ava 0.0.0

N-body experiments in Rust
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Visit the last successful build: ava-0.0.3


N-body experiments in Rust.


This project is in early stages of development. Please check back later or consider becoming a contributor.


Any kind of contribution to AVA is welcome. If you want, there are several ways to go:

  • improving the documentation;
  • helping with language issues;
  • testing the code on your systems to find bugs;
  • adding new algorithms and potentials;
  • providing feature requests;
  • etc.

Please contact the main author before starting new work, or open an issue to discuss improvements.

See the AUTHORS file for a list of contributors to the code.


This work is licensed under the MIT License.

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in AVA by you, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.