bam 0.0.10

Library that allows to read BAM files, written completely in Rust.

bam is a crate that allows to read and write BAM, SAM and BGZIP files, written completely in Rust.


Having a crate written completely in Rust reduces the number of dependencies and compilation time. Additionally, it removes the need to install additional C libraries.

Errors produced by this crate are more readable and easier to catch and fix on-the-fly.


Currently, there are three readers and two writers:

  • bam::IndexedReader - fetches records from random genomic regions.
  • bam::BamReader - reads a BAM file consecutively.
  • bam::SamReader - reads a SAM file consecutively.
  • bam::BamWriter - writes a BAM file.
  • bam::SamWriter - writes a SAM file.

BAM readers and writers have single-thread and multi-thread modes.

You can use bgzip module to interact directly with bgzip files (BGZF).

The crate also allows to conviniently work with SAM/BAM records and their fields, such as CIGAR or tags.


The following code would load BAM file in.bam and its index in.bam.bai, take all records from 3:600001-700000 and print them on the stdout.

extern crate bam;

use std::io;
use bam::RecordWriter;

fn main() {
    let mut reader = bam::IndexedReader::from_path("in.bam").unwrap();
    let output = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
    let mut writer = bam::SamWriter::build()
        .from_stream(output, reader.header().clone()).unwrap();

    for record in reader.fetch(2, 600_000, 700_000).unwrap() {
        let record = record.unwrap();

You can find more detailed usage here.


You can find changelog here.

Future versions

  • Iterating over unmapped reads for IndexedReader,
  • Support for linear index for extremely long records,
  • Constructing pileup.


Please submit issues here or send them to timofey.prodanov[at]