asuran 0.1.6

Deduplicating, encrypting, fast, and tamper evident archive format
//! libasuran provides a consistent high-level interface to asuran archives
//! across multiple storage backends and backup targets.
//! Asuran allows for the storing of multiple rich archives in a single repository,
//! while providing encryption, compression, and global deduplication.
// Temporary, this seems to be causing a lot of issues with clippy right now

use byteorder::{BigEndian, WriteBytesExt};
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
use semver::Version;
use uuid::Uuid;

use std::convert::TryInto;

pub mod chunker;
pub mod manifest;
pub mod prelude;
pub mod repository;

pub const VERSION: &str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION");

lazy_static! {
    /// The pieces of the version string for this version of libasuran
    pub static ref VERSION_PIECES: [u16; 3] = {
        let mut output = [0_u16; 3];
        let version = Version::parse(VERSION).expect("Unable to parse version");
        output[0] = version.major.try_into().expect("Major version too big");
        output[1] = version.minor.try_into().expect("Minor version too big");
        output[2] = version.patch.try_into().expect("Patch version too big");

    /// The versions bytes for this version of libasuran, the concationation of major+minor+patch as
    /// u16s in network byte order
    pub static ref VERSION_BYTES: [u8; 6] = {
        let mut output = [0_u8;6];
        let items = VERSION_PIECES.iter();
        assert!(items.len() == 3);
        let mut wrt: &mut[u8] = &mut output;
        for i in items {
            // This unwrap can not fail, since we are writing to an array, and we have know we have
            // enough space, due to the static nature


    pub static ref VERSION_STRUCT: Version = {
        Version::parse(VERSION).expect("Unable to parse version")

    /// The UUID of this asuran implementation
    pub static ref IMPLEMENTATION_UUID: Uuid =
    // This unwrap can not fail, since we know the string in there is a valid UUID