Struct aws_sdk_glue::types::CodeGenConfigurationNode

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pub struct CodeGenConfigurationNode {
Show 71 fields pub athena_connector_source: Option<AthenaConnectorSource>, pub jdbc_connector_source: Option<JdbcConnectorSource>, pub spark_connector_source: Option<SparkConnectorSource>, pub catalog_source: Option<CatalogSource>, pub redshift_source: Option<RedshiftSource>, pub s3_catalog_source: Option<S3CatalogSource>, pub s3_csv_source: Option<S3CsvSource>, pub s3_json_source: Option<S3JsonSource>, pub s3_parquet_source: Option<S3ParquetSource>, pub relational_catalog_source: Option<RelationalCatalogSource>, pub dynamo_db_catalog_source: Option<DynamoDbCatalogSource>, pub jdbc_connector_target: Option<JdbcConnectorTarget>, pub spark_connector_target: Option<SparkConnectorTarget>, pub catalog_target: Option<BasicCatalogTarget>, pub redshift_target: Option<RedshiftTarget>, pub s3_catalog_target: Option<S3CatalogTarget>, pub s3_glue_parquet_target: Option<S3GlueParquetTarget>, pub s3_direct_target: Option<S3DirectTarget>, pub apply_mapping: Option<ApplyMapping>, pub select_fields: Option<SelectFields>, pub drop_fields: Option<DropFields>, pub rename_field: Option<RenameField>, pub spigot: Option<Spigot>, pub join: Option<Join>, pub split_fields: Option<SplitFields>, pub select_from_collection: Option<SelectFromCollection>, pub fill_missing_values: Option<FillMissingValues>, pub filter: Option<Filter>, pub custom_code: Option<CustomCode>, pub spark_sql: Option<SparkSql>, pub direct_kinesis_source: Option<DirectKinesisSource>, pub direct_kafka_source: Option<DirectKafkaSource>, pub catalog_kinesis_source: Option<CatalogKinesisSource>, pub catalog_kafka_source: Option<CatalogKafkaSource>, pub drop_null_fields: Option<DropNullFields>, pub merge: Option<Merge>, pub union: Option<Union>, pub pii_detection: Option<PiiDetection>, pub aggregate: Option<Aggregate>, pub drop_duplicates: Option<DropDuplicates>, pub governed_catalog_target: Option<GovernedCatalogTarget>, pub governed_catalog_source: Option<GovernedCatalogSource>, pub microsoft_sql_server_catalog_source: Option<MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogSource>, pub my_sql_catalog_source: Option<MySqlCatalogSource>, pub oracle_sql_catalog_source: Option<OracleSqlCatalogSource>, pub postgre_sql_catalog_source: Option<PostgreSqlCatalogSource>, pub microsoft_sql_server_catalog_target: Option<MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogTarget>, pub my_sql_catalog_target: Option<MySqlCatalogTarget>, pub oracle_sql_catalog_target: Option<OracleSqlCatalogTarget>, pub postgre_sql_catalog_target: Option<PostgreSqlCatalogTarget>, pub dynamic_transform: Option<DynamicTransform>, pub evaluate_data_quality: Option<EvaluateDataQuality>, pub s3_catalog_hudi_source: Option<S3CatalogHudiSource>, pub catalog_hudi_source: Option<CatalogHudiSource>, pub s3_hudi_source: Option<S3HudiSource>, pub s3_hudi_catalog_target: Option<S3HudiCatalogTarget>, pub s3_hudi_direct_target: Option<S3HudiDirectTarget>, pub direct_jdbc_source: Option<DirectJdbcSource>, pub s3_catalog_delta_source: Option<S3CatalogDeltaSource>, pub catalog_delta_source: Option<CatalogDeltaSource>, pub s3_delta_source: Option<S3DeltaSource>, pub s3_delta_catalog_target: Option<S3DeltaCatalogTarget>, pub s3_delta_direct_target: Option<S3DeltaDirectTarget>, pub amazon_redshift_source: Option<AmazonRedshiftSource>, pub amazon_redshift_target: Option<AmazonRedshiftTarget>, pub evaluate_data_quality_multi_frame: Option<EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame>, pub recipe: Option<Recipe>, pub snowflake_source: Option<SnowflakeSource>, pub snowflake_target: Option<SnowflakeTarget>, pub connector_data_source: Option<ConnectorDataSource>, pub connector_data_target: Option<ConnectorDataTarget>,
Expand description

CodeGenConfigurationNode enumerates all valid Node types. One and only one of its member variables can be populated.

Fields (Non-exhaustive)§

This struct is marked as non-exhaustive
Non-exhaustive structs could have additional fields added in future. Therefore, non-exhaustive structs cannot be constructed in external crates using the traditional Struct { .. } syntax; cannot be matched against without a wildcard ..; and struct update syntax will not work.
§athena_connector_source: Option<AthenaConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to an Amazon Athena data source.

§jdbc_connector_source: Option<JdbcConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to a JDBC data source.

§spark_connector_source: Option<SparkConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to an Apache Spark data source.

§catalog_source: Option<CatalogSource>

Specifies a data store in the Glue Data Catalog.

§redshift_source: Option<RedshiftSource>

Specifies an Amazon Redshift data store.

§s3_catalog_source: Option<S3CatalogSource>

Specifies an Amazon S3 data store in the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_csv_source: Option<S3CsvSource>

Specifies a command-separated value (CSV) data store stored in Amazon S3.

§s3_json_source: Option<S3JsonSource>

Specifies a JSON data store stored in Amazon S3.

§s3_parquet_source: Option<S3ParquetSource>

Specifies an Apache Parquet data store stored in Amazon S3.

§relational_catalog_source: Option<RelationalCatalogSource>

Specifies a relational catalog data store in the Glue Data Catalog.

§dynamo_db_catalog_source: Option<DynamoDbCatalogSource>

Specifies a DynamoDBC Catalog data store in the Glue Data Catalog.

§jdbc_connector_target: Option<JdbcConnectorTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.

§spark_connector_target: Option<SparkConnectorTarget>

Specifies a target that uses an Apache Spark connector.

§catalog_target: Option<BasicCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses a Glue Data Catalog table.

§redshift_target: Option<RedshiftTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Amazon Redshift.

§s3_catalog_target: Option<S3CatalogTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 using the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_glue_parquet_target: Option<S3GlueParquetTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.

§s3_direct_target: Option<S3DirectTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3.

§apply_mapping: Option<ApplyMapping>

Specifies a transform that maps data property keys in the data source to data property keys in the data target. You can rename keys, modify the data types for keys, and choose which keys to drop from the dataset.

§select_fields: Option<SelectFields>

Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to keep.

§drop_fields: Option<DropFields>

Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to drop.

§rename_field: Option<RenameField>

Specifies a transform that renames a single data property key.

§spigot: Option<Spigot>

Specifies a transform that writes samples of the data to an Amazon S3 bucket.

§join: Option<Join>

Specifies a transform that joins two datasets into one dataset using a comparison phrase on the specified data property keys. You can use inner, outer, left, right, left semi, and left anti joins.

§split_fields: Option<SplitFields>

Specifies a transform that splits data property keys into two DynamicFrames. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames: one with selected data property keys, and one with the remaining data property keys.

§select_from_collection: Option<SelectFromCollection>

Specifies a transform that chooses one DynamicFrame from a collection of DynamicFrames. The output is the selected DynamicFrame

§fill_missing_values: Option<FillMissingValues>

Specifies a transform that locates records in the dataset that have missing values and adds a new field with a value determined by imputation. The input data set is used to train the machine learning model that determines what the missing value should be.

§filter: Option<Filter>

Specifies a transform that splits a dataset into two, based on a filter condition.

§custom_code: Option<CustomCode>

Specifies a transform that uses custom code you provide to perform the data transformation. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames.

§spark_sql: Option<SparkSql>

Specifies a transform where you enter a SQL query using Spark SQL syntax to transform the data. The output is a single DynamicFrame.

§direct_kinesis_source: Option<DirectKinesisSource>

Specifies a direct Amazon Kinesis data source.

§direct_kafka_source: Option<DirectKafkaSource>

Specifies an Apache Kafka data store.

§catalog_kinesis_source: Option<CatalogKinesisSource>

Specifies a Kinesis data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§catalog_kafka_source: Option<CatalogKafkaSource>

Specifies an Apache Kafka data store in the Data Catalog.

§drop_null_fields: Option<DropNullFields>

Specifies a transform that removes columns from the dataset if all values in the column are 'null'. By default, Glue Studio will recognize null objects, but some values such as empty strings, strings that are "null", -1 integers or other placeholders such as zeros, are not automatically recognized as nulls.

§merge: Option<Merge>

Specifies a transform that merges a DynamicFrame with a staging DynamicFrame based on the specified primary keys to identify records. Duplicate records (records with the same primary keys) are not de-duplicated.

§union: Option<Union>

Specifies a transform that combines the rows from two or more datasets into a single result.

§pii_detection: Option<PiiDetection>

Specifies a transform that identifies, removes or masks PII data.

§aggregate: Option<Aggregate>

Specifies a transform that groups rows by chosen fields and computes the aggregated value by specified function.

§drop_duplicates: Option<DropDuplicates>

Specifies a transform that removes rows of repeating data from a data set.

§governed_catalog_target: Option<GovernedCatalogTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to a goverened catalog.

§governed_catalog_source: Option<GovernedCatalogSource>

Specifies a data source in a goverened Data Catalog.

§microsoft_sql_server_catalog_source: Option<MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogSource>

Specifies a Microsoft SQL server data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§my_sql_catalog_source: Option<MySqlCatalogSource>

Specifies a MySQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§oracle_sql_catalog_source: Option<OracleSqlCatalogSource>

Specifies an Oracle data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§postgre_sql_catalog_source: Option<PostgreSqlCatalogSource>

Specifies a PostgresSQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§microsoft_sql_server_catalog_target: Option<MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Microsoft SQL.

§my_sql_catalog_target: Option<MySqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses MySQL.

§oracle_sql_catalog_target: Option<OracleSqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Oracle SQL.

§postgre_sql_catalog_target: Option<PostgreSqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Postgres SQL.

§dynamic_transform: Option<DynamicTransform>

Specifies a custom visual transform created by a user.

§evaluate_data_quality: Option<EvaluateDataQuality>

Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria.

§s3_catalog_hudi_source: Option<S3CatalogHudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.

§catalog_hudi_source: Option<CatalogHudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_hudi_source: Option<S3HudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source stored in Amazon S3.

§s3_hudi_catalog_target: Option<S3HudiCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_hudi_direct_target: Option<S3HudiDirectTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in Amazon S3.

§direct_jdbc_source: Option<DirectJdbcSource>

Specifies the direct JDBC source connection.

§s3_catalog_delta_source: Option<S3CatalogDeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.

§catalog_delta_source: Option<CatalogDeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_delta_source: Option<S3DeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source stored in Amazon S3.

§s3_delta_catalog_target: Option<S3DeltaCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in the Glue Data Catalog.

§s3_delta_direct_target: Option<S3DeltaDirectTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in Amazon S3.

§amazon_redshift_source: Option<AmazonRedshiftSource>

Specifies a target that writes to a data source in Amazon Redshift.

§amazon_redshift_target: Option<AmazonRedshiftTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a data target in Amazon Redshift.

§evaluate_data_quality_multi_frame: Option<EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame>

Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria. Allows multiple input data and returns a collection of Dynamic Frames.

§recipe: Option<Recipe>

Specifies a Glue DataBrew recipe node.

§snowflake_source: Option<SnowflakeSource>

Specifies a Snowflake data source.

§snowflake_target: Option<SnowflakeTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Snowflake data source.

§connector_data_source: Option<ConnectorDataSource>

Specifies a source generated with standard connection options.

§connector_data_target: Option<ConnectorDataTarget>

Specifies a target generated with standard connection options.



impl CodeGenConfigurationNode


pub fn athena_connector_source(&self) -> Option<&AthenaConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to an Amazon Athena data source.


pub fn jdbc_connector_source(&self) -> Option<&JdbcConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to a JDBC data source.


pub fn spark_connector_source(&self) -> Option<&SparkConnectorSource>

Specifies a connector to an Apache Spark data source.


pub fn catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&CatalogSource>

Specifies a data store in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn redshift_source(&self) -> Option<&RedshiftSource>

Specifies an Amazon Redshift data store.


pub fn s3_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&S3CatalogSource>

Specifies an Amazon S3 data store in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_csv_source(&self) -> Option<&S3CsvSource>

Specifies a command-separated value (CSV) data store stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn s3_json_source(&self) -> Option<&S3JsonSource>

Specifies a JSON data store stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn s3_parquet_source(&self) -> Option<&S3ParquetSource>

Specifies an Apache Parquet data store stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn relational_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&RelationalCatalogSource>

Specifies a relational catalog data store in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn dynamo_db_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&DynamoDbCatalogSource>

Specifies a DynamoDBC Catalog data store in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn jdbc_connector_target(&self) -> Option<&JdbcConnectorTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.


pub fn spark_connector_target(&self) -> Option<&SparkConnectorTarget>

Specifies a target that uses an Apache Spark connector.


pub fn catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&BasicCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses a Glue Data Catalog table.


pub fn redshift_target(&self) -> Option<&RedshiftTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Amazon Redshift.


pub fn s3_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&S3CatalogTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 using the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_glue_parquet_target(&self) -> Option<&S3GlueParquetTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3 in Apache Parquet columnar storage.


pub fn s3_direct_target(&self) -> Option<&S3DirectTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to Amazon S3.


pub fn apply_mapping(&self) -> Option<&ApplyMapping>

Specifies a transform that maps data property keys in the data source to data property keys in the data target. You can rename keys, modify the data types for keys, and choose which keys to drop from the dataset.


pub fn select_fields(&self) -> Option<&SelectFields>

Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to keep.


pub fn drop_fields(&self) -> Option<&DropFields>

Specifies a transform that chooses the data property keys that you want to drop.


pub fn rename_field(&self) -> Option<&RenameField>

Specifies a transform that renames a single data property key.


pub fn spigot(&self) -> Option<&Spigot>

Specifies a transform that writes samples of the data to an Amazon S3 bucket.


pub fn join(&self) -> Option<&Join>

Specifies a transform that joins two datasets into one dataset using a comparison phrase on the specified data property keys. You can use inner, outer, left, right, left semi, and left anti joins.


pub fn split_fields(&self) -> Option<&SplitFields>

Specifies a transform that splits data property keys into two DynamicFrames. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames: one with selected data property keys, and one with the remaining data property keys.


pub fn select_from_collection(&self) -> Option<&SelectFromCollection>

Specifies a transform that chooses one DynamicFrame from a collection of DynamicFrames. The output is the selected DynamicFrame


pub fn fill_missing_values(&self) -> Option<&FillMissingValues>

Specifies a transform that locates records in the dataset that have missing values and adds a new field with a value determined by imputation. The input data set is used to train the machine learning model that determines what the missing value should be.


pub fn filter(&self) -> Option<&Filter>

Specifies a transform that splits a dataset into two, based on a filter condition.


pub fn custom_code(&self) -> Option<&CustomCode>

Specifies a transform that uses custom code you provide to perform the data transformation. The output is a collection of DynamicFrames.


pub fn spark_sql(&self) -> Option<&SparkSql>

Specifies a transform where you enter a SQL query using Spark SQL syntax to transform the data. The output is a single DynamicFrame.


pub fn direct_kinesis_source(&self) -> Option<&DirectKinesisSource>

Specifies a direct Amazon Kinesis data source.


pub fn direct_kafka_source(&self) -> Option<&DirectKafkaSource>

Specifies an Apache Kafka data store.


pub fn catalog_kinesis_source(&self) -> Option<&CatalogKinesisSource>

Specifies a Kinesis data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn catalog_kafka_source(&self) -> Option<&CatalogKafkaSource>

Specifies an Apache Kafka data store in the Data Catalog.


pub fn drop_null_fields(&self) -> Option<&DropNullFields>

Specifies a transform that removes columns from the dataset if all values in the column are 'null'. By default, Glue Studio will recognize null objects, but some values such as empty strings, strings that are "null", -1 integers or other placeholders such as zeros, are not automatically recognized as nulls.


pub fn merge(&self) -> Option<&Merge>

Specifies a transform that merges a DynamicFrame with a staging DynamicFrame based on the specified primary keys to identify records. Duplicate records (records with the same primary keys) are not de-duplicated.


pub fn union(&self) -> Option<&Union>

Specifies a transform that combines the rows from two or more datasets into a single result.


pub fn pii_detection(&self) -> Option<&PiiDetection>

Specifies a transform that identifies, removes or masks PII data.


pub fn aggregate(&self) -> Option<&Aggregate>

Specifies a transform that groups rows by chosen fields and computes the aggregated value by specified function.


pub fn drop_duplicates(&self) -> Option<&DropDuplicates>

Specifies a transform that removes rows of repeating data from a data set.


pub fn governed_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&GovernedCatalogTarget>

Specifies a data target that writes to a goverened catalog.


pub fn governed_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&GovernedCatalogSource>

Specifies a data source in a goverened Data Catalog.


pub fn microsoft_sql_server_catalog_source( &self, ) -> Option<&MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogSource>

Specifies a Microsoft SQL server data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn my_sql_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&MySqlCatalogSource>

Specifies a MySQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn oracle_sql_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&OracleSqlCatalogSource>

Specifies an Oracle data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn postgre_sql_catalog_source(&self) -> Option<&PostgreSqlCatalogSource>

Specifies a PostgresSQL data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn microsoft_sql_server_catalog_target( &self, ) -> Option<&MicrosoftSqlServerCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Microsoft SQL.


pub fn my_sql_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&MySqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses MySQL.


pub fn oracle_sql_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&OracleSqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Oracle SQL.


pub fn postgre_sql_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&PostgreSqlCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that uses Postgres SQL.


pub fn dynamic_transform(&self) -> Option<&DynamicTransform>

Specifies a custom visual transform created by a user.


pub fn evaluate_data_quality(&self) -> Option<&EvaluateDataQuality>

Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria.


pub fn s3_catalog_hudi_source(&self) -> Option<&S3CatalogHudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn catalog_hudi_source(&self) -> Option<&CatalogHudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_hudi_source(&self) -> Option<&S3HudiSource>

Specifies a Hudi data source stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn s3_hudi_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&S3HudiCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_hudi_direct_target(&self) -> Option<&S3HudiDirectTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Hudi data source in Amazon S3.


pub fn direct_jdbc_source(&self) -> Option<&DirectJdbcSource>

Specifies the direct JDBC source connection.


pub fn s3_catalog_delta_source(&self) -> Option<&S3CatalogDeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog. The data source must be stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn catalog_delta_source(&self) -> Option<&CatalogDeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source that is registered in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_delta_source(&self) -> Option<&S3DeltaSource>

Specifies a Delta Lake data source stored in Amazon S3.


pub fn s3_delta_catalog_target(&self) -> Option<&S3DeltaCatalogTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in the Glue Data Catalog.


pub fn s3_delta_direct_target(&self) -> Option<&S3DeltaDirectTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Delta Lake data source in Amazon S3.


pub fn amazon_redshift_source(&self) -> Option<&AmazonRedshiftSource>

Specifies a target that writes to a data source in Amazon Redshift.


pub fn amazon_redshift_target(&self) -> Option<&AmazonRedshiftTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a data target in Amazon Redshift.


pub fn evaluate_data_quality_multi_frame( &self, ) -> Option<&EvaluateDataQualityMultiFrame>

Specifies your data quality evaluation criteria. Allows multiple input data and returns a collection of Dynamic Frames.


pub fn recipe(&self) -> Option<&Recipe>

Specifies a Glue DataBrew recipe node.


pub fn snowflake_source(&self) -> Option<&SnowflakeSource>

Specifies a Snowflake data source.


pub fn snowflake_target(&self) -> Option<&SnowflakeTarget>

Specifies a target that writes to a Snowflake data source.


pub fn connector_data_source(&self) -> Option<&ConnectorDataSource>

Specifies a source generated with standard connection options.


pub fn connector_data_target(&self) -> Option<&ConnectorDataTarget>

Specifies a target generated with standard connection options.


impl CodeGenConfigurationNode


pub fn builder() -> CodeGenConfigurationNodeBuilder

Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture CodeGenConfigurationNode.

Trait Implementations§


impl Clone for CodeGenConfigurationNode


fn clone(&self) -> CodeGenConfigurationNode

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for CodeGenConfigurationNode


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl PartialEq for CodeGenConfigurationNode


fn eq(&self, other: &CodeGenConfigurationNode) -> bool

This method tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

This method tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl StructuralPartialEq for CodeGenConfigurationNode

Auto Trait Implementations§

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T> Instrument for T


fn instrument(self, span: Span) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the provided Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

fn in_current_span(self) -> Instrumented<Self>

Instruments this type with the current Span, returning an Instrumented wrapper. Read more

impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> IntoEither for T


fn into_either(self, into_left: bool) -> Either<Self, Self>

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left is true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

fn into_either_with<F>(self, into_left: F) -> Either<Self, Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,

Converts self into a Left variant of Either<Self, Self> if into_left(&self) returns true. Converts self into a Right variant of Either<Self, Self> otherwise. Read more

impl<Unshared, Shared> IntoShared<Shared> for Unshared
where Shared: FromUnshared<Unshared>,


fn into_shared(self) -> Shared

Creates a shared type from an unshared type.

impl<T> Same for T


type Output = T

Should always be Self

impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T> WithSubscriber for T


fn with_subscriber<S>(self, subscriber: S) -> WithDispatch<Self>
where S: Into<Dispatch>,

Attaches the provided Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more

fn with_current_subscriber(self) -> WithDispatch<Self>

Attaches the current default Subscriber to this type, returning a WithDispatch wrapper. Read more