bami 0.2.0

Basic amethyst input library


The basic amethyst input library. Offers simple utility for input with the amethyst crate.

Controller support can be added through the gilrs feature.

This crate is a work in progress, some controller bindings may not yet be supported.

Setup :

use bami::BamiBundle;

let game_data = GameDataBuilder::default()
    // ^------ Add this bundle AFTER the `InputBundle`
    // Feel free to replace `StringBindings` with a custom type

Usage :

Feel free to replace StringBindings with a custom type in your code!

use bami::{Input};

// Inside a system
type SystemData = Read<'s, Input<StringBindings>>;
fn run(&mut self, input: Self::SystemData) {
    let action = String::from("jump");

    // Only true the first frame an input is pressed
    let pressed_this_frame = 

    // The current state of the action
    // `true` every frame the action is held
    let being_held_down: bool =

    let axis = String::from("horizontal");

    // Axis value between [-1.0, 1.0].
    let walk_speed: f32 =

    // Axes can also be used for menus
    let menu_axis =

Run tests:

cargo test --features amethyst/empty