authenticode-parser 0.2.3

Bindings to the authenticode-parser library
//! Bindings for the
//! [authenticode parser library]( from Avast.


use authenticode_parser_sys as sys;

/// Token indicating the library has been initialized.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct InitializationToken(());

impl InitializationToken {
    /// Initialize the library.
    /// Initializes all globals `OpenSSL` objects we need for parsing.
    /// # Safety
    /// This is not thread-safe and can cause crashes if called at the same time as other functions
    /// from the OpenSSL library. Therefore, you need to ensure that this function is called when no
    /// other threads might call OpenSSL functions, for example before setting up any multithreading
    /// environment.
    /// See <>.
    pub unsafe fn new() -> InitializationToken {

/// Constructs `AuthenticodeArray` from binary data containing Authenticode signature.
/// Authenticode can contains nested Authenticode signatures as its unsigned attribute, which
/// can also contain nested signatures. For this reason the function return an Array of parsed
/// Authenticode signatures.
/// Any field of the parsed out structures can be NULL, depending on the input data.
/// WARNING: in case of this interface, the file and signature digest comparison is up to the
/// library user, as there is no pe data to calculate file digest from.
/// Verification result is stored in `verify_flags` with the first verification error.
pub fn parse(_token: &InitializationToken, data: &[u8]) -> Option<AuthenticodeArray> {
    let len = u64::try_from(data.len()).unwrap_or(u64::MAX);
    // Safety:
    // - the data buffer is valid and the length is at worsed clamped
    // - the library has been initialized as we have a `InitializationToken`.
    let res = unsafe { sys::ap_authenticode_new(data.as_ptr(), len) };
    if res.is_null() {
    } else {

/// Constructs `AuthenticodeArray` from PE file data.
/// Authenticode can contains nested Authenticode signatures as its unsigned attribute, which can
/// also contain nested signatures. For this reason the function returns an Array of parsed
/// Authenticode signatures.
/// Any field of the parsed out structures can be NULL, depending on the input data.
/// Verification result is stored in `verify_flags` with the first verification error.
pub fn parse_pe(_token: &InitializationToken, data: &[u8]) -> Option<AuthenticodeArray> {
    let len = u64::try_from(data.len()).unwrap_or(u64::MAX);
    // Safety:
    // - the data buffer is valid and the length is at worsed clamped
    // - the library has been initialized as we have a `InitializationToken`.
    let res = unsafe { sys::ap_parse_authenticode(data.as_ptr(), len) };
    if res.is_null() {
    } else {

/// Array of authenticode signatures.
// Invariant: the pointer must not be null.
pub struct AuthenticodeArray(*mut sys::AuthenticodeArray);

impl Drop for AuthenticodeArray {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        // Safety: pointer is not null and has been created by the authenticode-parser library.
        unsafe {

impl AuthenticodeArray {
    /// Array of authenticode signatures.
    pub fn signatures(&self) -> &[Authenticode] {
        // Safety: invariant of the struct: pointer must not be null.
        let this = unsafe { &(*self.0) };

        if this.signatures.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety:
            // The signatures field has type `*mut *mut sys::Authenticode`. It is safe to cast
            // to `*mut Authenticode` because:
            // - The Authenticode type is a transparent wrapper on a &sys::Authenticode
            // - The `*mut sys::Authenticode` pointers in the array are guaranteed to be non-null
            //   (checked by auditing the C code).
            let signatures = this.signatures.cast::<Authenticode>();

            // Safety:
            // - The signatures + count pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
            // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
            //   freed before the slice is dropped.
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(signatures, this.count) }

/// Authenticode signature.
pub struct Authenticode<'a>(&'a sys::Authenticode);

impl Authenticode<'_> {
    /// Flags related to verification.
    pub fn verify_flags(&self) -> Option<AuthenticodeVerify> {
        match self.0.verify_flags {
            0 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::Valid),
            1 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::CantParse),
            2 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::NoSignerCert),
            3 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::DigestMissing),
            4 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::InternalError),
            5 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::NoSignerInfo),
            6 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::WrongPkcs7Type),
            7 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::BadContent),
            8 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::Invalid),
            9 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::WrongFileDigest),
            10 => Some(AuthenticodeVerify::UnknownAlgorithm),
            _ => None,

    /// Raw PCKS7 version.
    pub fn version(&self) -> i32 {

    /// Name of the digest algorithm.
    pub fn digest_alg(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.digest_alg) }

    /// File digest stored in the signature.
    pub fn digest(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Actual calculated file digest.
    pub fn file_digest(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// `SignerInfo` information of the authenticode
    pub fn signer(&self) -> Option<Signer> {
        if self.0.signer.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety:
            // - The pointer is not null.
            // - The pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
            Some(Signer(unsafe { &*self.0.signer }))

    /// All certificates in the Signature.
    /// This includes the ones in timestamp countersignatures.
    pub fn certs(&self) -> &[Certificate] {
        if self.0.certs.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety: pointer is not null.
            let this = unsafe { &(*self.0.certs) };

            // Safety:
            // The certs field has type `*mut *mut sys::Certificate`. It is safe to cast
            // to `*mut Certificate` because:
            // - The Certificate type is a transparent wrapper on a &sys::Certificate
            // - The `*mut sys::Certificate` pointers in the array are guaranteed to be non-null
            //   (checked by auditing the C code).
            let certs = this.certs.cast::<Certificate>();

            // Safety:
            // - The certs + count pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
            // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
            //   freed before the slice is dropped.
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(certs, this.count) }

    /// Timestamp countersignatures.
    pub fn countersigs(&self) -> &[Countersignature] {
        if self.0.countersigs.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety: pointer is not null.
            let this = unsafe { &(*self.0.countersigs) };

            // Safety:
            // The certs field has type `*mut *mut sys::Countersignature`. It is safe to cast
            // to `*mut Countersignature` because:
            // - The Countersignature type is a transparent wrapper on a &sys::Countersignature
            // - The `*mut sys::Countersignature` pointers in the array are guaranteed to be
            //   non-null (checked by auditing the C code).
            let counters = this.counters.cast::<Countersignature>();

            // Safety:
            // - The counters + count pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
            // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
            //   freed before the slice is dropped.
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(counters, this.count) }

/// Represents `SignerInfo` structure.
pub struct Signer<'a>(&'a sys::Signer);

impl Signer<'_> {
    /// Message Digest of the `SignerInfo`
    pub fn digest(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Name of the digest algorithm.
    pub fn digest_alg(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.digest_alg) }

    /// Program name stored in `SpcOpusInfo` structure of Authenticode */
    pub fn program_name(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.program_name) }

    /// Certificate chain of the signer
    pub fn certificate_chain(&self) -> &[Certificate] {
        if self.0.chain.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety: pointer is not null.
            let this = unsafe { &(*self.0.chain) };

            // Safety:
            // The certs field has type `*mut *mut sys::Certificate`. It is safe to cast
            // to `*mut Certificate` because:
            // - The Certificate type is a transparent wrapper on a &sys::Certificate
            // - The `*mut sys::Certificate` pointers in the array are guaranteed to be non-null
            //   (checked by auditing the C code).
            let certs = this.certs.cast::<Certificate>();

            // Safety:
            // - The certs + count pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
            // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
            //   freed before the slice is dropped.
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(certs, this.count) }

/// Authenticode counter signature.
pub struct Countersignature<'a>(&'a sys::Countersignature);

impl Countersignature<'_> {
    /// Countersignature verify flags.
    pub fn verify_flags(&self) -> Option<CounterSignatureVerify> {
        match self.0.verify_flags {
            0 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::Valid),
            1 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::CantParse),
            2 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::NoSignerCert),
            3 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::UnknownAlgorithm),
            4 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::Invalid),
            5 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::CantDecryptDigest),
            6 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::DigestMissing),
            7 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::DoesntMatchSignature),
            8 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::InternalError),
            9 => Some(CounterSignatureVerify::TimeMissing),
            _ => None,

    /// Signing time of the timestamp countersignature.
    pub fn sign_time(&self) -> i64 {

    /// Name of the digest algorithm.
    pub fn digest_alg(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.digest_alg) }

    /// Stored message digest.
    pub fn digest(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Certificate chain of the signer
    pub fn certificate_chain(&self) -> &[Certificate] {
        if self.0.chain.is_null() {
        } else {
            // Safety: pointer is not null.
            let this = unsafe { &(*self.0.chain) };

            // Safety:
            // The certs field has type `*mut *mut sys::Certificate`. It is safe to cast
            // to `*mut Certificate` because:
            // - The Certificate type is a transparent wrapper on a &sys::Certificate
            // - The `*mut sys::Certificate` pointers in the array are guaranteed to be non-null
            //   (checked by auditing the C code).
            let certs = this.certs.cast::<Certificate>();

            // Safety:
            // - The certs + count pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
            // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
            //   freed before the slice is dropped.
            unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(certs, this.count) }

/// Authenticode certificate.
pub struct Certificate<'a>(&'a sys::Certificate);

impl Certificate<'_> {
    /// Raw version of X509.
    pub fn version(&self) -> i64 {
        // False positive: this conversion is needed on arch where long is i32

    /// Oneline name of Issuer.
    pub fn issuer(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.issuer) }
    /// Oneline name of Subject.
    pub fn subject(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.subject) }
    /// Serial number in format 00:01:02:03:04...
    pub fn serial(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.serial) }

    /// SHA1 of the DER representation of the cert.
    pub fn sha1(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// SHA256 of the DER representation of the cert.
    pub fn sha256(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Name of the key algorithm.
    pub fn key_alg(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.key_alg) }

    /// Name of the signature algorithm.
    pub fn sig_alg(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.sig_alg) }

    /// OID of the signature algorithm.
    pub fn sig_alg_oid(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.sig_alg_oid) }

    /// `NotBefore` validity.
    pub fn not_before(&self) -> i64 {

    /// `NotAfter` validity.
    pub fn not_after(&self) -> i64 {

    /// PEM encoded public key.
    pub fn key(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
        // Safety: the pointer is valid as long as self is not dropped.
        unsafe { cstr_ptr_to_slice(&self.0.key) }

    /// Parsed X509 Attributes of Issuer.
    pub fn issuer_attrs(&self) -> Attributes {

    /// Parsed X509 Attributes of Subject.
    pub fn subject_attrs(&self) -> Attributes {

/// Various X509 attributes parsed out in raw bytes.
pub struct Attributes<'a>(&'a sys::Attributes);

impl Attributes<'_> {
    /// Country
    pub fn country(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Organization
    pub fn organization(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Organizational unit
    pub fn organizational_unit(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Name qualifier
    pub fn name_qualifier(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// State
    pub fn state(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Common name
    pub fn common_name(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Serial number
    pub fn serial_number(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Locality
    pub fn locality(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Title
    pub fn title(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Surname
    pub fn surname(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Given name
    pub fn given_name(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Initials
    pub fn initials(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Pseudonym
    pub fn pseudonym(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Generation qualifier
    pub fn generation_qualifier(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

    /// Email address
    pub fn email_address(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {

fn byte_array_to_slice(digest: &sys::ByteArray) -> Option<&[u8]> {
    if {
    } else {
        let len = if digest.len <= 0 {
        } else {
            match usize::try_from(digest.len) {
                Ok(v) => v,
                Err(_) => usize::MAX,
        // Safety:
        // - The data + len pair is guaranteed by the library to represent an array.
        // - The lifetime of the slice is tied to the lifetime of self, so the memory cannot be
        //   freed before the slice is dropped.
        Some(unsafe { std::slice::from_raw_parts(, len) })

/// Cast a ptr to a cstring to slice of bytes.
/// Safety:
/// The pointer must be valid at least as long as the borrow used to generate the lifetime of
/// the slice.
unsafe fn cstr_ptr_to_slice(ptr: &*mut i8) -> Option<&[u8]> {
    if ptr.is_null() {
    } else {
        // Safety:
        // - The pointer is not null.
        // - The library guarantees this is a pointer to a c string (so it has a null terminator).
        // - The pointer is valid as long as the lifetime used.
        let cstr = unsafe { std::ffi::CStr::from_ptr(ptr.cast_const()) };

/// Status of verification for a counter signature.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum CounterSignatureVerify {
    /// Countersignature is valid
    /// Parsing error (from OpenSSL functions)
    /// Signers certificate is missing
    /// Unknown algorithm, can't proceed with verification
    /// Verification failed, digest mismatch
    /// Failed to decrypt countersignature enc_digest for verification
    /// No digest saved inside the countersignature
    /// Message digest inside countersignature doesn't match signature it countersigns
    /// Non verification errors - allocations etc.
    /// Time is missing in the timestamp signature

/// Status of verification for an authenticode signature.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum AuthenticodeVerify {
    /// Signature is valid
    /// Parsing error (from OpenSSL functions)
    /// Signers certificate is missing
    /// No digest saved inside the signature
    /// Non verification errors - allocations etc.
    /// SignerInfo part of PKCS7 is missing
    /// PKCS7 doesn't have type of SignedData, can't proceed
    /// PKCS7 doesn't have corrent content, can't proceed
    /// Contained and calculated digest don't match
    /// Signature hash and file hash doesn't match
    /// Unknown algorithm, can't proceed with verification