avfoundation 0.1.2

Rust bindings for AVFounation
vailable(OSX 10.10, *)
open class AVAudioFormat : NSObject, NSSecureCoding {

    /** @method initWithStreamDescription:
    	@abstract Initialize from an AudioStreamBasicDescription.
    	@param asbd
    		the AudioStreamBasicDescription
    		If the format specifies more than 2 channels, this method fails (returns nil).
    public init?(streamDescription asbd: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>)

    /** @method initWithStreamDescription:channelLayout:
    	@abstract Initialize from an AudioStreamBasicDescription and optional channel layout.
    	@param asbd
    		the AudioStreamBasicDescription
    	@param layout
    		the channel layout. Can be nil only if asbd specifies 1 or 2 channels.
    		If the format specifies more than 2 channels, this method fails (returns nil) unless layout
    		is non-nil.
    public init?(streamDescription asbd: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription>, channelLayout layout: AVAudioChannelLayout?)

    /** @method initStandardFormatWithSampleRate:channels:
    	@abstract Initialize to deinterleaved float with the specified sample rate and channel count.
    	@param sampleRate
    		the sample rate
    	@param channels
    		the channel count
    		If the format specifies more than 2 channels, this method fails (returns nil).
    public init?(standardFormatWithSampleRate sampleRate: Double, channels: AVAudioChannelCount)

    /** @method initStandardFormatWithSampleRate:channelLayout:
    	@abstract Initialize to deinterleaved float with the specified sample rate and channel layout.
    	@param sampleRate
    		the sample rate
    	@param layout
    		the channel layout. must not be nil.
    public init(standardFormatWithSampleRate sampleRate: Double, channelLayout layout: AVAudioChannelLayout)

    /** @method initWithCommonFormat:sampleRate:channels:interleaved:
    	@abstract Initialize to float with the specified sample rate, channel count and interleavedness.
    	@param format
    		the common format type
    	@param sampleRate
    		the sample rate
    	@param channels
    		the channel count
    	@param interleaved
    		true if interleaved
    		If the format specifies more than 2 channels, this method fails (returns nil).
    public init?(commonFormat format: AVAudioCommonFormat, sampleRate: Double, channels: AVAudioChannelCount, interleaved: Bool)

    /** @method initWithCommonFormat:sampleRate:interleaved:channelLayout:
    	@abstract Initialize to float with the specified sample rate, channel layout and interleavedness.
    	@param format
    		the common format type
    	@param sampleRate
    		the sample rate
    	@param interleaved
    		true if interleaved
    	@param layout
    		the channel layout. must not be nil.
    public init(commonFormat format: AVAudioCommonFormat, sampleRate: Double, interleaved: Bool, channelLayout layout: AVAudioChannelLayout)

    /** @method initWithSettings:
    	@abstract Initialize using a settings dictionary.
    		See AVAudioSettings.h. Note that many settings dictionary elements pertain to encoder
    		settings, not the basic format, and will be ignored.
     		Returns nil if a format cannot be constructed with the provided settings, e.g. when:
    			- AVNumberOfChannelsKey specifies more than 2 channels, but AVChannelLayoutKey hasn't 
    			  been specified or the layout does not match
    			- AVLinearPCMBitDepthKey for linear PCM format specifies less than 8 or greater
    			  than 32 bits
    			- values for the keys are not of the expected types
    public init?(settings: [String : Any])

     	@method initWithCMAudioFormatDescription:
     	@abstract initialize from a CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef.
     	@param formatDescription
     		the CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef.
     		If formatDescription is invalid, this method fails (returns nil).
    @available(OSX 10.11, *)
    public init(cmAudioFormatDescription formatDescription: CMAudioFormatDescription)

    /**	@method isEqual:
    	@abstract Determine whether another format is functionally equivalent.
    	@param object
    		the format to compare against
    		For PCM, interleavedness is ignored for mono. Differences in the AudioStreamBasicDescription
    		alignment and packedness are ignored when they are not significant (e.g. with 1 channel, 2
    		bytes per frame and 16 bits per channel, neither alignment, the format is implicitly packed
    		and can be interpreted as either high- or low-aligned.)
    		For AVAudioChannelLayout, a layout with standard mono/stereo tag is considered to be 
    		equivalent to a nil layout. Otherwise, the layouts are compared for equality.
    open func isEqual(_ object: Any) -> Bool

    /**	@property standard
    	@abstract Describes whether the format is deinterleaved native-endian float.
    open var isStandard: Bool { get }

    /**	@property commonFormat
    	@abstract An `AVAudioCommonFormat` identifying the format
    open var commonFormat: AVAudioCommonFormat { get }

    /** @property channelCount
    	@abstract The number of channels of audio data.
    open var channelCount: AVAudioChannelCount { get }

    /** @property sampleRate
    	@abstract A sampling rate in Hertz.
    open var sampleRate: Double { get }

    /**	@property interleaved
    	@abstract Describes whether the samples are interleaved.
    		For non-PCM formats, the value is undefined.
    open var isInterleaved: Bool { get }

    /**	@property streamDescription
    	@abstract Returns the AudioStreamBasicDescription, for use with lower-level audio API's.
    open var streamDescription: UnsafePointer<AudioStreamBasicDescription> { get }

    /**	@property channelLayout
    	@abstract The underlying AVAudioChannelLayout, if any.
    		Only formats with more than 2 channels are required to have channel layouts.
    open var channelLayout: AVAudioChannelLayout? { get }

    /** @property magicCookie
    	@abstract The underlying magic cookie, if any.
    		A magic cookie contains metadata associated with encoders and decoders.
    		Encoders produce a magic cookie, and some decoders require a magic cookie to decode properly.
    @available(OSX 10.12, *)
    open var magicCookie: Data?

    /**	@property settings
    	@abstract Returns the format represented as a dictionary with keys from AVAudioSettings.h.
    open var settings: [String : Any] { get }

    	 @property formatDescription
    	 @abstract Converts to a CMAudioFormatDescriptionRef, for use with Core Media API's.
    @available(OSX 10.11, *)
    open var formatDescription: CMAudioFormatDescription { get }