator already takes care of \n and \r,
                // only need to check for \t here:
                if c.is_control() && c != '\t' {
                        .report_diag(num + 1, DiagKind::ControlChar { char: c as u32 });


    /// Parsing is done in four steps:
    /// 1. Split the source AST in individual songs (they are separated by H1s),
    ///    this is done by `SongIter`.
    ///    For each song:
    /// 2. Preprocess the AST for easier parsing, this mainly involves bringing up
    ///    Code inlines and line breaks to the top level (out of arbitrary nested levels).
    ///    This is done by methods in `NodeExt`.
    /// 3. Parse the song content, this is done in `SongBuilder`, `VerseBuilder` et al.,
    ///    as well as helper methods in `NodeExt`.
    ///    Parsing bard MD extensions, incl. transposition, is also done here (`Extension`).
    ///    Transposition is applied right away.
    /// 4. Postprocess the song data and convert into the final `Song` AST,
    ///    as of now this is just removing of empty paragraphs/verses,
    ///    this is actually implemented on the `Song` AST type in `book`.
    /// The `Result` is one or more `Song` structures which are appended to the `songs` vec passed in.
    /// See the `book` module where the bard AST is defined.
    pub fn parse(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Song>> {

        let arena = Arena::new();
        let config = Self::comrak_config(self.ctx.smart_punctuation);
        let root = comrak::parse_document(&arena, self.input, &config);
        let root_elems: Vec<_> = root.children().collect();
        let songs_iter = SongsIter::new(&root_elems);
        let songs = Vec::with_capacity(songs_iter.size_hint().0);
        let songs = songs_iter.fold(songs, |mut songs, nodes| {
            nodes.iter().for_each(|node| node.preprocess(&arena));

            let song = SongBuilder::new(nodes, &self.ctx);


mod tests;