aws-sdk-codeartifact 0.24.0

AWS SDK for CodeArtifact
//! <p> CodeArtifact is a fully managed artifact repository compatible with language-native
//! package managers and build tools such as npm, Apache Maven, pip, and dotnet. You can use CodeArtifact to
//! share packages with development teams and pull packages. Packages can be pulled from both
//! public and CodeArtifact repositories. You can also create an upstream relationship between a CodeArtifact
//! repository and another repository, which effectively merges their contents from the point of
//! view of a package manager client. </p>
//! <p>
//! <b>CodeArtifact Components</b>
//! </p>
//! <p>Use the information in this guide to help you work with the following CodeArtifact components:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Repository</b>: A CodeArtifact repository contains a set of <a href="">package
//! versions</a>, each of which maps to a set of assets, or files. Repositories are
//! polyglot, so a single repository can contain packages of any supported type. Each
//! repository exposes endpoints for fetching and publishing packages using tools like the
//! <b>
//! <code>npm</code>
//! </b> CLI, the Maven CLI (<b>
//! <code>mvn</code>
//! </b>), Python CLIs (<b>
//! <code>pip</code>
//! </b> and <code>twine</code>), and NuGet CLIs (<code>nuget</code> and <code>dotnet</code>).</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Domain</b>: Repositories are aggregated into a higher-level entity known as a
//! <i>domain</i>. All package assets and metadata are stored in the domain,
//! but are consumed through repositories. A given package asset, such as a Maven JAR file, is
//! stored once per domain, no matter how many repositories it's present in. All of the assets
//! and metadata in a domain are encrypted with the same customer master key (CMK) stored in
//! Key Management Service (KMS).</p>
//! <p>Each repository is a member of a single domain and can't be moved to a
//! different domain.</p>
//! <p>The domain allows organizational policy to be applied across multiple
//! repositories, such as which accounts can access repositories in the domain, and
//! which public repositories can be used as sources of packages.</p>
//! <p>Although an organization can have multiple domains, we recommend a single production
//! domain that contains all published artifacts so that teams can find and share packages
//! across their organization.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Package</b>: A <i>package</i> is a bundle of software and the metadata required to
//! resolve dependencies and install the software. CodeArtifact supports <a href="">npm</a>, <a href="">PyPI</a>, <a href="">Maven</a>, and <a href="">NuGet</a> package formats.</p>
//! <p>In CodeArtifact, a package consists of:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>A <i>name</i> (for example, <code>webpack</code> is the name of a
//! popular npm package)</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>An optional namespace (for example, <code>@types</code> in <code>@types/node</code>)</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>A set of versions (for example, <code>1.0.0</code>, <code>1.0.1</code>,
//! <code>1.0.2</code>, etc.)</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p> Package-level metadata (for example, npm tags)</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Package version</b>: A version of a package, such as <code>@types/node 12.6.9</code>. The version number
//! format and semantics vary for different package formats. For example, npm package versions
//! must conform to the <a href="">Semantic Versioning
//! specification</a>. In CodeArtifact, a package version consists of the version identifier,
//! metadata at the package version level, and a set of assets.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Upstream repository</b>: One repository is <i>upstream</i> of another when the package versions in
//! it can be accessed from the repository endpoint of the downstream repository, effectively
//! merging the contents of the two repositories from the point of view of a client. CodeArtifact
//! allows creating an upstream relationship between two repositories.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <b>Asset</b>: An individual file stored in CodeArtifact associated with a package version, such as an npm
//! <code>.tgz</code> file or Maven POM and JAR files.</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! <p>CodeArtifact supports these operations:</p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>AssociateExternalConnection</code>: Adds an existing external
//! connection to a repository.
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>CopyPackageVersions</code>: Copies package versions from one
//! repository to another repository in the same domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>CreateDomain</code>: Creates a domain</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>CreateRepository</code>: Creates a CodeArtifact repository in a domain. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DeleteDomain</code>: Deletes a domain. You cannot delete a domain that contains
//! repositories. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DeleteDomainPermissionsPolicy</code>: Deletes the resource policy that is set on a domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DeletePackageVersions</code>: Deletes versions of a package. After a package has
//! been deleted, it can be republished, but its assets and metadata cannot be restored
//! because they have been permanently removed from storage.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DeleteRepository</code>: Deletes a repository.          
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DeleteRepositoryPermissionsPolicy</code>: Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DescribeDomain</code>: Returns a <code>DomainDescription</code> object that
//! contains information about the requested domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DescribePackage</code>: Returns a <a href="">PackageDescription</a>
//! object that contains details about a package. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DescribePackageVersion</code>: Returns a <a href="">PackageVersionDescription</a>
//! object that contains details about a package version. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DescribeRepository</code>: Returns a <code>RepositoryDescription</code> object
//! that contains detailed information about the requested repository. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DisposePackageVersions</code>: Disposes versions of a package. A package version
//! with the status <code>Disposed</code> cannot be restored because they have been
//! permanently removed from storage.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>DisassociateExternalConnection</code>: Removes an existing external connection from a repository.          
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetAuthorizationToken</code>: Generates a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain. The token expires the authorization period has passed.
//! The default authorization period is 12 hours and can be customized to any length with a maximum of 12 hours.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetDomainPermissionsPolicy</code>: Returns the policy of a resource
//! that is attached to the specified domain. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetPackageVersionAsset</code>: Returns the contents of an asset that is in a package version. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetPackageVersionReadme</code>: Gets the readme file or descriptive text for a package version.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetRepositoryEndpoint</code>: Returns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package format. A repository has one endpoint for each
//! package format:
//! </p>
//! <ul>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>maven</code>
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>npm</code>
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>nuget</code>
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>pypi</code>
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>GetRepositoryPermissionsPolicy</code>: Returns the resource policy that is set on a repository.          
//! </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListDomains</code>: Returns a list of <code>DomainSummary</code> objects. Each
//! returned <code>DomainSummary</code> object contains information about a domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListPackages</code>: Lists the packages in a repository.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListPackageVersionAssets</code>: Lists the assets for a given package version.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListPackageVersionDependencies</code>: Returns a list of the direct dependencies for a
//! package version. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListPackageVersions</code>: Returns a list of package versions for a specified
//! package in a repository.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListRepositories</code>: Returns a list of repositories owned by the Amazon Web Services account that called this method.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>ListRepositoriesInDomain</code>: Returns a list of the repositories in a domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>PutDomainPermissionsPolicy</code>: Attaches a resource policy to a domain.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>PutPackageOriginConfiguration</code>: Sets the package origin configuration for a package, which determine
//! how new versions of the package can be added to a specific repository.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>PutRepositoryPermissionsPolicy</code>: Sets the resource policy on a repository
//! that specifies permissions to access it. </p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>UpdatePackageVersionsStatus</code>: Updates the status of one or more versions of a package.</p>
//! </li>
//! <li>
//! <p>
//! <code>UpdateRepository</code>: Updates the properties of a repository.</p>
//! </li>
//! </ul>
//! # Crate Organization
//! The entry point for most customers will be [`Client`]. [`Client`] exposes one method for each API offered
//! by the service.
//! Some APIs require complex or nested arguments. These exist in [`model`](crate::model).
//! Lastly, errors that can be returned by the service are contained within [`error`]. [`Error`] defines a meta
//! error encompassing all possible errors that can be returned by the service.
//! The other modules within this crate are not required for normal usage.

// Code generated by DO NOT EDIT.
pub use error_meta::Error;

pub use config::Config;

/// Client and fluent builders for calling the service.
pub mod client;

/// Configuration for the service.
pub mod config;

/// Endpoint resolution functionality
pub mod endpoint;

/// All error types that operations can return. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod error;

mod error_meta;

/// Input structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod input;

/// Data structures used by operation inputs/outputs. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod model;

/// All operations that this crate can perform.
pub mod operation;

/// Output structures for operations. Documentation on these types is copied from the model.
pub mod output;

/// Data primitives referenced by other data types.
pub mod types;

pub mod middleware;

mod no_credentials;

mod operation_deser;

mod operation_ser;

/// Paginators for the service
pub mod paginator;

mod http_serde;

mod json_deser;

mod json_ser;

/// Generated accessors for nested fields
mod lens;

/// Endpoints standard library functions
mod endpoint_lib;

mod json_errors;

/// Crate version number.
pub static PKG_VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");
pub use aws_smithy_http::endpoint::Endpoint;
static API_METADATA: aws_http::user_agent::ApiMetadata =
    aws_http::user_agent::ApiMetadata::new("codeartifact", PKG_VERSION);
pub use aws_credential_types::Credentials;
pub use aws_types::app_name::AppName;
pub use aws_types::region::Region;
pub use client::Client;