atomic-maybe-uninit 0.2.15

Atomic operations on potentially uninitialized integers.
use core::sync::atomic::Ordering;

macro_rules! static_assert {
    ($cond:expr $(, $($msg:tt)*)?) => {
        const _: () = {
            if !$cond {

/// Informs the compiler that this point in the code is not reachable, enabling
/// further optimizations.
/// In release mode, this macro calls `core::hint::unreachable_unchecked`.
/// In debug mode, this macro calls `unreachable!` just in case.
/// Note: When using `unreachable!`, the compiler cannot eliminate the
/// unreachable branch in some compiler versions, even if the only pattern not
/// covered is `#[non_exhaustive]`: <>
/// # Safety
/// Reaching this function is completely undefined behavior.
macro_rules! unreachable_unchecked {
    ($($tt:tt)*) => {
        if cfg!(debug_assertions) {
        } else {
            // SAFETY: the caller must uphold the safety contract for `unreachable_unchecked`.
            // (To force the caller to use unsafe block for this macro, do not use
            // unsafe block here.)

#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
pub(crate) fn assert_load_ordering(order: Ordering) {
    match order {
        Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed | Ordering::SeqCst => {}
        Ordering::Release => panic!("there is no such thing as a release load"),
        Ordering::AcqRel => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release load"),
        _ => unreachable!("{:?}", order),

#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
pub(crate) fn assert_store_ordering(order: Ordering) {
    match order {
        Ordering::Release | Ordering::Relaxed | Ordering::SeqCst => {}
        Ordering::Acquire => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire store"),
        Ordering::AcqRel => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release store"),
        _ => unreachable!("{:?}", order),

pub(crate) fn assert_swap_ordering(order: Ordering) {
    match order {
        | Ordering::Acquire
        | Ordering::Relaxed
        | Ordering::Release
        | Ordering::SeqCst => {}
        _ => unreachable!("{:?}", order),

#[cfg_attr(debug_assertions, track_caller)]
pub(crate) fn assert_compare_exchange_ordering(success: Ordering, failure: Ordering) {
    match success {
        | Ordering::Acquire
        | Ordering::Relaxed
        | Ordering::Release
        | Ordering::SeqCst => {}
        _ => unreachable!("{:?}, {:?}", success, failure),
    match failure {
        Ordering::Acquire | Ordering::Relaxed | Ordering::SeqCst => {}
        Ordering::Release => panic!("there is no such thing as a release failure ordering"),
        Ordering::AcqRel => panic!("there is no such thing as an acquire-release failure ordering"),
        _ => unreachable!("{:?}, {:?}", success, failure),

pub(crate) fn upgrade_success_ordering(success: Ordering, failure: Ordering) -> Ordering {
    match (success, failure) {
        (Ordering::Relaxed, Ordering::Acquire) => Ordering::Acquire,
        (Ordering::Release, Ordering::Acquire) => Ordering::AcqRel,
        (_, Ordering::SeqCst) => Ordering::SeqCst,
        _ => success,