av-metrics 0.4.0

A collection of algorithms for measuring audio/video metrics
//! `av_metrics` is a collection of quality metrics for audio and video files.
//! Currently only includes video metrics. Audio metrics will likely be added
//! in the future.


extern crate itertools;
extern crate thiserror;

pub mod video;

mod capi;

pub use capi::*;

pub use v_frame;

/// Possible errors that may occur during processing of a metric.
/// This enum may be added to in the future and should not be assumed to be exhaustive.
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum MetricsError {
    /// Indicates an input file could not be read for some reason.
    #[error("Could not read input file: {reason}")]
    MalformedInput {
        reason: &'static str,
    /// Indicates an input file could be read, but is not supported by the current metric.
    #[error("Input type not supported: {reason}")]
    UnsupportedInput {
        reason: &'static str,
    /// Indicates two inputs did not have matching formats or resolutions.
    #[error("Input videos must have matching formats: {reason}")]
    InputMismatch {
        reason: &'static str,
    /// Placeholder

fn assert_metric_eq(expected: f64, value: f64) {
        (expected - value).abs() < 0.01,
        "Expected {}, got {}",