[][src]Crate async_logger

AsyncLoggerNB is implementation of asynchronous logger/queue that allows writing arbitrary slices to a memory buffer, and then send the buffer to a processing thread.

AsyncLoggerNB uses pair of fixed size buffers; while one buffer is being written by the multiple threads, the second is being proccessed by the single "writer" thread. Writing to a buffers is lock-free operation. Blocking appears only at the moment when buffers change their roles. This makes AsyncLoggerNB realy fast, and at the same time allows it be bounded. It can be effectively used in mutlithreaded mutlicore environment with high level of concurrent writes when you don't want to drop messages or run out of memory but still want to keep lock-free writes.

AsyncLoggerNB can process serialized data (stream of bytes) or custom complex data structures, and also references to objects.

AsyncLoggerNB can accept any "writer" as soon as it implements Writer trait. This package includes FileWriter that writes data to a file.

Implementation of log facade based on this crate is available as separate crate async_logger_log.


use async_logger::FileWriter;
use async_logger::AsyncLoggerNB;
use std::{thread, sync::Arc};

let writer = FileWriter::new("/tmp", 10*1024*1024).expect("Failed to create file writer");

let logger = Arc::new(AsyncLoggerNB::new(Box::new(writer), 8192)
    .expect("Failed to create new async logger"));

let write_line = "Hello, world!\n";
let logger_c = logger.clone();

let handle = thread::spawn(move || {




handle.join().expect("Failed on thread join");

match Arc::try_unwrap(logger) {
    Ok(logger) => logger.terminate(),
    Err(_) => panic!("Failed to terminate logger because it is still in use"),

When the size of data to be written is known in beforehand it may be more efficient to write data directly to the underlying buffer. In this case AsyncLoggerNB::reserve_slice can be used:

use async_logger::{FileWriter, AsyncLoggerNB, Writer};

// implement some custom writer along the way
struct Stub {}
impl Writer<u8> for Stub {
    fn process_slice(&mut self, slice: &[u8]) {
        for item in slice {
            println!("{}", item);
    fn flush(&mut self) {}

let logger = AsyncLoggerNB::new(Box::new(Stub {}), 8192)
    .expect("Failed to create new async logger");

// getting slice for writing
let mut slice = logger.reserve_slice(10).unwrap();

assert_eq!(10, slice.len());

// write to the logger buffer directly
for i in 0..10 {
    slice[i] = (i*i) as u8;

drop(slice);    // release the buffer

Sometimes it is more efficient to write a pointer to some existing instance of struct instead of copying the complete struct into buffer. This can be achieved by moving boxed reference to a struct to AsyncLoggerNB::write_value. See the documentation of the function write_value for details and example.


Recommended buffer size is to let holding from tens to hundreds of messages. Choosing too small size leads to performance degradation. And choosing too big size doesn't increase performance significantly but leads to resource waste.

Performance tests

Tests show that this lock-free implementation is at least not slower than comparable implementation with mutex, and can be at least two times faster under highly competitive load.


AsyncLoggerNB collects total time spent by threads waiting for free buffer space in nanoseconds, and total count of wait events. Metrics collection is enabled at compile time with feature metrics. After enabling metrics AsyncLoggerNB::get_metrics can be used to get the current metrics values. Note, the metrics values can wrap around after significant amount of time of running without interruption.


Attempt to get several instances of Slice struct at the same time in the same thread can cause deadlock.



Logger with non-blocking async processing.


Errors returned by the crate functions.


Writer to a file.


Metrics values.


Wrapper for writable slice of [T].



Error kinds.



Writer performs data processing of a fully filled buffer.