avocado 0.6.0

Avocado, the strongly-typed MongoDB driver
//! Typed, generic wrapper around MongoDB `Cursor`s.

use std::iter::FromIterator;
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use std::fmt::{ self, Write };
use serde::Deserialize;
use bson::{ Bson, Document, from_bson };
use crate::error::{ Error, ErrorKind, Result, ResultExt };

/// A typed wrapper around the MongoDB `Cursor` type.
pub struct Cursor<T> {
    /// The underlying MongoDB cursor.
    inner: mongodb::cursor::Cursor,
    /// The function applied to each returned `Document` before deserialization.
    transform: fn(Document) -> Result<Bson>,
    /// Just here so that the type parameter is used.
    _marker: PhantomData<T>,

impl<T> Cursor<T> where T: for<'a> Deserialize<'a> {
    /// Creates a strongly-typed cursor from an untyped MongoDB cursor
    /// and a transformation function.
    pub fn from_cursor_and_transform(
        inner: mongodb::cursor::Cursor,
        transform: fn(Document) -> Result<Bson>,
    ) -> Self {
        Cursor {
            _marker: PhantomData,

    /// Reads the remaining documents available in the current batch.
    pub fn next_batch<C: FromIterator<T>>(&mut self) -> Result<C> {
            .chain("couldn't retrieve next batch")
            .and_then(|docs| self.transform_and_deserialize_many(docs))

    /// Retrieves the next at most `n` documents.
    pub fn next_n<C: FromIterator<T>>(&mut self, n: usize) -> Result<C> {
            .chain("couldn't retrieve documents")
            .and_then(|docs| self.transform_and_deserialize_many(docs))

    /// Checks whether there are any more documents for the cursor to yield.
    pub fn has_next(&mut self) -> Result<bool> {
        self.inner.has_next().chain("cursor error")

    /// Transforms and tries to deserialize a single document.
    fn transform_and_deserialize_one(&self, mut doc: Document) -> Result<T> {
        // For some reason, the driver hands us back an `Ok(Document)` even if
        // the document itself represents an error. We catch this here.
        if let Some(Bson::String(mut errmsg)) = doc.remove("$err") {
            if let Ok(code) = doc.get_i32("code") {
                write!(errmsg, " (code: {})", code).ok();
            } else if let Ok(code) = doc.get_i64("code") {
                write!(errmsg, " (code: {})", code).ok();

            return Err(Error::new(ErrorKind::MongoDbError, errmsg));

        (self.transform)(doc).and_then(|b| from_bson(b).map_err(From::from))

    /// Transforms and tries to deserialize a vector of documents.
    fn transform_and_deserialize_many<C>(&self, docs: Vec<Document>) -> Result<C>
        where C: FromIterator<T>
            .map(|doc| self.transform_and_deserialize_one(doc))

impl<T> Iterator for Cursor<T> where T: for<'a> Deserialize<'a> {
    type Item = Result<T>;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
            .map(|result| {
                    .chain("can't step Cursor")
                    .and_then(|doc| self.transform_and_deserialize_one(doc))

impl<T> fmt::Debug for Cursor<T> where T: for<'a> Deserialize<'a> {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {