Expand description

A GraphQL server library implemented in Rust



  • Fully supports async/await
  • Type safety
  • Rustfmt friendly (Procedural Macro)
  • Custom scalars
  • Minimal overhead
  • Easy integration (poem, actix_web, tide, warp, rocket …)
  • File upload (Multipart request)
  • Subscriptions (WebSocket transport)
  • Custom extensions
  • Apollo Tracing extension
  • Limit query complexity/depth
  • Error Extensions
  • Apollo Federation
  • Batch Queries
  • Apollo Persisted Queries

Crate features

This crate offers the following features, all of which are not activated by default:



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All examples are in the sub-repository, located in the examples directory.

Run an example:

git submodule update # update the examples repo
cd examples && cargo run --bin [name]


Ensure that there is no CPU-heavy process in background!

cd benchmark
cargo bench

Now a HTML report is available at benchmark/target/criterion/report.


pub use async_graphql_parser as parser;
pub use extensions::ResolveFut;
pub use parser::Pos;
pub use parser::Positioned;
pub use resolver_utils::ContainerType;
pub use resolver_utils::EnumType;
pub use resolver_utils::ScalarType;
pub use context::*;
pub use types::*;


Query context.


Batch loading support, used to solve N+1 problem.

Extensions for schema

A helper module that supports HTTP

Utilities for implementing OutputType::resolve.

Useful GraphQL types.


Define a scalar

Construct a ConstValue.


Cache control values

This type represents errors that can occur when deserializing.

An error with a message and optional extensions.

Extensions to the error.

An error parsing an input value.

A selection performed by a query.

A GraphQL name.

Represents a JSON number, whether integer or floating point.

GraphQL request.

Query response

Options for SDL export

GraphQL schema.

Schema builder

This type represents errors that can occur when serializing.

An error in a GraphQL server.

Validation results.

Variables of a query.


Batch support for GraphQL requests, which is either a single query, or an array of queries

Response for batchable queries

Introspection mode

An error parsing the request.

A segment of path to a resolver.

Validation mode

A resolved GraphQL value, for example 1 or "Hello World!".


Represents a custom directive.

Represents a custom input value validator.

An error which can be extended into a Error.

Field guard

An extension trait for Guard.

A GraphQL input object.

Represents a GraphQL input type.

A GraphQL interface.

A GraphQL object.

A GraphQL oneof input object.

Represents a GraphQL output type.

Extend a Result’s error value with ErrorExtensions.

A GraphQL subscription object

Used to specify the GraphQL Type name.

A GraphQL interface.


Interpret a ConstValue as an instance of type T.

Convert a T into ConstValue which is an enum that can represent any valid GraphQL data.

Type Definitions

An alias of async_graphql::Error. Present for backward compatibility reasons.

An alias of async_graphql::Result. Present for backward compatibility reasons.

An error parsing a value of type T.

An alias for Result<T, Error>.

Alias for Result<T, ServerError>.

Attribute Macros

Define a complex GraphQL object for SimpleObject’s complex field resolver.

Define a directive for query.

Define a GraphQL object with methods

Define a Scalar

Define a GraphQL subscription

Derive Macros

Attach a description to Object, Scalar or Subscription.

Define a GraphQL enum

Define a GraphQL input object

Define a GraphQL interface

Define a merged object with multiple object types.

Define a merged subscription with multiple subscription types.

Define a NewType Scalar

Define a GraphQL oneof input object

Define a GraphQL object with fields

Define a GraphQL union