backr 0.2.0

A program that backs up user data that matches a regular expression
backr-0.2.0 is not a library.
   -V, --version 
         Prints version information
-d, --destination <DESTINATION_PATH>
         The path to the location you want the data saved to.

-o, --output_file <output_file>
         Specifies the location that failed transfer paths are written to
         [default: "<DESTINATION_PATH>/backr_log.txt"]

-r, --regex <regex>
         Passes a regex to the program to only backup matching files
         and directories.
         [default: "Documents|Downloads|Movies|Music|Pictures|Videos"]

-s, --source <USER_PROFILE>
         The path to the User directory you want to backup.
         [default: <CURRENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY>]
-u, --update <update>
         If this flag is set, backr will check the metadata of the
         source file and the already existing destination
         file, and will keep the newest one.
         [default: false]
  1. Add a second thread with a progress bar
  2. Implement the update option