async-proto 0.9.1

Simple async binary network protocols

This is async-proto, a library crate facilitating simple binary network protocols with async support.

The main feature is the [Protocol] trait, which allows reading a value of an implementing type from an async or sync stream, as well as writing one to an async or sync sink.

[Protocol] can be derived for enums and structs if all fields implement [Protocol].


The following features can be enabled via Cargo:

  • blocking: Shorthand for enabling both read-sync and write-sync.
  • chrono-tz: Adds a dependency on the chrono-tz crate and implements [Protocol] for its Tz type.
  • read-sync: Adds a blocking read_sync method to the [Protocol] trait.
  • serde_json: Adds a dependency on the serde_json crate and implements [Protocol] for its Value, Map, and Number types.
  • tokio-tungstenite: Adds a dependency on the tokio-tungstenite crate and convenience methods for reading/writing [Protocol] types from/to its websockets.
  • warp: Adds a dependency on the warp crate and convenience methods for reading/writing [Protocol] types from/to its websockets.
  • write-sync: Adds a blocking write_sync method to the [Protocol] trait.