aws-sdk-elastictranscoder 0.24.0

AWS SDK for Amazon Elastic Transcoder
// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
use std::fmt::Write;

/// See [`CancelJobInput`](crate::input::CancelJobInput).
pub mod cancel_job_input {

    /// A builder for [`CancelJobInput`](crate::input::CancelJobInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the job that you want to cancel.</p>
        /// <p>To get a list of the jobs (including their <code>jobId</code>) that have a status of <code>Submitted</code>, use the <code>ListJobsByStatus</code> API action.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the job that you want to cancel.</p>
        /// <p>To get a list of the jobs (including their <code>jobId</code>) that have a status of <code>Submitted</code>, use the <code>ListJobsByStatus</code> API action.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`CancelJobInput`](crate::input::CancelJobInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::CancelJobInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::CancelJobInput { id: })
impl CancelJobInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`CancelJob`](crate::operation::CancelJob)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::CancelJobInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_1 = &;
                let input_1 = input_1.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/jobs/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::CancelJobInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op =
            aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(request, crate::operation::CancelJob::new())
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`CancelJobInput`](crate::input::CancelJobInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::cancel_job_input::Builder {

/// See [`CreateJobInput`](crate::input::CreateJobInput).
pub mod create_job_input {

    /// A builder for [`CreateJobInput`](crate::input::CreateJobInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) pipeline_id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) input: std::option::Option<crate::model::JobInput>,
        pub(crate) inputs: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::JobInput>>,
        pub(crate) output: std::option::Option<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>,
        pub(crate) outputs: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>>,
        pub(crate) output_key_prefix: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) playlists: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobPlaylist>>,
        pub(crate) user_metadata: std::option::Option<
            std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The <code>Id</code> of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the transcoded files.</p>
        pub fn pipeline_id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.pipeline_id = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The <code>Id</code> of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the transcoded files.</p>
        pub fn set_pipeline_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.pipeline_id = input;
        /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the file that is being transcoded.</p>
        pub fn input(mut self, input: crate::model::JobInput) -> Self {
            self.input = Some(input);
        /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the file that is being transcoded.</p>
        pub fn set_input(mut self, input: std::option::Option<crate::model::JobInput>) -> Self {
            self.input = input;
        /// Appends an item to `inputs`.
        /// To override the contents of this collection use [`set_inputs`](Self::set_inputs).
        /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the files that are being transcoded.</p>
        pub fn inputs(mut self, input: crate::model::JobInput) -> Self {
            let mut v = self.inputs.unwrap_or_default();
            self.inputs = Some(v);
        /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the files that are being transcoded.</p>
        pub fn set_inputs(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::JobInput>>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.inputs = input;
        /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) file. We strongly recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
        pub fn output(mut self, input: crate::model::CreateJobOutput) -> Self {
            self.output = Some(input);
        /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) file. We strongly recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
        pub fn set_output(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.output = input;
        /// Appends an item to `outputs`.
        /// To override the contents of this collection use [`set_outputs`](Self::set_outputs).
        /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) files. We recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
        pub fn outputs(mut self, input: crate::model::CreateJobOutput) -> Self {
            let mut v = self.outputs.unwrap_or_default();
            self.outputs = Some(v);
        /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) files. We recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
        pub fn set_outputs(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.outputs = input;
        /// <p>The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to the names of all files that this job creates, including output files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p>
        pub fn output_key_prefix(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.output_key_prefix = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to the names of all files that this job creates, including output files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p>
        pub fn set_output_key_prefix(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.output_key_prefix = input;
        /// Appends an item to `playlists`.
        /// To override the contents of this collection use [`set_playlists`](Self::set_playlists).
        /// <p>If you specify a preset in <code>PresetId</code> for which the value of <code>Container</code> is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), Playlists contains information about the master playlists that you want Elastic Transcoder to create.</p>
        /// <p>The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.</p>
        pub fn playlists(mut self, input: crate::model::CreateJobPlaylist) -> Self {
            let mut v = self.playlists.unwrap_or_default();
            self.playlists = Some(v);
        /// <p>If you specify a preset in <code>PresetId</code> for which the value of <code>Container</code> is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), Playlists contains information about the master playlists that you want Elastic Transcoder to create.</p>
        /// <p>The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.</p>
        pub fn set_playlists(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobPlaylist>>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.playlists = input;
        /// Adds a key-value pair to `user_metadata`.
        /// To override the contents of this collection use [`set_user_metadata`](Self::set_user_metadata).
        /// <p>User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic Transcoder job. You specify metadata in <code>key/value</code> pairs, and you can add up to 10 <code>key/value</code> pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does not guarantee that <code>key/value</code> pairs are returned in the same order in which you specify them.</p>
        pub fn user_metadata(
            mut self,
            k: impl Into<std::string::String>,
            v: impl Into<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            let mut hash_map = self.user_metadata.unwrap_or_default();
            hash_map.insert(k.into(), v.into());
            self.user_metadata = Some(hash_map);
        /// <p>User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic Transcoder job. You specify metadata in <code>key/value</code> pairs, and you can add up to 10 <code>key/value</code> pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does not guarantee that <code>key/value</code> pairs are returned in the same order in which you specify them.</p>
        pub fn set_user_metadata(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<
                std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.user_metadata = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`CreateJobInput`](crate::input::CreateJobInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::CreateJobInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::CreateJobInput {
                pipeline_id: self.pipeline_id,
                input: self.input,
                inputs: self.inputs,
                output: self.output,
                outputs: self.outputs,
                output_key_prefix: self.output_key_prefix,
                playlists: self.playlists,
                user_metadata: self.user_metadata,
impl CreateJobInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`CreateJob`](crate::operation::CreateJob)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::CreateJobInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/jobs").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::CreateJobInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op =
            aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(request, crate::operation::CreateJob::new())
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`CreateJobInput`](crate::input::CreateJobInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::create_job_input::Builder {

/// See [`CreatePipelineInput`](crate::input::CreatePipelineInput).
pub mod create_pipeline_input {

    /// A builder for [`CreatePipelineInput`](crate::input::CreatePipelineInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) output_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) aws_kms_key_arn: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
        pub(crate) content_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        pub(crate) thumbnail_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters.</p>
        pub fn name(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters.</p>
        pub fn set_name(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode.</p>
        pub fn input_bucket(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode.</p>
        pub fn set_input_bucket(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. (Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket.)</p>
        /// <p>Specify this value when all of the following are true:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p>You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files. </p> <important>
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder saves files in <code>OutputBucket</code>, it grants full control over the files only to the AWS account that owns the role that is specified by <code>Role</code>.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// <p>If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit <code>OutputBucket</code> and specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> instead.</p>
        pub fn output_bucket(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.output_bucket = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. (Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket.)</p>
        /// <p>Specify this value when all of the following are true:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p>You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files. </p> <important>
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder saves files in <code>OutputBucket</code>, it grants full control over the files only to the AWS account that owns the role that is specified by <code>Role</code>.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p>You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        /// <p>If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit <code>OutputBucket</code> and specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> instead.</p>
        pub fn set_output_bucket(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.output_bucket = input;
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to create the pipeline.</p>
        pub fn role(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to create the pipeline.</p>
        pub fn set_role(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = input;
        /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
        /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
        pub fn aws_kms_key_arn(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.aws_kms_key_arn = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
        /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_aws_kms_key_arn(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.aws_kms_key_arn = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic. For more information, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn notifications(mut self, input: crate::model::Notifications) -> Self {
            self.notifications = Some(input);
        /// <p>The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic. For more information, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_notifications(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.notifications = input;
        /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn content_config(mut self, input: crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig) -> Self {
            self.content_config = Some(input);
        /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_content_config(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.content_config = input;
        /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn thumbnail_config(mut self, input: crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig) -> Self {
            self.thumbnail_config = Some(input);
        /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_thumbnail_config(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.thumbnail_config = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`CreatePipelineInput`](crate::input::CreatePipelineInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::CreatePipelineInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::CreatePipelineInput {
                input_bucket: self.input_bucket,
                output_bucket: self.output_bucket,
                role: self.role,
                aws_kms_key_arn: self.aws_kms_key_arn,
                notifications: self.notifications,
                content_config: self.content_config,
                thumbnail_config: self.thumbnail_config,
impl CreatePipelineInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`CreatePipeline`](crate::operation::CreatePipeline)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::CreatePipelineInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::CreatePipelineInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`CreatePipelineInput`](crate::input::CreatePipelineInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::create_pipeline_input::Builder {

/// See [`CreatePresetInput`](crate::input::CreatePresetInput).
pub mod create_preset_input {

    /// A builder for [`CreatePresetInput`](crate::input::CreatePresetInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) description: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) container: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) video: std::option::Option<crate::model::VideoParameters>,
        pub(crate) audio: std::option::Option<crate::model::AudioParameters>,
        pub(crate) thumbnails: std::option::Option<crate::model::Thumbnails>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        pub fn name(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        pub fn set_name(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>A description of the preset.</p>
        pub fn description(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.description = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>A description of the preset.</p>
        pub fn set_description(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.description = input;
        /// <p>The container type for the output file. Valid values include <code>flac</code>, <code>flv</code>, <code>fmp4</code>, <code>gif</code>, <code>mp3</code>, <code>mp4</code>, <code>mpg</code>, <code>mxf</code>, <code>oga</code>, <code>ogg</code>, <code>ts</code>, and <code>webm</code>.</p>
        pub fn container(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.container = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The container type for the output file. Valid values include <code>flac</code>, <code>flv</code>, <code>fmp4</code>, <code>gif</code>, <code>mp3</code>, <code>mp4</code>, <code>mpg</code>, <code>mxf</code>, <code>oga</code>, <code>ogg</code>, <code>ts</code>, and <code>webm</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_container(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.container = input;
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.</p>
        pub fn video(mut self, input: crate::model::VideoParameters) -> Self {
   = Some(input);
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.</p>
        pub fn set_video(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::VideoParameters>,
        ) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.</p>
        pub fn audio(mut self, input: crate::model::AudioParameters) -> Self {
   = Some(input);
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.</p>
        pub fn set_audio(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::AudioParameters>,
        ) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.</p>
        pub fn thumbnails(mut self, input: crate::model::Thumbnails) -> Self {
            self.thumbnails = Some(input);
        /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.</p>
        pub fn set_thumbnails(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::Thumbnails>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.thumbnails = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`CreatePresetInput`](crate::input::CreatePresetInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::CreatePresetInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::CreatePresetInput {
                description: self.description,
                container: self.container,
                thumbnails: self.thumbnails,
impl CreatePresetInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`CreatePreset`](crate::operation::CreatePreset)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::CreatePresetInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/presets").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::CreatePresetInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`CreatePresetInput`](crate::input::CreatePresetInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::create_preset_input::Builder {

/// See [`DeletePipelineInput`](crate::input::DeletePipelineInput).
pub mod delete_pipeline_input {

    /// A builder for [`DeletePipelineInput`](crate::input::DeletePipelineInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline that you want to delete.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline that you want to delete.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`DeletePipelineInput`](crate::input::DeletePipelineInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::DeletePipelineInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::DeletePipelineInput { id: })
impl DeletePipelineInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`DeletePipeline`](crate::operation::DeletePipeline)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::DeletePipelineInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_2 = &;
                let input_2 = input_2.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::DeletePipelineInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`DeletePipelineInput`](crate::input::DeletePipelineInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::delete_pipeline_input::Builder {

/// See [`DeletePresetInput`](crate::input::DeletePresetInput).
pub mod delete_preset_input {

    /// A builder for [`DeletePresetInput`](crate::input::DeletePresetInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`DeletePresetInput`](crate::input::DeletePresetInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::DeletePresetInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::DeletePresetInput { id: })
impl DeletePresetInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`DeletePreset`](crate::operation::DeletePreset)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::DeletePresetInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_3 = &;
                let input_3 = input_3.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/presets/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::DeletePresetInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`DeletePresetInput`](crate::input::DeletePresetInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::delete_preset_input::Builder {

/// See [`ListJobsByPipelineInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput).
pub mod list_jobs_by_pipeline_input {

    /// A builder for [`ListJobsByPipelineInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) pipeline_id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The ID of the pipeline for which you want to get job information.</p>
        pub fn pipeline_id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.pipeline_id = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The ID of the pipeline for which you want to get job information.</p>
        pub fn set_pipeline_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.pipeline_id = input;
        /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
        pub fn ascending(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = Some(input.into());
        /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
        pub fn set_ascending(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = input;
        /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn page_token(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = Some(input.into());
        /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn set_page_token(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ListJobsByPipelineInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<
        > {
            Ok(crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput {
                pipeline_id: self.pipeline_id,
                ascending: self.ascending,
                page_token: self.page_token,
impl ListJobsByPipelineInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ListJobsByPipeline`](crate::operation::ListJobsByPipeline)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_4 = &_input.pipeline_id;
                let input_4 = input_4.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let pipeline_id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if pipeline_id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                    PipelineId = pipeline_id
                .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn uri_query(
                _input: &crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput,
                mut output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let mut query = aws_smithy_http::query::Writer::new(&mut output);
                if let Some(inner_5) = &_input.ascending {
                        query.push_kv("Ascending", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_5));
                if let Some(inner_6) = &_input.page_token {
                        query.push_kv("PageToken", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_6));
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
                uri_query(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ListJobsByPipelineInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByPipelineInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::list_jobs_by_pipeline_input::Builder {

/// See [`ListJobsByStatusInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput).
pub mod list_jobs_by_status_input {

    /// A builder for [`ListJobsByStatusInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) status: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>To get information about all of the jobs associated with the current AWS account that have a given status, specify the following status: <code>Submitted</code>, <code>Progressing</code>, <code>Complete</code>, <code>Canceled</code>, or <code>Error</code>.</p>
        pub fn status(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.status = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>To get information about all of the jobs associated with the current AWS account that have a given status, specify the following status: <code>Submitted</code>, <code>Progressing</code>, <code>Complete</code>, <code>Canceled</code>, or <code>Error</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_status(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.status = input;
        /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
        pub fn ascending(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = Some(input.into());
        /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
        pub fn set_ascending(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = input;
        /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn page_token(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = Some(input.into());
        /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn set_page_token(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ListJobsByStatusInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<
        > {
            Ok(crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput {
                status: self.status,
                ascending: self.ascending,
                page_token: self.page_token,
impl ListJobsByStatusInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ListJobsByStatus`](crate::operation::ListJobsByStatus)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_7 = &_input.status;
                let input_7 = input_7.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let status = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if status.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/jobsByStatus/{Status}", Status = status)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn uri_query(
                _input: &crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput,
                mut output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let mut query = aws_smithy_http::query::Writer::new(&mut output);
                if let Some(inner_8) = &_input.ascending {
                        query.push_kv("Ascending", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_8));
                if let Some(inner_9) = &_input.page_token {
                        query.push_kv("PageToken", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_9));
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
                uri_query(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ListJobsByStatusInput`](crate::input::ListJobsByStatusInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::list_jobs_by_status_input::Builder {

/// See [`ListPipelinesInput`](crate::input::ListPipelinesInput).
pub mod list_pipelines_input {

    /// A builder for [`ListPipelinesInput`](crate::input::ListPipelinesInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list pipelines in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
        pub fn ascending(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list pipelines in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_ascending(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = input;
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn page_token(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn set_page_token(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ListPipelinesInput`](crate::input::ListPipelinesInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::ListPipelinesInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::ListPipelinesInput {
                ascending: self.ascending,
                page_token: self.page_token,
impl ListPipelinesInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ListPipelines`](crate::operation::ListPipelines)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ListPipelinesInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn uri_query(
                _input: &crate::input::ListPipelinesInput,
                mut output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let mut query = aws_smithy_http::query::Writer::new(&mut output);
                if let Some(inner_10) = &_input.ascending {
                        query.push_kv("Ascending", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_10));
                if let Some(inner_11) = &_input.page_token {
                        query.push_kv("PageToken", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_11));
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ListPipelinesInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
                uri_query(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ListPipelinesInput`](crate::input::ListPipelinesInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::list_pipelines_input::Builder {

/// See [`ListPresetsInput`](crate::input::ListPresetsInput).
pub mod list_presets_input {

    /// A builder for [`ListPresetsInput`](crate::input::ListPresetsInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>To list presets in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list presets in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
        pub fn ascending(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>To list presets in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list presets in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_ascending(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.ascending = input;
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn page_token(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
        pub fn set_page_token(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.page_token = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ListPresetsInput`](crate::input::ListPresetsInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::ListPresetsInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::ListPresetsInput {
                ascending: self.ascending,
                page_token: self.page_token,
impl ListPresetsInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ListPresets`](crate::operation::ListPresets)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ListPresetsInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/presets").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn uri_query(
                _input: &crate::input::ListPresetsInput,
                mut output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let mut query = aws_smithy_http::query::Writer::new(&mut output);
                if let Some(inner_12) = &_input.ascending {
                        query.push_kv("Ascending", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_12));
                if let Some(inner_13) = &_input.page_token {
                        query.push_kv("PageToken", &aws_smithy_http::query::fmt_string(&inner_13));
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ListPresetsInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
                uri_query(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ListPresetsInput`](crate::input::ListPresetsInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::list_presets_input::Builder {

/// See [`ReadJobInput`](crate::input::ReadJobInput).
pub mod read_job_input {

    /// A builder for [`ReadJobInput`](crate::input::ReadJobInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the job for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the job for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ReadJobInput`](crate::input::ReadJobInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::ReadJobInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::ReadJobInput { id: })
impl ReadJobInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ReadJob`](crate::operation::ReadJob)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ReadJobInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_14 = &;
                let input_14 = input_14.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/jobs/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ReadJobInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op =
            aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(request, crate::operation::ReadJob::new())
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ReadJobInput`](crate::input::ReadJobInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::read_job_input::Builder {

/// See [`ReadPipelineInput`](crate::input::ReadPipelineInput).
pub mod read_pipeline_input {

    /// A builder for [`ReadPipelineInput`](crate::input::ReadPipelineInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to read.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to read.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ReadPipelineInput`](crate::input::ReadPipelineInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::ReadPipelineInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::ReadPipelineInput { id: })
impl ReadPipelineInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ReadPipeline`](crate::operation::ReadPipeline)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ReadPipelineInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_15 = &;
                let input_15 = input_15.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ReadPipelineInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ReadPipelineInput`](crate::input::ReadPipelineInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::read_pipeline_input::Builder {

/// See [`ReadPresetInput`](crate::input::ReadPresetInput).
pub mod read_preset_input {

    /// A builder for [`ReadPresetInput`](crate::input::ReadPresetInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`ReadPresetInput`](crate::input::ReadPresetInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::ReadPresetInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::ReadPresetInput { id: })
impl ReadPresetInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`ReadPreset`](crate::operation::ReadPreset)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::ReadPresetInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_16 = &;
                let input_16 = input_16.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/presets/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::ReadPresetInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from("");
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`ReadPresetInput`](crate::input::ReadPresetInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::read_preset_input::Builder {

/// See [`TestRoleInput`](crate::input::TestRoleInput).
pub mod test_role_input {

    /// A builder for [`TestRoleInput`](crate::input::TestRoleInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) output_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) topics: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to test.</p>
        pub fn role(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to test.</p>
        pub fn set_role(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
        pub fn input_bucket(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
        pub fn set_input_bucket(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
        pub fn output_bucket(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.output_bucket = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
        pub fn set_output_bucket(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.output_bucket = input;
        /// Appends an item to `topics`.
        /// To override the contents of this collection use [`set_topics`](Self::set_topics).
        /// <p>The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.</p>
        pub fn topics(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            let mut v = self.topics.unwrap_or_default();
            self.topics = Some(v);
        /// <p>The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.</p>
        pub fn set_topics(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.topics = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`TestRoleInput`](crate::input::TestRoleInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::TestRoleInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::TestRoleInput {
                role: self.role,
                input_bucket: self.input_bucket,
                output_bucket: self.output_bucket,
                topics: self.topics,
impl TestRoleInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`TestRole`](crate::operation::TestRole)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::TestRoleInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/roleTests").expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::TestRoleInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op =
            aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(request, crate::operation::TestRole::new())
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`TestRoleInput`](crate::input::TestRoleInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::test_role_input::Builder {

/// See [`UpdatePipelineInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput).
pub mod update_pipeline_input {

    /// A builder for [`UpdatePipelineInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) aws_kms_key_arn: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
        pub(crate) content_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        pub(crate) thumbnail_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The ID of the pipeline that you want to update.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The ID of the pipeline that you want to update.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters</p>
        pub fn name(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
        /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters</p>
        pub fn set_name(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode and the graphics that you want to use as watermarks.</p>
        pub fn input_bucket(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode and the graphics that you want to use as watermarks.</p>
        pub fn set_input_bucket(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.input_bucket = input;
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to transcode jobs for this pipeline.</p>
        pub fn role(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to transcode jobs for this pipeline.</p>
        pub fn set_role(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.role = input;
        /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
        /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
        pub fn aws_kms_key_arn(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.aws_kms_key_arn = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
        /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
        pub fn set_aws_kms_key_arn(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.aws_kms_key_arn = input;
        /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn notifications(mut self, input: crate::model::Notifications) -> Self {
            self.notifications = Some(input);
        /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_notifications(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.notifications = input;
        /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn content_config(mut self, input: crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig) -> Self {
            self.content_config = Some(input);
        /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_content_config(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.content_config = input;
        /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn thumbnail_config(mut self, input: crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig) -> Self {
            self.thumbnail_config = Some(input);
        /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
        /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
        /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
        /// </important> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
        /// </ul> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_thumbnail_config(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.thumbnail_config = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`UpdatePipelineInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput, aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError>
            Ok(crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput {
                input_bucket: self.input_bucket,
                role: self.role,
                aws_kms_key_arn: self.aws_kms_key_arn,
                notifications: self.notifications,
                content_config: self.content_config,
                thumbnail_config: self.thumbnail_config,
impl UpdatePipelineInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`UpdatePipeline`](crate::operation::UpdatePipeline)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_17 = &;
                let input_17 = input_17.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines/{Id}", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`UpdatePipelineInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::update_pipeline_input::Builder {

/// See [`UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput).
pub mod update_pipeline_notifications_input {

    /// A builder for [`UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to change notification settings.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to change notification settings.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn notifications(mut self, input: crate::model::Notifications) -> Self {
            self.notifications = Some(input);
        /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
        /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
        /// </important>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_notifications(
            mut self,
            input: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
        ) -> Self {
            self.notifications = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<
        > {
            Ok(crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput {
                notifications: self.notifications,
impl UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`UpdatePipelineNotifications`](crate::operation::UpdatePipelineNotifications)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_18 = &;
                let input_18 = input_18.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines/{Id}/notifications", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::update_pipeline_notifications_input::Builder {

/// See [`UpdatePipelineStatusInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput).
pub mod update_pipeline_status_input {

    /// A builder for [`UpdatePipelineStatusInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput).
    #[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::default::Default, std::fmt::Debug)]
    pub struct Builder {
        pub(crate) id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
        pub(crate) status: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    impl Builder {
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to update.</p>
        pub fn id(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to update.</p>
        pub fn set_id(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
   = input;
        /// <p>The desired status of the pipeline:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>Active</code>: The pipeline is processing jobs.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>Paused</code>: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn status(mut self, input: impl Into<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.status = Some(input.into());
        /// <p>The desired status of the pipeline:</p>
        /// <ul>
        /// <li> <p> <code>Active</code>: The pipeline is processing jobs.</p> </li>
        /// <li> <p> <code>Paused</code>: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.</p> </li>
        /// </ul>
        pub fn set_status(mut self, input: std::option::Option<std::string::String>) -> Self {
            self.status = input;
        /// Consumes the builder and constructs a [`UpdatePipelineStatusInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput).
        pub fn build(
        ) -> Result<
        > {
            Ok(crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput {
                status: self.status,
impl UpdatePipelineStatusInput {
    /// Consumes the builder and constructs an Operation<[`UpdatePipelineStatus`](crate::operation::UpdatePipelineStatus)>
    pub async fn make_operation(
        _config: &crate::config::Config,
    ) -> std::result::Result<
    > {
        let params_result = crate::endpoint::Params::builder()
            .set_region(_config.region.as_ref().map(|r| r.as_ref().to_owned()))
            .map_err(|err| {
                    "could not construct endpoint parameters",
        let (endpoint_result, params) = match params_result {
            Ok(params) => (
            Err(e) => (Err(e), None),
        let mut request = {
            fn uri_base(
                _input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput,
                output: &mut String,
            ) -> Result<(), aws_smithy_http::operation::error::BuildError> {
                let input_19 = &;
                let input_19 = input_19.as_ref().ok_or_else(|| {
                        "cannot be empty or unset",
                let id = aws_smithy_http::label::fmt_string(
                if id.is_empty() {
                    return Err(
                            "cannot be empty or unset",
                write!(output, "/2012-09-25/pipelines/{Id}/status", Id = id)
                    .expect("formatting should succeed");
            fn update_http_builder(
                input: &crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput,
                builder: http::request::Builder,
            ) -> std::result::Result<
            > {
                let mut uri = String::new();
                uri_base(input, &mut uri)?;
            let mut builder = update_http_builder(&self, http::request::Builder::new())?;
            builder = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let mut properties = aws_smithy_http::property_bag::SharedPropertyBag::new();
        let body = aws_smithy_http::body::SdkBody::from(
        if let Some(content_length) = body.content_length() {
            request = aws_smithy_http::header::set_request_header_if_absent(
        let request = request.body(body).expect("should be valid request");
        let mut request = aws_smithy_http::operation::Request::from_parts(request, properties);
        if let Some(params) = params {
        let mut user_agent = aws_http::user_agent::AwsUserAgent::new_from_environment(
        if let Some(app_name) = _config.app_name() {
            user_agent = user_agent.with_app_name(app_name.clone());
        let mut signing_config = aws_sig_auth::signer::OperationSigningConfig::default_config();
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
        if let Some(region) = &_config.region {
            &mut request.properties_mut(),
        let op = aws_smithy_http::operation::Operation::new(
        let op = op.with_retry_classifier(aws_http::retry::AwsResponseRetryClassifier::new());
    /// Creates a new builder-style object to manufacture [`UpdatePipelineStatusInput`](crate::input::UpdatePipelineStatusInput).
    pub fn builder() -> crate::input::update_pipeline_status_input::Builder {

/// <p>The <code>UpdatePipelineStatusRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct UpdatePipelineStatusInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to update.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The desired status of the pipeline:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>Active</code>: The pipeline is processing jobs.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>Paused</code>: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub status: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl UpdatePipelineStatusInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to update.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The desired status of the pipeline:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>Active</code>: The pipeline is processing jobs.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>Paused</code>: The pipeline is not currently processing jobs.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn status(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>UpdatePipelineNotificationsRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to change notification settings.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
impl UpdatePipelineNotificationsInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline for which you want to change notification settings.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn notifications(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::Notifications> {

/// <p>The <code>UpdatePipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct UpdatePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The ID of the pipeline that you want to update.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters</p>
    pub name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode and the graphics that you want to use as watermarks.</p>
    pub input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to transcode jobs for this pipeline.</p>
    pub role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
    /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
    pub aws_kms_key_arn: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
    /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub content_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
    /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub thumbnail_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
impl UpdatePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The ID of the pipeline that you want to update.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters</p>
    pub fn name(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode and the graphics that you want to use as watermarks.</p>
    pub fn input_bucket(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to transcode jobs for this pipeline.</p>
    pub fn role(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
    /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
    pub fn aws_kms_key_arn(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process jobs that are added to this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn notifications(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::Notifications> {
    /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn content_config(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig> {
    /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket. </p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn thumbnail_config(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig> {

/// <p> The <code>TestRoleRequest</code> structure. </p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct TestRoleInput {
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to test.</p>
    pub role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
    pub input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
    pub output_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.</p>
    pub topics: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<std::string::String>>,
impl TestRoleInput {
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to test.</p>
    pub fn role(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that contains media files to be transcoded. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
    pub fn input_bucket(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket that Elastic Transcoder writes transcoded media files to. The action attempts to read from this bucket.</p>
    pub fn output_bucket(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The ARNs of one or more Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topics that you want the action to send a test notification to.</p>
    pub fn topics(&self) -> std::option::Option<&[std::string::String]> {

/// <p>The <code>ReadPresetRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ReadPresetInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ReadPresetInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ReadPipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ReadPipelineInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to read.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ReadPipelineInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline to read.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ReadJobRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ReadJobInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the job for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ReadJobInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the job for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ListPresetsRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListPresetsInput {
    /// <p>To list presets in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list presets in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
    pub ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ListPresetsInput {
    /// <p>To list presets in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list presets in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
    pub fn ascending(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub fn page_token(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ListPipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListPipelinesInput {
    /// <p>To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list pipelines in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
    pub ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ListPipelinesInput {
    /// <p>To list pipelines in chronological order by the date and time that they were created, enter <code>true</code>. To list pipelines in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>.</p>
    pub fn ascending(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub fn page_token(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ListJobsByStatusRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListJobsByStatusInput {
    /// <p>To get information about all of the jobs associated with the current AWS account that have a given status, specify the following status: <code>Submitted</code>, <code>Progressing</code>, <code>Complete</code>, <code>Canceled</code>, or <code>Error</code>.</p>
    pub status: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
    pub ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ListJobsByStatusInput {
    /// <p>To get information about all of the jobs associated with the current AWS account that have a given status, specify the following status: <code>Submitted</code>, <code>Progressing</code>, <code>Complete</code>, <code>Canceled</code>, or <code>Error</code>.</p>
    pub fn status(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
    pub fn ascending(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub fn page_token(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>ListJobsByPipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct ListJobsByPipelineInput {
    /// <p>The ID of the pipeline for which you want to get job information.</p>
    pub pipeline_id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
    pub ascending: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub page_token: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl ListJobsByPipelineInput {
    /// <p>The ID of the pipeline for which you want to get job information.</p>
    pub fn pipeline_id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p> To list jobs in chronological order by the date and time that they were submitted, enter <code>true</code>. To list jobs in reverse chronological order, enter <code>false</code>. </p>
    pub fn ascending(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p> When Elastic Transcoder returns more than one page of results, use <code>pageToken</code> in subsequent <code>GET</code> requests to get each successive page of results. </p>
    pub fn page_token(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>DeletePresetRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct DeletePresetInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl DeletePresetInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the preset for which you want to get detailed information.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>DeletePipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct DeletePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline that you want to delete.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl DeletePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the pipeline that you want to delete.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {

/// <p>The <code>CreatePresetRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CreatePresetInput {
    /// <p>The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    pub name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>A description of the preset.</p>
    pub description: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The container type for the output file. Valid values include <code>flac</code>, <code>flv</code>, <code>fmp4</code>, <code>gif</code>, <code>mp3</code>, <code>mp4</code>, <code>mpg</code>, <code>mxf</code>, <code>oga</code>, <code>ogg</code>, <code>ts</code>, and <code>webm</code>.</p>
    pub container: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.</p>
    pub video: std::option::Option<crate::model::VideoParameters>,
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.</p>
    pub audio: std::option::Option<crate::model::AudioParameters>,
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.</p>
    pub thumbnails: std::option::Option<crate::model::Thumbnails>,
impl CreatePresetInput {
    /// <p>The name of the preset. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    pub fn name(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>A description of the preset.</p>
    pub fn description(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The container type for the output file. Valid values include <code>flac</code>, <code>flv</code>, <code>fmp4</code>, <code>gif</code>, <code>mp3</code>, <code>mp4</code>, <code>mpg</code>, <code>mxf</code>, <code>oga</code>, <code>ogg</code>, <code>ts</code>, and <code>webm</code>.</p>
    pub fn container(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the video parameters.</p>
    pub fn video(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::VideoParameters> {
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the audio parameters.</p>
    pub fn audio(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::AudioParameters> {
    /// <p>A section of the request body that specifies the thumbnail parameters, if any.</p>
    pub fn thumbnails(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::Thumbnails> {

/// <p>The <code>CreatePipelineRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CreatePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters.</p>
    pub name: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode.</p>
    pub input_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. (Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket.)</p>
    /// <p>Specify this value when all of the following are true:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p>You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files. </p> <important>
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder saves files in <code>OutputBucket</code>, it grants full control over the files only to the AWS account that owns the role that is specified by <code>Role</code>.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    /// <p>If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit <code>OutputBucket</code> and specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> instead.</p>
    pub output_bucket: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to create the pipeline.</p>
    pub role: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
    /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
    pub aws_kms_key_arn: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic. For more information, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub notifications: std::option::Option<crate::model::Notifications>,
    /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub content_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
    /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub thumbnail_config: std::option::Option<crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig>,
impl CreatePipelineInput {
    /// <p>The name of the pipeline. We recommend that the name be unique within the AWS account, but uniqueness is not enforced.</p>
    /// <p>Constraints: Maximum 40 characters.</p>
    pub fn name(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you saved the media files that you want to transcode.</p>
    pub fn input_bucket(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save the transcoded files. (Use this, or use ContentConfig:Bucket plus ThumbnailConfig:Bucket.)</p>
    /// <p>Specify this value when all of the following are true:</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p>You want to save transcoded files, thumbnails (if any), and playlists (if any) together in one bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the users or groups who have access to the transcoded files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You do not want to specify the permissions that Elastic Transcoder grants to the files. </p> <important>
    /// <p>When Elastic Transcoder saves files in <code>OutputBucket</code>, it grants full control over the files only to the AWS account that owns the role that is specified by <code>Role</code>.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p>You want to associate the transcoded files and thumbnails with the Amazon S3 Standard storage class.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    /// <p>If you want to save transcoded files and playlists in one bucket and thumbnails in another bucket, specify which users can access the transcoded files or the permissions the users have, or change the Amazon S3 storage class, omit <code>OutputBucket</code> and specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> instead.</p>
    pub fn output_bucket(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The IAM Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the role that you want Elastic Transcoder to use to create the pipeline.</p>
    pub fn role(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) key that you want to use with this pipeline.</p>
    /// <p>If you use either <code>s3</code> or <code>s3-aws-kms</code> as your <code>Encryption:Mode</code>, you don't need to provide a key with your job because a default key, known as an AWS-KMS key, is created for you automatically. You need to provide an AWS-KMS key only if you want to use a non-default AWS-KMS key, or if you are using an <code>Encryption:Mode</code> of <code>aes-cbc-pkcs7</code>, <code>aes-ctr</code>, or <code>aes-gcm</code>.</p>
    pub fn aws_kms_key_arn(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>The Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify to report job status.</p> <important>
    /// <p>To receive notifications, you must also subscribe to the new topic in the Amazon SNS console.</p>
    /// </important>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Progressing</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has started to process a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic. For more information, see Create a Topic in the Amazon Simple Notification Service Developer Guide.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Complete</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder has finished processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Warning</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters a warning condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Error</b>: The topic ARN for the Amazon SNS topic that you want to notify when Elastic Transcoder encounters an error condition while processing a job in this pipeline. This is the ARN that Amazon SNS returned when you created the topic.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn notifications(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::Notifications> {
    /// <p>The optional <code>ContentConfig</code> object specifies information about the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists: which bucket to use, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save transcoded files and playlists.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The Permissions object specifies which users you want to have access to transcoded files and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee Type</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the <code>Grantee</code> object: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution. For more information about canonical user IDs, see Access Control List (ACL) Overview in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Developer Guide. For more information about using CloudFront origin access identities to require that users use CloudFront URLs instead of Amazon S3 URLs, see Using an Origin Access Identity to Restrict Access to Your Amazon S3 Content.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to transcoded files and playlists. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket, including playlists and video files. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the objects and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the video files and playlists that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn content_config(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig> {
    /// <p>The <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> object specifies several values, including the Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files, which users you want to have access to the files, the type of access you want users to have, and the storage class that you want to assign to the files.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code>, you must also specify values for <code>ThumbnailConfig</code> even if you don't want to create thumbnails.</p>
    /// <p>If you specify values for <code>ContentConfig</code> and <code>ThumbnailConfig</code>, omit the <code>OutputBucket</code> object.</p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Bucket</b>: The Amazon S3 bucket in which you want Elastic Transcoder to save thumbnail files.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Permissions</b> (Optional): The <code>Permissions</code> object specifies which users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups you want to have access to thumbnail files, and the type of access you want them to have. You can grant permissions to a maximum of 30 users and/or predefined Amazon S3 groups.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>GranteeType</b>: Specify the type of value that appears in the Grantee object: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Canonical</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is either the canonical user ID for an AWS account or an origin access identity for an Amazon CloudFront distribution.</p> <important>
    /// <p>A canonical user ID is not the same as an AWS account number.</p>
    /// </important> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Email</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is the registered email address of an AWS account. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Group</b>: The value in the <code>Grantee</code> object is one of the following predefined Amazon S3 groups: <code>AllUsers</code>, <code>AuthenticatedUsers</code>, or <code>LogDelivery</code>.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Grantee</b>: The AWS user or group that you want to have access to thumbnail files. To identify the user or group, you can specify the canonical user ID for an AWS account, an origin access identity for a CloudFront distribution, the registered email address of an AWS account, or a predefined Amazon S3 group. </p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>Access</b>: The permission that you want to give to the AWS user that you specified in <code>Grantee</code>. Permissions are granted on the thumbnail files that Elastic Transcoder adds to the bucket. Valid values include: </p>
    /// <ul>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ</code>: The grantee can read the thumbnails and metadata for objects that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>READ_ACP</code>: The grantee can read the object ACL for thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>WRITE_ACP</code>: The grantee can write the ACL for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <code>FULL_CONTROL</code>: The grantee has <code>READ</code>, <code>READ_ACP</code>, and <code>WRITE_ACP</code> permissions for the thumbnails that Elastic Transcoder adds to the Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul> </li>
    /// <li> <p> <b>StorageClass</b>: The Amazon S3 storage class, <code>Standard</code> or <code>ReducedRedundancy</code>, that you want Elastic Transcoder to assign to the thumbnails that it stores in your Amazon S3 bucket.</p> </li>
    /// </ul>
    pub fn thumbnail_config(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::PipelineOutputConfig> {

/// <p>The <code>CreateJobRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CreateJobInput {
    /// <p>The <code>Id</code> of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the transcoded files.</p>
    pub pipeline_id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the file that is being transcoded.</p>
    pub input: std::option::Option<crate::model::JobInput>,
    /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the files that are being transcoded.</p>
    pub inputs: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::JobInput>>,
    /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) file. We strongly recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
    pub output: std::option::Option<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>,
    /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) files. We recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
    pub outputs: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobOutput>>,
    /// <p>The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to the names of all files that this job creates, including output files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p>
    pub output_key_prefix: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
    /// <p>If you specify a preset in <code>PresetId</code> for which the value of <code>Container</code> is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), Playlists contains information about the master playlists that you want Elastic Transcoder to create.</p>
    /// <p>The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.</p>
    pub playlists: std::option::Option<std::vec::Vec<crate::model::CreateJobPlaylist>>,
    /// <p>User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic Transcoder job. You specify metadata in <code>key/value</code> pairs, and you can add up to 10 <code>key/value</code> pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does not guarantee that <code>key/value</code> pairs are returned in the same order in which you specify them.</p>
    pub user_metadata:
        std::option::Option<std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, std::string::String>>,
impl CreateJobInput {
    /// <p>The <code>Id</code> of the pipeline that you want Elastic Transcoder to use for transcoding. The pipeline determines several settings, including the Amazon S3 bucket from which Elastic Transcoder gets the files to transcode and the bucket into which Elastic Transcoder puts the transcoded files.</p>
    pub fn pipeline_id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the file that is being transcoded.</p>
    pub fn input(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::JobInput> {
    /// <p>A section of the request body that provides information about the files that are being transcoded.</p>
    pub fn inputs(&self) -> std::option::Option<&[crate::model::JobInput]> {
    /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) file. We strongly recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
    pub fn output(&self) -> std::option::Option<&crate::model::CreateJobOutput> {
    /// <p> A section of the request body that provides information about the transcoded (target) files. We recommend that you use the <code>Outputs</code> syntax instead of the <code>Output</code> syntax. </p>
    pub fn outputs(&self) -> std::option::Option<&[crate::model::CreateJobOutput]> {
    /// <p>The value, if any, that you want Elastic Transcoder to prepend to the names of all files that this job creates, including output files, thumbnails, and playlists.</p>
    pub fn output_key_prefix(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {
    /// <p>If you specify a preset in <code>PresetId</code> for which the value of <code>Container</code> is fmp4 (Fragmented MP4) or ts (MPEG-TS), Playlists contains information about the master playlists that you want Elastic Transcoder to create.</p>
    /// <p>The maximum number of master playlists in a job is 30.</p>
    pub fn playlists(&self) -> std::option::Option<&[crate::model::CreateJobPlaylist]> {
    /// <p>User-defined metadata that you want to associate with an Elastic Transcoder job. You specify metadata in <code>key/value</code> pairs, and you can add up to 10 <code>key/value</code> pairs per job. Elastic Transcoder does not guarantee that <code>key/value</code> pairs are returned in the same order in which you specify them.</p>
    pub fn user_metadata(
    ) -> std::option::Option<&std::collections::HashMap<std::string::String, std::string::String>>

/// <p>The <code>CancelJobRequest</code> structure.</p>
#[derive(std::clone::Clone, std::cmp::PartialEq, std::fmt::Debug)]
pub struct CancelJobInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the job that you want to cancel.</p>
    /// <p>To get a list of the jobs (including their <code>jobId</code>) that have a status of <code>Submitted</code>, use the <code>ListJobsByStatus</code> API action.</p>
    pub id: std::option::Option<std::string::String>,
impl CancelJobInput {
    /// <p>The identifier of the job that you want to cancel.</p>
    /// <p>To get a list of the jobs (including their <code>jobId</code>) that have a status of <code>Submitted</code>, use the <code>ListJobsByStatus</code> API action.</p>
    pub fn id(&self) -> std::option::Option<&str> {