[][src]Crate async_logger_log

Asynchronous logger is a performant implementation of log facade. The implementation is based on async_logger crate, and allows non-blocking writes of references of log records in memory buffer. The messages in turn then processed in separate thread by writer (see more details in async_logger documentation).

Default log record format includes date, time, timezone, log level, target, and log message itself. Log record example:

[2020-03-15 11:47:32.339865887+0100 WARN thread]: log message.

The log record format, and other parameters are customizable with LoggerBuilder.


use async_logger_log::Logger;
use log::{info, warn};

let logger = Logger::new("/tmp", 256, 10*1024*1024).expect("Failed to create Logger instance");

log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger)).expect("Failed to set logger");

info!("{}", "test msg");
warn!("{}", "warning msg");


Custom writer and formatter:

use async_logger_log::Logger;
use async_logger::Writer;
use log::{debug, Record};

// Custom formatting of `log::Record`
fn custom_formatter(record: &Record) -> String {
    format!("log record: {}\n", record.args())
struct StdoutWriter {}
// Writer simply prints log messages to stdout
impl Writer<Box<String>> for StdoutWriter {
    fn process_slice(&mut self, slice: &[Box<String>]) {
        for item in slice {
            println!("{}", **item);
    fn flush(&mut self) { }
let logger = Logger::builder()
    .writer(Box::new(StdoutWriter {}))
log::set_boxed_logger(Box::new(logger)).expect("Failed to set logger");
debug!("{}", "Hello, Wrold!");


The formatting is done by the caller of logging macros. This operation produces String insance containing complete log message. Then the reference of that String instance is passed to the underling non-blocking queue. The log message is then fetched, processed, and dropped by the writer thread. So, the cost for the client mostly consists of allocation and building of log message string.

The logger doesn't drop the log messages if the queue is full. In that case the operation blocks until there is free slot in one of the queue buffers.

Dependency on time crate is optional and can be excluded by adding in Cargo.toml:

default-features = false



Log trait implementation.


Builder of Logger instance. It can be used to provide custom record formatter, and writer implementation.