[][src]Crate async_recursion

Procedural macro for recursive async functions

Consider the following recursive implementation of the fibonacci numbers:

This example deliberately fails to compile
async fn fib(n : u32) -> u64 {
   match n {
       0     => panic!("zero is not a valid argument to fib()!"),
       1 | 2 => 1,
       3     => 2,
       _ => fib(n-1).await + fib(n-2).await
error[E0733]: recursion in an `async fn` requires boxing
--> src/main.rs:1:26
1 | async fn fib(n : u32) -> u64 {
 |                          ^^^ recursive `async fn`
 = note: a recursive `async fn` must be rewritten to return a boxed `dyn Future`.

This crate provides an attribute macro to automatically convert async fn f(...) -> ReturnType to a fn f(...) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = ReturnType> + Send>>


use async_recursion::async_recursion;

async fn fib(n : u32) -> u64 {
   match n {
       0     => panic!("zero is not a valid argument to fib()!"),
       1 | 2 => 1,
       3     => 2,
       _ => fib(n-1).await + fib(n-2).await


Currently the macro doesn't consider lifetimes at all; this is something I plan to work on in the future.


Licensed under either of

  • Apache License, Version 2.0 (LICENSE-APACHE or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0)
  • MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.

Attribute Macros
