bam 0.0.1

Library that allows to read BAM files, written completely in Rust.


bam is a library that allows to read BAM files, written completely in Rust. Currently, it allows to only fetch reads from a region in an indexed bam file. In the future versions, non-indexed reader will be supported, as well as writing BAM files.


Having a library written completely in Rust reduces the number of dependencies and compilation time. Additionally, it removes the need to install additional C libraries.


Currently, there is only one available reader: bam::IndexedReader. The following code would print SAM entries for all reads in a region:

extern crate bam;

fn main() {
    // If the index is not located at test.bam.bai, use
    // IndexedReader::from_path_and_index(bam_path, bai_path)
    let mut reader = bam::IndexedReader::from_path("test.bam").unwrap();

    // Need to clone header to have access to reference names as the
    // reader will be blocked durint fetch.
    let header = reader.header().clone();

    for record in reader.fetch(1, 100_000, 200_000) {
        let record = record.unwrap();
        record.write_sam(&mut std::io::stdout(), &header).unwrap();

Additionally, you can use read_into(&mut record) to save time on record allocation:

    let mut viewer = reader.fetch(1, 100_000, 200_000);
    let mut record = bam::Record::new();
    loop {
        match viewer.read_into(&mut record) {
            // New record is saved into record
            Ok(()) => {},
            // NoMoreRecords represents stop iteration
            Err(bam::Error::NoMoreRecords) => break,
            Err(e) => panic!("{}", e),
        record.write_sam(&mut std::io::stdout(), &header).unwrap();


Each bgzip block contains a CRC32 checksum. By default, the bam crate does not compare checksums to save time. However, you can compare checksums by adding the following line to your Cargo.toml:

bam = { version = "*", features = ["check_crc"] }