async-global-executor 2.3.1

A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io
use crate::Task;
use async_executor::{Executor, LocalExecutor};
use std::future::Future;

pub(crate) static GLOBAL_EXECUTOR: Executor<'_> = Executor::new();

thread_local! {
    pub(crate) static LOCAL_EXECUTOR: LocalExecutor<'static> = LocalExecutor::new();

/// Runs the global and the local executor on the current thread
/// Note: this calls `async_io::block_on` underneath.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// let task = async_global_executor::spawn(async {
///     1 + 2
/// });
/// async_global_executor::block_on(async {
///     assert_eq!(task.await, 3);
/// });
/// ```
pub fn block_on<F: Future<Output = T>, T>(future: F) -> T {
    LOCAL_EXECUTOR.with(|executor| crate::reactor::block_on(

/// Spawns a task onto the multi-threaded global executor.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use futures_lite::future;
/// let task1 = async_global_executor::spawn(async {
///     1 + 2
/// });
/// let task2 = async_global_executor::spawn(async {
///     3 + 4
/// });
/// let task = future::zip(task1, task2);
/// async_global_executor::block_on(async {
///     assert_eq!(task.await, (3, 7));
/// });
/// ```
pub fn spawn<F: Future<Output = T> + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static>(future: F) -> Task<T> {

/// Spawns a task onto the local executor.
/// The task does not need to be `Send` as it will be spawned on the same thread.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use futures_lite::future;
/// let task1 = async_global_executor::spawn_local(async {
///     1 + 2
/// });
/// let task2 = async_global_executor::spawn_local(async {
///     3 + 4
/// });
/// let task = future::zip(task1, task2);
/// async_global_executor::block_on(async {
///     assert_eq!(task.await, (3, 7));
/// });
/// ```
pub fn spawn_local<F: Future<Output = T> + 'static, T: 'static>(future: F) -> Task<T> {
    LOCAL_EXECUTOR.with(|executor| executor.spawn(future))

/// Runs blocking code on a thread pool.
/// # Examples
/// Read the contents of a file:
/// ```no_run
/// # async_global_executor::block_on(async {
/// let contents = async_global_executor::spawn_blocking(|| std::fs::read_to_string("file.txt")).await?;
/// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) });
/// ```
/// Spawn a process:
/// ```no_run
/// use std::process::Command;
/// # async_global_executor::block_on(async {
/// let out = async_global_executor::spawn_blocking(|| Command::new("dir").output()).await?;
/// # std::io::Result::Ok(()) });
/// ```
pub fn spawn_blocking<F: FnOnce() -> T + Send + 'static, T: Send + 'static>(f: F) -> Task<T> {