async-lock 1.0.0

Reference-counted async lock


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Reference-counted async lock.

The Lock type is similar to std::sync::Mutex, except locking is an async operation.

Note that Lock by itself acts like an Arc in the sense that cloning it returns just another reference to the same lock.

Furthermore, LockGuard is not tied to Lock by a lifetime, so you can keep guards for as long as you want. This is useful when you want to spawn a task and move a guard into its future.


use async_lock::Lock;
use smol::Task;

let lock = Lock::new(0);
let mut tasks = vec![];

for _ in 0..10 {
    let lock = lock.clone();
    tasks.push(Task::spawn(async move { *lock.lock().await += 1 }));

for task in tasks {
assert_eq!(*lock.lock().await, 10);


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