Module backblaze_b2::raw::files [] [src]

This module defines various methods for interacting with the files on backblaze. There are also various structs for storing information about files on backblaze.

The methods are found on the B2Authorization struct.



Contains information for a b2 file. This struct is returned by the file listing functions and the functions for downloading files. Some other functions return additional information about the file than this struct, and they use the struct MoreFileInfo.


Contains the files and folders returned by the file name listing api.


Contains the files, folders, hide markers and unfinished large files returned by the file version listing api.


Folders are not real objects stored on backblaze b2, but derived from the names of the stored files. This struct is returned by the file listing functions.


Contains information about a hide marker. Hide markers are used to mark a filename as not used without deleting the old versions.


Contains information for a b2 file. This struct is returned by the function get_file_info and the functions for uploading files. This struct contains more information about the file compared to the FileInfo struct.


Contains information about unfinished large files.



Specifies if something is a file, a hide marker og a folder.


Specifies if something is a file or a hide marker.