b2sum-rust 0.3.0

A Rust Library For Computing The Blake2b Hash of Files with any given Digest Size



A Pure Rust Library For Hashing Files using Blake2b with any given digest size.

It takes advantage of the crates filebuffer and Blake2-rfc, with filebuffer providing more speed than the std::io primitive.


Make sure to add b2sum-rust to your cargo.toml

use b2sum_rust::Blake2bSum;

fn main(){
    // Creates a new File Instance with a digest size of 64 bytes
    let context = Blake2bSum::new(64);

    // Outputs a Hexadecimal String
    let hash = context.read("example_file.txt");

    // Converts the hexadecimal string to a vector of bytes
    let _bytes = Blake2bSum::as_bytes(&hash);

    // Prints The Hexadecimal Representation
    println!("Hash: {}",hash);


This crates name is not b2sum. That crate is a command-line hashing tool. This crate is a library that provides API for implementing hashing of files into other projects. This crates name is b2sum-rust.


  • MIT

  • Apache-2.0