autofolder 0.4.0

Single-element folding wrapper
// Copyright (C) 2022 Leandro Lisboa Penz <>
// This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in
// file 'LICENSE', which is part of this source code package.


use std::marker;
use std::mem;

/// The `DynFolder` type uses a struct field for the folding function.
/// - Pros:
///   - Folding function can use any type, builtin or otherwise.
///   - Can't be used with `.collect()` because instances have to be explicitly built with a
///     folding function.
/// - Cons:
///   - Slightly less efficient than [`ImplFolder`](crate::ImplFolder) due to the use of dynamic
///     dispatch - we are effectively using a function pointer instead of a function call, after
///     all.
///   - Each instance can use a different folding function, provided as a constructor argument.
/// Example:
/// ```
/// use autofolder::*;
/// // Create an autofolder that sums `u16` items into an `usize` output.
/// let mut sum = DynFolder::<usize, u16, _>::new(7, |a, b| a + b as usize);
/// // We can "fold-in" individual items:
/// sum.fold(3);
/// // We can then peek at the running output:
/// println!("Partial sum is {}", sum.as_ref());
/// // And still keep on folding by processing whole iterators:
/// sum.extend((1..=5));
/// // And finally consume the autofolder to get the final output value:
/// println!("Total sum is {}", sum.into_inner());
/// ```
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DynFolder<Output, Item, Func> {
    output: Output,
    function: Func,
    item: marker::PhantomData<Item>,

impl<Output, Item, Func> DynFolder<Output, Item, Func> {
    /// Creates a new `DynFolder` with the provided initial value and folding function.
    pub fn new(initial: Output, func: Func) -> Self
        Func: Fn(Output, Item) -> Output,
        Self {
            output: initial,
            function: func,
            item: marker::PhantomData,
    /// Returns the contained value, consuming the self value.
    pub fn into_inner(self) -> Output {
    /// Folds an individual value into self.
    pub fn fold(&mut self, item: Item)
        Func: Fn(Output, Item) -> Output,
        // SAFETY: we move out current output to the folding function;
        // to do that, we replace it with an uninitialized value.
        // This is safe because we immediately put back the new value
        // returned by the folding function.
        let uninit = unsafe { mem::MaybeUninit::<Output>::uninit().assume_init() };
        let current_output = mem::replace(&mut self.output, uninit);
        // self.0 now has the uninitalized value
        // Give ownership of current_output to self.function, and get new_output:
        let new_output = (self.function)(current_output, item);
        // Put new_output in self.0 and get the old uninit back:
        let uninit = mem::replace(&mut self.output, new_output);
        // We need to mem::forget it to avoid running destructors on
        // the uninitialized value:

impl<Output, Item, Func> std::fmt::Debug for DynFolder<Output, Item, Func>
    Output: std::fmt::Debug,
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
            "DynFolder::<{}, {}, _> {{ output: {:?}, function: {} }}",

impl<Output, Item, Func> AsRef<Output> for DynFolder<Output, Item, Func> {
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &Output {

impl<Output, Item, Func> Extend<Item> for DynFolder<Output, Item, Func>
    Func: Fn(Output, Item) -> Output,
    fn extend<It: IntoIterator<Item = Item>>(&mut self, iter: It) {
        iter.into_iter().for_each(|i| self.fold(i));