async-std-utp 0.1.0

A µTP (Micro/uTorrent Transport Library) library implemented in Rust using async-std
//! Implementation of the [Micro Transport Protocol][spec].
//! This library provides both a socket interface (`UtpSocket`) and a stream interface
//! (`UtpStream`).
//! I recommend that you use `UtpStream`, as it implements the `Read` and `Write`
//! traits we all know (and love) from `std::io`, which makes it generally easier to work with than
//! `UtpSocket`.
//! [spec]:
//! # Installation
//! Ensure your `Cargo.toml` contains:
//! ```toml
//! [dependencies]
//! utp = "*"
//! ```
//! # Examples
//! ```no_run
//! use async_std_utp::UtpStream;
//! use async_std::prelude::*;
//! # fn main() { async_std::task::block_on(async {
//!     // Connect to an hypothetical local server running on port 8080
//!     let addr = "";
//!     let mut stream = UtpStream::connect(addr).await.expect("Error connecting to remote peer");
//!     // Send a string
//!     stream.write("Hi there!".as_bytes()).await.expect("Write failed");
//!     // Close the stream
//!     stream.close().await.expect("Error closing connection");
//! # }); }
//! ```
//! Note that you can easily convert a socket to a stream using the `Into` trait, like so:
//! ```no_run
//! # fn main() { async_std::task::block_on(async {
//! use async_std_utp::{UtpStream, UtpSocket};
//! let socket = UtpSocket::bind("").await.expect("Error binding socket");
//! let stream: UtpStream = socket.into();
//! # }); }
//! ```

// Optional features
#![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", feature(plugin))]
#![cfg_attr(feature = "clippy", plugin(clippy))]
    feature = "clippy",
#![cfg_attr(feature = "unstable", feature(test))]

// Public API
pub use crate::socket::UtpListener;
pub use crate::socket::UtpSocket;
pub use crate::stream::UtpStream;

mod bit_iterator;
mod error;
mod packet;
mod socket;
mod stream;
mod time;
mod util;