avalanche-types 0.0.192

Avalanche primitive types in Rust

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## AvalancheGo Compatibility

| Crate Version(s) | AvalancheGo Version(s) | Protocol Version |
| ---------------- | ---------------------- | ---------------- |
| v0.0.134-155     | v1.9.2,v1.9.3          | 19               |
| v0.0.156-176     | v1.9.4                 | 20               |
| v0.0.177+        | v1.9.5                 | 21               |

## Introduction

The `avalanche-types` crate implements and is the canonical representation of
Avalanche primitive types in Rust.  Avalanche types are separated by modules and
are all under the `src` directory.

This crate also provides an SDK library for developing subnets in Rust. For the
SDK functionality, see `src/subnet` which contains everything required to build
a subnet VM in Rust.

The following VMs were built with the SDK:
* Simple Rust VM: [TimestampVM]https://github.com/ava-labs/timestampvm-rs
* Complex Rust VM: [SpacesVM]https://github.com/ava-labs/spacesvm-rs

## Getting Started

Examples can be found in [`examples`] and is a good first step to getting an
understanding of general usage.

### Tutorials

- [How to Build a Simple Rust VM]https://docs.avax.network/subnets/create-a-simple-rust-vm tutorial provides
a basic example of using the Rust SDK.

### Rust Version

`avalanche-types` currently works on Rust `1.66` and above as it requires
support for the 2021 edition. This project uses the stable toolchain.

## Getting Help

First please try find the answer to your question in the code documentation.
If more clarification is required, try opening an [issue] with the question.

[issue]: https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-types-rs/issues/new

## Features

- Ids (e.g., [`src/ids`]./src/ids)
- Transaction types/serialization (e.g., [`src/platformvm/txs`]./src/platformvm/txs)
- Certificates (e.g., [`src/key/cert`]./src/key/cert)
- Keys and addresses (e.g., [`src/key/secp256k1`]./src/key/secp256k1)
- Peer-to-peer messages (e.g., [`src/message`]./src/message)
- RPC chain VM (e.g., [`src/subnet/rpc`]./src/subnet/rpc)
- Genesis generate helper (e.g., [`src/subnet_evm`]./src/subnet_evm)
- Protobuf generated stubs and helpers (e.g., [`src/proto`]./src/proto)

The basic types available in this crate are used in other Avalanche Rust projects (e.g., distributed load tester [`blizzard`](https://talks.gyuho.dev/distributed-load-generator-avalanche-2022.html), [`avalanche-ops`](https://github.com/ava-labs/avalanche-ops)).

## License

This project is licensed under the [BSD 3](LICENSE).