auto-diff 0.5.9

A neural network library in Rust.
//! An auto-difference library
//! =============================================================
//! Introduction
//! ------------
//! This is yet another auto-difference library for deep neural network.
//! The focus is easy on use and dynamic computation graph building.
//! Install
//! ------------
//! Add auto-diff = "0.5" to the \[dependencies\] section of your project Cargo.toml file.
//! Features
//! ------------
//! The forward operators support a commonly used set, including:
//! 1. getter/setter,
//! 2. index and slicing,
//! 3. +, -, *, / and matmul,
//! 4. speciall functions,
//! 5. statistics,
//! 6. linear algebra,
//! 7. random number generator.
//! The corresponding gradient is work-in-progress.
//! One feature of auto-diff is the auto-difference is in background
//! and don't get in your way if only forward calculation is needed.
//! Thus it can be used without syntax like variable place holder.
//! Example
//! ------------

pub mod var;
pub mod op;
pub mod optim;
pub mod err;

pub use var::{Var};
pub use err::AutoDiffError;

pub mod compute_graph;
pub mod collection;
pub mod var_inner;
#[cfg(feature = "use-serde")]
pub mod serde;