autocorrect 2.6.1

A linter and formatter for help you improve copywriting, to correct spaces, words, punctuations between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean).
// autocorrect: false
use super::*;
use autocorrect_derive::GrammarParser;
use pest::Parser as P;
use pest_derive::Parser;

#[derive(GrammarParser, Parser)]
#[grammar = "../grammar/kotlin.pest"]
struct KotlinParser;

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use indoc::indoc;
    use pretty_assertions::assert_eq;

    fn it_format_kotlin() {
        let example = indoc! {r###"
         * 第1行注释
         * 第2行注释
        fun helloWorld(name: String) {
          // 第3行注释
          var singleLineString = "第1个字符串string"

          var quotation = """
          "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely.

          var re0 = Regex("re正则" )
          var re1 = "re正则".toRegex()

        let expect = indoc! {r###"
         * 第 1 行注释
         * 第 2 行注释
        fun helloWorld(name: String) {
          // 第 3 行注释
          var singleLineString = "第 1 个字符串 string"

          var quotation = """
          这是多行 string 里面包含"双引号"
          "Begin at the beginning," the King said gravely.

          var re0 = Regex("re正则" )
          var re1 = "re正则".toRegex()

        assert_eq!(expect, format_for(example, "kotlin").to_string());